One tricking questions

They might not be the most qualified people but they are your team for that game. They determine if you win or lose so why not work with them? Losing and dying alot isnt fun XD

This is a team shooter. There is no point in playing a team shooter if you aren’t willing to work as a team. If an entire team is willing to do a composition except for one person, they are the weak link, and can cause the team to lose because they don’t want to do something.

Those are both different scenarios than what the OP is describing. He is describing people only playing one hero, and refusing to use teammwork, in a competitive scene. That is throwing imo, because you are refusing to do what’s best for the game, when a situation calls for it. The beauty of Overwatch is the ability to switch heroes in the middle of the game, something many other team-shooters don’t offer. If people refuse to play a hero that is more beneficial, then they are throwing.

Here is an example. There is a Pharah on the enemy team, and your teams DPS are Junkrat and Reaper. If I (the support/tank) ask you to switch to someone who can easily take out Pharah, because she is killing me, and they both refuse because they don’t want to, they are saying “I don’t want to win”.

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You’re playing a universally good hero though… he’s been the top tank for pretty much the entire time the game has been in existence (except for some spots here and there). He is statistically performing better than any other tank in his role, so it makes since that you wouldn’t recieve flak for it.

I main(ed) Ana a long time ago. I got asked to swap all the time to play a different support, until Ana became meta again. (I mean after the triple tank meta, specifically). I didn’t one-trick her, but she was by far my best. It just depends on who you’re one tricking. Is it necessarily fair that some people get to one-trick heroes while others can’t? No. But is it fair that someone refuses to play the game as it’s meant to be played (as a TEAM shooter)? Also no.

And you’d report them for that? If so, then it’s a false report.


How is someone supposed to get better at a hero if they don’t practice it? Are they only supposed to play easy heroes? Does the player only have an obligation to their current team and not their future teams? Wouldn’t they be throwing their future games if they didn’t get better now? This is competitive like you said and getting better is the ultimate goal.

quick play, training range, custom games.

this legit makes 0 sense. You should be held to a standard to work with the team thats in your current game

You cannot get better in competitive game mode by playing quick play. You get better at competitive by playing competitive.

And future games. You have an obligation to be the best player you can.

Or because my hitscan is ultimately terrible and I would be one less body racking kills on the ground while still not being able to kill Pharah. It happened to me more than once. We get cover from Pharah, and win the ground battle. If she gets close enough to contest the point, we are close enough to hit her with our close range heroes.

Also, if you as support/tank judge that Pharah is the reason why our team is losing, I don’t mind if you swap into a hitscan yourself and deal with her. Honestly. If I judge losing your tank will hurt the team more, I swap to your old character. Sometimes going with less tanks can give you an edge because the team is more scattered, and heroes that rely on AoE damage (like Pharah) get less effective.

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yes you can? thats is almost exclusively what those are their for LOL

I’m not saying that I would report them, but I’m saying that to me, it’s the same as throwing a game. If someone only plays Pharah, even if they’re a god, they will have maps where Pharah can’t function, or have counters on the enemy team, or healers that can’t quite heal her effectively (Lucio/Baptiste/Moira), and if they aren’t willing to accept that and still only play the same hero, they are going to be one of the biggest reasons a game is going to be lost.

They may be the reason a game is won, but if they only play a certain hero, I guarantee you they will lose games, and they will be at fault. Maybe not entirely, but partially.

How do you get better for a competitive game mode centered around team work and a 2/2/2 meta with 5 dps in your party going in different directions constantly?

You don’t.

you act like thats all qp is LOL only 5 dps. But lets say thats all qp was. The traininf range still helps you get comfotorble with what the heros abilities do AND EVEN FURTHER you have custom games which can do whatever you want them to now so please explain how nonw of this will help you get better XD

Again, how do you get better at shooting real players with different hitboxes than training bots while shooting at well… training bots…

You don’t.

They shouldn’t practice heroes in a competitive scene, where you are trying to WIN. Practicing heroes is in arcade, custom games, or quick play. I’m perfectly fine with someone trying a new hero in competitive, but not if they have no experience with that hero. But that is not what the thread is about. The thread is about one-tricking, where someone only plays one hero. You aren’t practicing a hero if you only play them and them alone. I understand the need to practice, but that is not what I’m talking about.

Practicing heroes for competitive using quick play will be harmful to your positioning and awareness of what competitive is actually about. The only way to really practice is by doing it, and you know as well as I do that quick play and competitive are 2 separate games.

Unless you’re rank 1, you need to practice in my opinion.

exactly. and if someone goes into comp with the mindset of “Im doing this and no one can stop me” then thats not competitive. Its selfish and makes no sense in the TEAM based shooter

you can program custom games now. I think thats more than enough

Can you program bots to move like real humans?


Can you program bots to combo ultimates?


Do bots have similar positioning to humans?


So how is any of this helpful to making me a better player?

Well, this thread was about what you can report players for, but I’m glad we’re both in agreement that you can’t report people for this.

I think the crux of the matter is that whilst others can make assumptions about how a specific hero would be more effective in a specific scenario, only the player of that hero understands their own personal skill levels with that specific hero and so only the player is qualified to decide which hero would be best played by him/her in whatever scenario they’re up against.

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Youre right they dont. But they have the same hotboxes and what the heck does play like a human even mean XD im mostly saying its a start for people. and at leats getting in some aim practice and hero knowledge is better than going in blind in a competitive game mode :slight_smile:

I was never talking about going in blind to competitive. I was talking about practicing a hero.