One-Punch Man x Overwatch 2 Event

god I’m so glad that S76 skin isn’t for Reaper LOL

For a sec… the pose and style made me think it was for him, then I saw it’s not Reaper’s skin tone, lol

you could still grind out the other skins in a reasonable amount of time back then. The current monetization is too much in one direction and the devs dont even want it to be this way. This is a greedy higher up issue

Could be a good skin for Winston.

It’d just be weird Rammatra having two sea themed legendary skins back to back.

As a soldier main I’m kinda disappointed all the soldier stuff is free because people are gonna instalock him now but its nice to see more s76 cosmetics

we definetely have current situation because some guys from blizzard thinking that way… in reality skins will sell alot better after some improvements to core elements of OW and those improvements can be done one by one at no big cost =\

“Be sure to pick up your favorite One-Punch Man skins from the in-game shop and earn the themed collectibles from our event challenges before the event ends on April 6!”

Hmmmmm. Pick up? I think they mean ‘buy’ your favorite skin.

I like their disingenuous wording.


Collaboration = Two corporations, sucking the cash out our wallets in unison :money_mouth_face:


I’d like to reiterate that the marketing exec in charge of Overwatch 2 needs to be fired.

One Punch Man crossover where you earn a side character skin and have to buy the main event is just bad marketing.

How it should have been marketed…

  1. You attract people to the game by creating the event, and reward them for showing up with the main skin (One Punch Man.)

  2. They feel good about the crossover, playing the game, and go buy the other skins feeling like they’re just rounding out the collection.

  3. It’s win/win.

Instead we get…

The crossover event feels like just another cash grab, with the big prize locked behind the store window. Most players feel like the one skin they do earn is a consolation prize. The fans willing to drop a dime on the skin really want it, but lose a little respect in the community for the purchase, while those who didn’t buy it get bitter when they see players willing to perpetuate this horrible monetization model.


Okay cool. Bring back pink Mercy btw.

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I do appreciate you ruining and killing some of my favorite characters of all time with this collab. It makes me so happy to see any unique and creative identity from 6 years ago just be tossed out the window for quick cash grab scams. Screw Blizzard and every person who buys this crap, y’all actively ruined one of the greatest games of the past decade to be sell outs. Unbelievable and unreal.


Wow a reward that’s not recycled from OW1 lets goooo

Blizzard how could you allow a typo in your press release. You misspelled the word “Collect” I think you guys meant to say that you can “BUY” new skins, not collect them.

But also It’s nice to see Genji and Kiriko finally getting a new skin. Those characters never get new skins, so really cool to see Blizzard is focusing on all of their other less popular characters.



emphasized text

I don’t think I’ve ever seen you post a critical comment about overwatch on this forum. If you have, they’re infrequent enough for me to forget about them.


Infrequent doesn’t mean I don’t make them. The reason you don’t see me post negative criticisms often is because I say them once, I don’t make 50 posts about the same thing. I don’t need to repeat myself until people accuse me of never saying a negative thing ever

Like im glad of the cross over but… i was hoping they made Genji Speed of Sound Sonic

But you need to realize how astroturfed your comments look when comment after comment is praise about even innocuous things. Something like “This event is great, but I do have some concerns” wouldn’t be spamming negativity, but instead your comments are “Wow! Great job blizzard! This is fantastic!” time after time.

I mean, its not a big deal; I’m happy you’re enjoying Overwatch 2. Just wanted to point out something I noticed with your comments.

Genji looks like Homelander…

Doomfist IS the hero of Overwatch.

He is trying to save the world!!! One punch at a time!!


I’m not trying to please or placate anyone. I do enjoy most of what Blizz puts out regarding Overwatch & I have very few complaints about it. People just sound stupid when they claim I have zero negative criticisms about Blizz or Overwatch simply because they haven’t read them. They should ask questions instead of assuming.