One-Punch Man x Overwatch 2 Event

Right but QP and Arcade still exist.

Fix your game dumbass

There is an in game way, its just ridiculously slow. It should at least be 200 coins a week i feel for completing EVERY weekly. That way its still a bit of a grind, but its a manageable one

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I wouldn’t pay one cent for any of the skins. They look absolutely terrible .

those are legacy coins, which are great, but you can’t use them to purchase anything that’s in the shop. legacy coins only count for older skins.

$25 for a skin. So to get all skins in this “event”, we’d have to spend $75?

Yall are literal garbage people and you should be ashamed of working at blizzard.


Another cash grab… I mean event


I agree! Blizzard should just shut down the entire company as all they want to do… is… be a company?

I have a feeling your teachers really struggled with consistently trying to remind you to flex your critical thinking skills. If you used those, perhaps you would be less confused.

I get what you’re saying, but it’s quite different, Anime is more of a general pop culture thing nowadays

Yes! I agree! I don’t understand the in/outs of a company so please do explain to me why they should STOP efforts to make money so they can be successful!

So is this collab strictly limited-time? After the duration ends they are good for good?

All I am saying is that I spend money on lot of free to play games, Cryonis. Regularly and large sums. Can you guess how much money I have spent since the changed the title digitally?

There is a reason for it. A reason that everyone points out before you strawman them. I love a good mystery, so I believe I will leave you in suspense.

I understand placing this in shops. but fix your game. matchmaking and ranking. I deranked 5 divisions from my rank and then got a rankup. ex. Gold 4 yesterday, got placed recently from silver 4 to silver 1 (with 2 losses).

you’re gonna loose people faster than you can make skins.

Probably 40 dollars for cyber hog and colossus hog if your profile pic is any indication of your hero choice.

I don’t think the skins are overpriced if you are referring to that. OW1 players paid 60$ 7 years ago to get 100s of cosmetics. Now you have new players who don’t have to pay anything and can still get OW1 cosmetics and some free BP cosmetics.

Yup and it sells well, that’s why Blizzard has been (mostly) all about Japanese culture since October 4th (through Kiriko, cinematics, skins, events, themes).

I hope we get the chance to explore something else in the future and that the next two heroes come from different countries (no matter if it’s an Asian country, as long as it’s not China or Japan - we need to see other countries, preferably some that are not on Overwatch yet).

I had never heard of One Punch Man before they announced this cross over event. So unless I like one of the store skins enough to buy it, then all I will get from this event is the free stuff I’ll get for playing matches.

The kiriko skin is no where near a legendary, it looks great on her but yeah :confused:

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it’s 10:44a PST — is the update still happening today? 07MAR23 – or did I misread the post? edit* i ask, because it hasn’t happened yet…

love all the new skins, luv One punch man, but blizz is getin greedy.
I havent spent a penny on OW2.

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