Oof, Mei disabled till November 15th

The whole game is a bug.

It still blows my mind how is even possible to bug out something that was already in the game.


The whole company is bugged.

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In Deep Rock Galactic, but bugs are features :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, good point.
Why is this not an issue?

I get that having characters clip out of bounds is a terrible thing, but Sombra holding a payload indefinitely should definitely be seen as a big problem as well.


15 days to fix a critical bug, is it a joke or is it really a small indie company?


He could start WW5 and still get 0 kills :pensive:

it is a free 2 play game. :face_holding_back_tears:

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It’s Activision.

Repeating history.

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Well, if it was just fixing it for PC, they could do it really fast.
But for some reason they gotta slow things down to Console speed.

Kaplan: When we make balance changes, they have to go to the PTR [Public Test Region]. While they’re on the PTR, we’re also going through the console certification process for Sony, Microsoft, and now Nintendo. On average, that takes a week—and that doesn’t include testing or deploying, so it can be a long process. To change the damage of McCree’s gun by one point takes longer than players think.

Then, from a balancing standpoint, we also want to live with those changes for a while before making our next round. So, it ended up putting us on an almost bi-monthly balance schedule, just by the nature of the process.

Jeff Kaplan and Michael Heiberg on Experimental mode, Triple Damage, and ice cream economics - News - Overwatch

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Shhhhhhhh stay quiet

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I’d say I was surprised, but lets be real B[L]izzard is the king of Ls at this moment.

They’re testing hero bans.

Likely cause of the old gen consoles.

Cyberpunk had the same issues.

OW2 should have stayed Next Gen.

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This never happened in the original, it’s unacceptable that a hero can even be removed for weeks like bastion, this is just going to become a running meme, of “which hero do we not get to play this week?” what a joke.

I’d rather they take the whole game down for a week, and fix everything than randomly remove heroes when they feel like it.


The outrage would have been unreal

I guess hero bans are back every 2 weeks

It’s more of the limits of the console, not the game.

Been old Gen problem for awhile.

Maybe just maybe, these long stretches of time where people literally can not play their hero due to a small bug shows that waiting to push patches is not a good thing?

I guarantee Torb and Bastion’s bug could have been fixed in a day with a hotfix, but no it clearly needed to be held back to go out with the big patch.

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It isn’t a big deal to most people cause Bastion and Mei are unpopular, can’t wait for Genji to have a game breaking bug that takes weeks to fix :slight_smile:

I mean, as a biased PC player. I’d just do the fix real fast for PC, then have console players wait.

Like that would solve the complaints of like 99% of streamers/pros.

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