One trick ban-able

my boi zenyatta is useful! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Good luck on that.:joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hate to tell you but soft throwing and throwing is 100% breaking TOS and is bannable. From Blizzard’s own Rules of Conducts across all of their games

Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.

Now whether or not someone is throwing by one-tricking is debatable. I’ve seen one tricks banned before. I also see many one tricks running around like chickens with their heads cut off. So Blizzard absolutely agrees its against their rules, just on a case by case basis. 75% of the time the player isn’t intentionally throwing.

Fake news.

Blizzard has already verified that one-tricking isn’t against the rules. Abusing the report system in an attempt to ban innocent players doesn’t prove otherwise.


I would believe he means when you play something that is bound to make you lose by design as the enemies simply don’t even have to bother putting any thought about dealing with you as you die or feed by default over and over. For example, if you try to out-snipe a better sniper from a disadvantage position, run pharah without being able or know how to flank versus a good hitscan or just have a hog taking damage for the lulz of maybe getting out a fun ulti even if that means that the enemy team will have theirs while the rest of the HoGs team will be stuck on like 40-60% every fight.

So I would guess what he’s after is not really the heroes themself or the skill level of the player but rather how some prefer to run into a brick wall over and over again refusing to adapt the slightest in order to not running into that wall one more time, at least not with a 100% certainty.

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Sooooo those banned players who were one tricks were just imagining things then eh? K. You right. Fake news.

Not only is the statement I posted more recent, but it literally says in the game that one-tricking is not gameplay sabotage.

I’ll say it again: Abusing the report system to ban innocent players doesn’t prove violation of the rules.


Good one-trick exists though, regardless of the meta. Definitely not bannable. You just need to play around the bad ones and work with what you have.


I hate to tell you but just cause someone one tricks heroes doesnt mean that they’re throwing.

If anything your attitude is just childish atm.


By the idiotic philosophy that OP has, I guess back in season 10 even though I had a 80% WR after 40 games in masters during a meta that hard countered Rat,I was throwing since I was a One trick.

-One tricks Win and lose just as much as everyone else
That’s why we are everywhere: We aren’t throwing by any means. But what ever, guess ProLikeChro, Fuey, Stevoo, the other 5 GM/Masters Junk One tricks I know etc. are all just filthy throwers


Just report everyone for what you want. The system does not care how often you report people (you will not get punished as there is no detection of report spammimg/false reporting). I went Ana and a threestack reported me because they wanted a baptist :slight_smile: No warnings or stuff so far. But if that widow plays widow in double shield every match and gets reported every match, there might be a ban as the system is automated.

X amount of reports over Y matches and you get a warning (basically the system tells you while you are free to play what you like, please do not play whar you like or we might ban you because the community wants to).

So just report everyone you think is throwing and if enough people do it … boom a ban. I see that ,switch to xyz or we report you’’ in every second match mostly targeted at off tanks or DPS

And weve all had these people thinking they can flex but provide absolutely nothing


I’m a ball onetrick so I’d like to say that onetricks are wildcards that can either carry or feed and it really depends on the enemy comp or map. The best thing for fellow onetricks to do is learn a hero that can get value if the enemy is playing your counters. Like I learned zarya since she does good against cc.

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Chances are that one-tricks are going to get more value out of their hero than anyone else on the team who’s flexing. Why? They obviously know that hero more intricately given the amount of time dedicated to it. But you don’t like it because you happened to lose a game with a one-trick on your team. Maybe if you focused more on working with them instead of complaining and soft throwing, you’d have pulled out a W.


You’re entirely right. A onetrick that only plays their chosen hero is going to get little value off of a different one, so it is best to just try to work with them, instead of getting titled.


That can be applied to literally anyone, one trick or not.

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When its out of context yeah

No, can still be applied to literally anyone

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The argument can be turned around… It’s like the philosophical question if the glass is half empty or half full.
If we have two players, both determined by the system to be of the same skill level but one being a one-trick while the other one adapting during the game in a way blizzard have stated to be part of the intended game design we run into a few potential issues if we want to claim that a one-trick and a flex can be of the same skill level in terms of actual skill.

I kind of have to use an example in order to make it more comprehensible. Let’s imagine we have 3 players all been determined to be of let’s say 3k MMR, 1 torb only and 2 “flex” players with torb as one of their regular played heroes. Now the torb only would in your average game obviously perform better than what the other two would do as playing the same hero only have some benefits as you repeat something over and over it’s kind of a no-brainer that would help with something like consistency.
Now the question is what would happen if we choosed one of the “flex” players to only start one-tricking just as the original Torb, would he perform better after a bit of practice? The likely answer is obviously yes.

What I’m trying to illustrate here is that yes, one-tricks are likely to be equally good or even better on their hero compared to someone of the same MMR who don’t one-trick but this can only be achieved if there’s some sort of trade off, right? It would be unreasonable to believe that you can be equally good, play a hero better and bring more consistency into your gameplay of someone else who is estimated to be equally good as you, it simply don’t add up.

The most logical explaination is therefore most likely that the player who isn’t as consistent also brings a lot more over- and underperforming into their games. Like if the concistent one-trick is 2.5k and play like 2.5k vast majority of the game time the flex might go up and down between maybe 2.3 to 2.7k.

Now normally consistency would be great in a context of trying to match people of the same skill but due to the design of overwatch it have kind of the reversed effect, now statistically the one-trick will win about 50% of the games, he/she can even afford losing a bit more than likely if being under diamond due to PBSR favors consistency, especially in losing games.
Anyways, it would also mean that such player would have less potential impact on the outcome of the game and bring a more static experience for the teammates as you would feel that you either play off the game or losing a game you could have won if all players would have been able to perform better than average in order to match the other teams overperforming. Especially when you are likely to play better than you normally would if you gain a momentum of some sorts and again, OW is designed much around that for better and worse.

TL;DR - The point of this long text, which could be completly wrong or partially wrong… anyways, it’s not about judging one-trick players or the matchmaking system itself. I’m just trying to give a reasonable explaination to why “normal” players feel that one-tricks have a negative impact on their games in general.

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I more so made my comment just to identify that reporting one-tricks isn’t reliable on the subject of throwing or soft-throwing. Sometimes one-tricks are underwhelming. Sometimes meta picks are underwhelming.

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