One tricking questions

So like we cant report them for one tricking right but can we report them for refusing to work with a team? For example a ball one trick who just wont play bunker on maps that are super good for it. I just dont know where the line begins or ends with this kinda stuff

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You cannot report them. They are free to play whoever they like regardless of if you think they should or shouldn’t. This is the end of the line.


But like. its competitive. thats where my issue is. There isnt much comeptitive spirit behind " I like this character idc if he is good"

You can’t bully someone into playing your composition. It’s not reportable, full stop. If you want to dictate your team’s hero selections I highly recommend stacking.


Two scenarios for you:

I was playing a game the other day with 5 DPS on my team. I can’t report them.

I was playing healer in a team and my allies started giving me abuse. I switched off healer. They can’t report me.

I’m free to switch to any hero I like, whenever I like, just as others can switch. It’s non reportable and that’s a good thing imo.


I mean did you ask someone to take your role before swapping off or were you just like " yeah i am not healing for a bunch of rude people" there kinda a big difference. this is my issue. If a one trick is in voice and is like " ok this is what we need to do" thats very fun to play with. But a symm one trick off voice who tried to do huge redit tp tricks should be reported imo

No. If you feel like they’re such a detriment you avoid them then stomp them next game if they’re so bad.

Reporting in that situation is a false report and technically bannable.


Nope, there is not a law in the land that dictates that a healer has to remain in a role if she/he doesn’t want to. I can switch whenever I like and it’s un reportable.

You can’t report someone for playing Sym. :yum:

Edit: What you can do is treat your healer with respect and value her/him and then maybe she’ll continue healing you. :hearts:


you cant. its not reporteable…regardless of if they dont want to switch talk or coordinate at all, its not reporteable,


The more you know :slight_smile: i guess competitive will never be fixed :frowning:

i can totally understand why this is a thing though

imagine if they said that yes its reporteable…

Who says when im “not beeing effective” ? where is that written? maybe im having a bad match, dont diserve to be reported for that,

what if im like, i just want to play this hero for one match to practice, should i be reported for not switching?

what if im feeling sick and dont want to communicate, should i get reported?

really allowing this to be reporteable will open the floodgates for multiple issues


I never said not talking was reportable. I just dont know why competitive can still be quickplay. I feel like people click on it for shiny guns instead of a competitive environment and thats what frustrates me about one trick. They provide very little to a competitive mode that legit says “COMPETITIVE” right on it. It dosent make sense to have a compeititve mode when they also say you can play whatever you want and there can be no backlash

I highly recommend you to watch this video:

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Thank you :slight_smile: i will be watching this now

This video just told me that even blizzard dosent know what to do XD

Players are at the rank that they should be at. It is a truth that different heroes will be better/worse in the hands of different players. If a Sym player plays lots of Sym then she/he will be a Sym player suited for the rank that she/he is at. So, you can expect to get that level of play out of him/her.

Whereas, if you have a situation where you demand a player switch to a hero that you believe will be more effective, it might actually be forcing the player to play a hero that he/she is bad with.

Like, you could have a preconception that Ana is better than Mercy, but then the player behind the keyboard might be a very skilled Mercy and be terrible with Ana. Would you rather that player be a great Mercy or a terrible Ana? The same will be true for Sym. You want a good Sym or a terrible Soldier?

If the Sym didn’t deserve to be at the rank he/she is at, then he/she wouldn’t be there.

There are situational concerns with maps and comps of course, but still, you cannot force anyone to play anything. It’s polite to flex if you can, but it’s not mandatory. I will for example flex from Mercy onto Lucio if my team is playing GOATs or we’re on a map that favours Lucio. But, I won’t flex to Ana just because my team thinks she does “more healing”, even though I’ll out heal Ana 99% of the time on Mercy.

Yet, some times I’ll be accused of throwing simply for picking Mercy, before the match has even begun. This is the mentality of players, and it’s why the report system would be HIGHLY abused if you implemented it in the way you’ve suggested.


yes and no to this.

If mercy is deemed ineffective by the team then that would mean that the mercy is worse that a bad ana according to everyone else in that team. if that makes sense XD. Not to say it makes it just or right but im just saying its a competitive mode. i feel like people who are in that mode should be held to a certain expectation of meta knowledge.

And what if the team deems that the grass is blue? Does it make it so?

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Uh. Thats completely irrelevant to building a team XD.

The point is, that a team can deem anything, but they are not necessarily qualified to pass judgement.


No one’s ever gotten mad at me for one tricking Reinhardt. Never been asked to switch or heard one complaint. Just sayin. Hmmm… :thinking:

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