One tricking questions

We can also skip this whole discussion and simply recognize that if Blizzard had a problem with one tricks, it’s stupidly easy to program a limitation to prevent people from playing the same hero over and over again.

Anyone that play this game long enough remember that 3v3 had a solid Soldier-Hog-Ana meta, until they implement an automated hero ban system for the winning team. It would be easy to adjust this to comp in some manner, like:

If any hero compromises over 50% of your total playtime in the season, this hero is locked until you play enough with the other heroes to overcome this 50% barrier.

This would singlehandedly remove one-tricking from competitive, and not persecute only off-meta players. If the situation is still considered bad because of “two-tricks” or something like that, you can adjust the percentage to 40% or 30% or whatever. The lower it is, the larger hero pool you need to constantly use in comp.

thats a lot of work tho XD

Not to me. It might ‘technically’ be false, but I don’t care (FYI I don’t report players who do it, I’m just saying that I would consider it a fair report). They might be trying their best as that hero, but they aren’t actually trying their best to win. Trying to win would be swapping when the situation calls for it. Like going from Ana to Mercy because you can’t hit sleepdart/need the rez.

I still disagree. Instalocking a hero and only playing them despite circumstance isn’t saying “hey I’m good at this guy” it’s saying “hey, I want to play this character even though he might suck against enemy composition”. I think we’re thinking of different types of people. I think of a one-trick as some jack*** who doesn’t swap because they think they’re a god at the role they play, and you’re thinking of someone who just isn’t confident they can perform as another hero.

I’ve been the second one. I was playing Orisa, and they asked me to be Reinhardt instead. I refused (because I suck at Rein). I’m perfectly fine with other people being the same way. My problem is when people refuse to play another role because they’d rather play who they want than do what is best for the team. If you don’t do what is best for the team, because you’re being selfish, you are throwing.

Not really. Because you only need to check two variables: The time played on your top hero this season (“A”), and the total time played in season (“B”).

If A > 0.5*B, Ban A for this player during the next match.

Simple check. Do it once at the start of every match.

Oh, the extremely rude and stubborn people are very annoying. That I agree on. But, that could also be the barrier we’re discussing.

To me, if someone is a good Hammond, they might be good at D.Va who is slightly less mobile but does a lot of damage as well. I’m thinking along those lines, yes.

I do personally tend to report one tricks if they’re yeeting off into the sunset to feed the team on purpose and aren’t assisting at all, though. If they’re rude/yeet-y enough, I don’t even heal them after some time. >_> (Competitive only, though.)

If you’re yeeting to be disruptive and diving with another person, it’s fine. If you’re just doing it to try and 1v6… repeatedly… no.

As most hammonds will do XD

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I’m a really good Hammond, but I’m trash as lol.

Yeah, I’m glad we’re somewhat on the same page now. I like to think that I’d stop healing annoying people, but in reality do it without thinking about it, so I can’t say “I’m not healing you anymore if you’re jumping in solo” because I’ll still heal them lol

If you’re the main healer, a threat to not heal them if they keep throwing themselves into the sun is very effective. I’ve done this on several occasions to rude, flaming people and they were quick to calm down.

If we can all agree here that yeeting into the sunset is throwing then i can be happy and leave this thread alone XD

Technically, it’s feeding, not throwing. Which is also a bannable offense on itself.

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You can report anyone for any reason. It is genuinely that simple. So use your own discretion, whatever that may be.

Only if you wanna be warned/banned yourself for false reporting.
The descriptions are there for a reason.

This post is kinda weird for me. I never have had a one trick problem XD i just wanted to know how people felt. it seems like its a VERY passionate subject

The system is automated and therefore it is impossible to discern which reports were false and whatnot outside of streaming yourself doing it. I do not false report people because I have standards. But I do not judge those who are using thr system as intended either. That would be asinine.

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Depends on not working with the team. If they are excessively feeding or not willing to group up, I perceive that as Gameplay Sabotage. They however are not obligated to be mandated to any given “meta” team composition. If they use their hero to play in formation with the rest of the team and working to win the match, they are trying and should not be reported.


Well thank you kind sir :slight_smile:

One tricking is soft throwing basically.

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This is the fun part. The line is blurry on each end. But technically their is no line if nobody knows.

Your example is like when you’re a kid and someone is playing on the monkey bars and you can’t tell on him because he’s allowed to, so instead you tell on him for hogging it and not letting anyone else take a turn.

Your example is literally just trying to find a loophole to find a way to report him because you don’t like what he’s doing.

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It’s the truth though.