One-Punch Man x Overwatch 2 Event

I really hope they’re not expensive.

If they are your classic Overwatch 2 Shop prices, then yeah I’m not going to participate.


Incidentally, I saw this pretty good fan skin.

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Tophsays reminds me of the pink mercy people.


Yeah I love Saitama but there’s no way in hell I am going to give you money. I was excited for all the possible colabs but seeing now how you’re going to lock everything behind the shop I guess one more dream shattered by Blizz, well done, gg.

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Please don’t refer those people, this forum already calm enough without those threads being bumped once every few hours.

for a moment it looked like the skin of Anduin Neo-president from Heroes of the Storm :rofl: I found an interesting article about this stylistic choice:

What was the thought behind creating a hybridized Genos-Genji crossover skin, rather than trying to create a fully 1-to-1 Genos skin?

[Aimee] Blizzard games have very detailed lore and universes, and Overwatch is no exception. From a canon perspective, Overwatch takes place on Earth. One-Punch Man is an anime that exists on Earth, so it’s not immersion breaking if you see the existence of One-Punch Man in the game. For our first major collaboration, we wanted to be especially thoughtful and delicate about this piece, and thought the approach of our heroes “cosplaying” characters would fit nicely. There’s also something fun about the idea that canon Genji is a fan of One-Punch Man, sees himself specifically in Genos, and would cosplay as that character. That said, we’re exploring non-canon opportunities in the future, like the Overwatch dating simulator we ran for Valentine’s Day.

I can’t say I’m disappointed, but if I were an OPM fan I wouldn’t like this “multiversus” of styles if there really is a collaboration of franchises. I mean, are you then selling me the homage to the series among the many already done in Overwatch and not the exact cosplay? I’ll give a random example: Doomfist Irin is literally the homage to Jack-5 from Tekken. I need a very good imitation but not accurate to the millimeter for having a “namco collaboration”? no, so why this eventi is “Shueisha collaboration” without a PERFECT imitation insteat an homage imitation?

So I don’t mind if Doomfist doesn’t mimic Saitama’s white appearance perfectly… but Genos Genji’s dress style is already very different. Maybe too much?

They are entertaining though.

Disney * collab when

Torbjorn Disney Princess skin


So, the skin for One-Punch Man isn’t the skin they decided to give away for free?


I mean… huh? Who greenlit that particular decision? Surely, you would make that skin the earnable one, of all the skins.


i wouldnt mind a pink torbjorn skin

I think it looks great :man_shrugging: I won’t be buying it even so.

Us MS Rewards users popping off rn :partying_face:

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mumen rider soldier is the only free one.

good because that’s the only one i wanted

сколько восхваляли скин на кулака смерти, в итоге решили дать худший скин из ивента, который никто не хочет

thats the worst skin here dude. they should give saitama

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I was going to post that I couldn’t wait to see someone complain about playing (NOT winning) 24 matches in four whole weeks, but to no surprise, I was beaten.

Anyways, glad it’s finally time tomorrow.

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it is but i get all the other mumen rider stuff too.

Predator crossover when?

Where was this ever said?

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