One-Punch Man x Overwatch 2 Event

Wow grind on a game that still isn’t fixed and what’s given to us that wasn’t promised pay for it and then work your off in a game that doesn’t even adequately give you the satisfaction as OverWatch one did and then hopefully you’ll get the skins which you had already paid money for no loot boxes no rewards still broken system along with hackers throwers and aim bottles even though it’s for free my time is in free and I will not waste it

Of course they take literally the best 3 out of 4 skins and lock them behind paywalls

no thanks.


No thank you.
I dont want other non-blizzard collabs in Overwatch.

I wish you’d keep your creative integrity.
Catering to mouth-breathing, brainwashed 13 year olds may be good for your wallets, but man does it water down your identity.
I hate what Blizzard is coming to… I mean, no one has any exceptions except you’re going to dissappoint though, so I guess its par for the course.

It starts with OPM, but Americans love to earn money, so you guys will end up with Clash of Clans collabs, Burger King Collabs, Nike Collabs. Coca Cola collabs.


This is a shop advertisement, this is embarrassing


all of them store exclusive?
why even?

And, when it came to bringing the powerful psychic, Terrible Tornado to life, we knew no other Overwatch 2 hero could match her personality better than Kiriko!

I’d probably get this skin being a Kiriko main but I can’t justify that price for what is, by Blizzard’s own standards, nothing more than an epic recolour.

The scummy monetisation will absolutely kill this game faster than the broken matchmaking.

Is the mid-season patch part of this too?

Did you have this same energy for Pink Mercy and Lego Bastion?

Breast Cancer…? I fail to see how charitable events are related to this.
Charitable events are good, and I support them.
Pink Mercy is not based on a “Breast Cancer Woman”…?

I wasn’t around for Lego Bastion.
But: Point me to the character “Lego Bastion” is based on. Unlike OPM, it’s not a “cosplay” in the same way the OPM collab is.
I also find Lego to be a lot less fan-servicy than what OPM collab is.
The intent behind the Lego collab and the OPM collab is totally different.
You can’t compare, say an “Attack on Titan” collab with a “Playmo” collab.

Exactly. The LEGO skin is just a hero using a weird material, like all the Christmas skins that use candy canes. The OPM skins are a Family Guy cutaway gag for players to look at and say, “Holy crap Lois, One Punch Man is in Overwatch!”

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I mean the Blizzard collabs are essentially the same as the OPM one. The OW characters cosplaying as another character from a different franchise.

Thanks for the reply.

You are totally correct.
Franchises owned by Blizzard. Most people who play OW also plays other Blizzard games, and it’s not just taken out of thin air. Its more a celebration of their other games, in an “all-star” type of way.

I know you want to say “but its the same!” but it is not. It is not the same as inter-company collabs.

And like nearly every other event since OW2, I barely care. Some what neat skins and nothing else is hardly worth getting interested in if there is no way to earn them in game.

They aren’t that amazing I’d pay $20+ for them, and if every one can just buy them that means every one who has one just has a big wallet. It takes no effort or skill to achieve.

I’ve said it before with OWL and Twitch drops but Overwatch has been going down the road of the best way to earn stuff in game, is to not play the game. Buy it or watch it, but never play it.

It’s the same in terms of breaking themes with characters.

But it is different from a money making standpoint.

It is not the same.

You could say it’s the same, but that’s 100% intellectual dishonesty.
Including a character from book series X you wrote, into book series Y you wrote is a homage you are creatively and legally allowed do.
Including Sauron or Harry Potter in your own fantasy is something that requires copyright deals etc.
It is not the same.
Nuances is so hard to get in this day and age, and young people love looking at everything with binary mindsets. Its not. Its not the same.

I literally just said they were not the same in some points.

My level of Genji play is perfect to accurately portray Genos.

man of course it’s a new genji skin and it’s without a mask and it’s going to be payed damn blizz

Nope. Maybe if Soldier and Kiriko didn’t use re-used assets and simple color changes, then maybe. You’re selling reused stuff and a color change as a legendary skin. The only good one in this entire thing is Doomfist’s.

No thanks.


“Event” well… weeell…