Oof, Mei disabled till November 15th

i just been restarting the game thinking it bugged out because i couldn’t pick her, ill probably take a break from playing dps for 2 weeks then because mei is my go to game saver when my team is struggling or i am struggling or their genji and zrya are good. She solves alot of problems.


Wait, are you actually kidding me? :skull:


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Clown show sloppy shop.

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If this is happening, all you need to do is get a big post on Reddit or Twitter, preferably with big streamers picking it up from there. Blizzard has no clue about half the bugs in this game because they literally aren’t paying any attention.

Next Gen don’t have this issue.

It’s just an issue with Old Gen that’s exist since day 1.

Right, but for instance, Paladins and a lot of other games, they just fix PC first, then console gets their changes later.

But for whatever reason they shackled themselves never doing PC changes first.

For instance, they could probably push out Sojourn nerfs, today, if they wanted to.
But only on PC.

why devs no test first ? , always things rushed

Paladins Crossplay Is Weird for a reason though.

You know, good point. I kinda forgot how that would screw with crossplay.

Old Gen is just an anchor and should be recognized as such.

Cyberpunk next patch is next gen exclusive for a reason.

And you will soon see why.

Can this game go a week without disabling heroes oml


Imagine taking a character out in a game all about counter picks for two weeks. This once a month update schedule could kill the game. As a Mei DPS main I guess be back on the 15th.


Honestly this is so amateur for a game that wants to be a live service. Fixes like this need to be hotfixed immediately, not put on hold for weeks. I love this game so much but braindead choices like this are going to kill it. Do better Blizzard.

At the very very least PC needs to be fixed immediately and consoles can wait for cert. Why have your own platform like battle.net if you’re not going to do anything with it.


That would be impossible with the current set up because in ow2 crossplay is a thing.

“Mei will be away for 2 weeks, filming additional scenes in the upcomming " The Flash” superhero movie, acting as genderbent version of “Captain Cold”." :wink: :grin: :laughing:

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: First time I hear that. Been playing console Paladins for quite some time… :thinking:

absolutely incredible.


bastion, torb, mei removed from the game and sombra with a TP glitch in the payload. truly ground breaking work after 1 year of knowing they were working on pvp, most likely working on it for more then a year


Well to be fair with OW2 Mei changes they mine as well have deleted her from the game anyway.

Now they just removed the temptation for someone to make a bad decision.

I mean you’re saying that but never has the tweet adressed that issue ever. They only said “reaching unintended locations”. Wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t fix the other ones compared to the Junkertown “1 fix out 6”.

Something something e-sport something something uniformity for everyone watching.