One year of Symmetra 3.0

It’s not about it being a problem. I’m just talking how Photon Barrier worked in Sym2. I, personally, think requiring a turret as “ammo” is a good balance compromise instead of just giving her an extra cooldown.

Making the barrier place a turret where it stopped is a function it didn’t had, and I think implementing it is a bad idea both for balance reasons, and because you want to aim turrets and barrier differently (ie, it will not feel like natural gameplay).

Well if it actually WAS a turret then it would, logically, be using a turret as ammo.

Do you want a balanced hero or do you want nostalgia?

Because if nostalgia is what you want forget about trying to fix Symm 3.0, you need to petition for a new hero that is basically reintroducing Symm 2.0 as - I don’t know - Symm’s android clone. And it’s just symm 2.0’s mechanics all returned just tweaked the values to be balanced this time.

If brig gets one more change away from her core kit power, I’m out lol. She’s my only ho

Been there, done that. Still do, when people ask if I want a full revert.

I don’t want a revert because I don’t want the fans of Sym3 to pass through the same stuff we, fans of Sym2, passed through. They are different enough from each other that they deserve being two heroes.

Echo is a good opportunity for that, and I’m 100% sure the devs are aware of Sym fanbase complaining about their favorite gameplay no longer existing in the game. I’m waiting for Echo to be released before I make more noise about this specific petition.

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My suggestion: don’t get your hopes up.

The devs have made quite a big deal about Echo and I don’t think they’re going to use echo just to bring back the playstyle of a hero they unceremoniously deleted. They’e almost certainly going to want to try something brand new.

I’m already half outside the game. Echo’s kit resonating with me is basically the only thing that might pull me back.

Not a big issue, there is plenty of good games out there fighting for my free time.

I am upset on how un-unique she became. I wish they would of actually designed a different primary weapon. I wish the ulti was offensive and the photon barrier stayed as a basic ability. i wish she got an actual defensive ability instead of the teleporter or at least make the tele cast faster / instant. i wish they would of made her a new RMB too instead of just making it a weaker version of pharahs after removing its unqiue go through shield ability.

For now Nothing has changed for me. I rocked her before and still do now. Only difference is that she is just more boring and less aesthetically/ themely unique.

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Removed abilities are likely to make return appearances. When Roadhog was nerfed because his hook was too much of a one-shot, the very next release was Doomfist, entirely focused on one-shots. When Torb was reworked and lost his ultimate turret of doom, the next release was Ashe, flaunting the mobile version of the removed ult.

I’d say it’s not just possible for Echo to have parts of Symm’s kit, it’s likely.

I honestly like the new symmetra. her old beam was too hard to use without dying before you even got into range. now with 12m she can get close enough to put her beam on someone and let them learn the function of the defrost setting.

But in all honesty, symm will continue to be bad so long as snipers or burst hitscan exist in the game as their strength levels. having to track a hitscan beam around a target who is activly attempting to dodge you will never be as easy as shooting a hitscan weapon which does 70+ damage each shot before adding in headshot multipliers

They could of at least made her primary a flat base damage beam. The bug in the ptr that made her beam max charge 247 if you keybind the auto fire on ur scroll wheel showed how powerful it can be at max charge 100 percent of the time. but seeing how that is impossible to do realistically without the bug, I would rather just have it flat, with a decent flat width.

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actually that bug was a tickrate bug where you could apply multiple ticks of damage at the same time. so it was sym’s base damage being applied several times because of the scroll wheel

regardless. It was OP / broken AF, but it actually felt way less frustrating then watching the live beam be useless until it hits level 3. again, i rather have a flat consistent dmg, not a starcraft void ray auto.

Well we can agree to disagree about the layers

So that aside What do you think about the old shield fitting in the kit

Kinda, she still feels like theres something missing to her and has suprisingly high amount of setup time…

Ehhhhhhhhhh maybe? i dunno the current meta would have been good for 2.0

A bit yeah i miss original sym


I just wish they kept old photon barrier in the new kit would have had tons of synergy. And really helped the character function as a whole.

Had they left that ability in I would still be playing sym

I feel like the best design for sym would be a hybrid of 3.0 and 2.0

Maybe have a hybrid ult between shield gen and wall

An overcharge mechanic for orbs for piercing

Maybe a “soft lock” (i know its not a lock its just a name) on primary like moiras

6 throweable turrets

Maybe photon barriet on F

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Some things good, some things bad. Turrets feel better to place, but the Teleporter is not nearly as useful as it needs to be.

I miss her Photon Barrier a lot, even though that too needed improvements. I’ve grown to like the ult, but miss the utility that the Shield Generator brings.

Her new primary beam is just obnoxious on console where precise tracking is difficult, her secondary is more useful but again I miss the old version that penetrated shields.

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personally loved 2.0 much much more than 3.0.
but i dont ask for a revert. what i wish is that they either
a) make a new hero with the exact kit of 2.0 and balance them properly
b) give sym a unique passive: upon picking her (limited to once per round) the player can pick one of her kits as they desire

syms character is all about being creative, building something. why cant we build custom movesets for her? that could be her breakthrough, i truly believe in it.

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Yeah a revert would be a terrible idea.

I was just hoping Sanjay would be released with 2.0s kit it would make a lot of sense in the lore and the two playstyles are different enough that it could easily be justified.

They would have to nerf shield gen though. I thought it would be good if they had it only be able recharge a total of 500 hp that way the enemy has more counterplay options against it. That would also help tie it into getting partial charge back between checkpoints

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I used to rock with Sym 2.0, and I always argued people just weren’t using her right. I don’t use Sym 3.0 now. I tried for a while, but she’s just a hollow shell and not worth it anymore.

Sym 3.0 needs either offensive or defensive viability in the form of one of her previous abilities returning, either:
A) Her orbs pierce shields again so she’s offensively viable against all the shields we have, especially bunker, or
B) She gets her old deployable shield barrier back that will give her the defensive viability to survive and help her team a little more. She was never a tank with 2.0 barrier, but it was a clutch ability that was heavily underused by most Sym players. As is, she is far too weak in the range where she is most effective, so all you see is players deploying turrets and then hiding behind the entire team firing orbs.