One Hour per Day


Kinda sounds like a hypothetical you made up. My claims were sourced, or source offered, so…

Here I’ll even oblige that offer for free:

Overwatch Sales Ranking June:

Battle League Sales:

Mario Kart 8 Sales:

50 Million Players 2021:

I’m glad someone seen that this disagreement was going no where. That both sides were not going to change the others mind no matter how many numbers the other threw at the other side.

Junker Queen was ‘a hero we never played’ and maintained a dominant 56% unmirrored win rate in the beta, despite its short duration, going against heroes that are years old.

Source: Creativity is the essence of discovery: Overwatch 2 Beta Statistical Analysis - News - Overwatch

Historically new heroes are overly strong, especially in recent history. The very month after his release Sigma had 3 abilities nerfed, his barrier being nerfed in two different ways, and his primary fire damage receiving a huge nerf of 14% Echo, Ashe, Baptiste, and more suffered nerfs post release.

That commercial & the dog commercial with “In the arms of an Angel” in the background is OW2 LOL

Don’t you guys care about the dogs?! :pleading_face:

Difference being that those mini-events are limited time, the new characters aren’t. I don’t have every mini-event skin (only missing a couple) but I’m not going to just miss out on a hero because I couldn’t play for one particular week out of the year. It’s not really a great comparison.

I have no doubt that players will enjoy OW2 even if they don’t immediately have Kiriko unlocked as soon as they log in. If they didn’t buy the premium pass, they will likely want to work towards unlocking her & then enjoy getting a new hero. OW2 is poising to have far more longevity than OW1.

I also have things to do IRL, I work a full time job and play other games. But I will be playing a ton of OW2. If you really don’t have 12 hours to play in a month you should probably consider spending a measly $10 for a battle pass every 18 weeks, that’s the supposed timeframe between heroes. $10 every 4 or so months isn’t much

Do you know the difference between “at the expense of” and “not catering to”?

I repeat, the game does not do anything at the expense of new players or casuals, heck, they’re the ones who benefit from the game being F2P instead of having to pay full retail just to try the game (or barely play it)

Not having 80% of the legends, agents & champions in those games is just as impactful as Overwatch. They all provide different strategies and options for situations. Unless you assume that Kiriko will be an absolute must pick and having her is actually massively advantageous then those games are great comparisons. If you’re assuming that there’s no way I can refute your assumption.

Well unfortunately that will just tell me you’re not worth responding to.

Some of the people that are mad enough to quit will include players that are the worst of the community. Never said all those who quit or are upset are bad people. Do you finally understand?

Hopefully you can stick to the quote instead of making up your own things.

Still incorrect, and this will probably be the last time I correct you. Go ahead and be upset, I’ve only said several times now that people who are upset about all of this are not what I was referencing to as “the worst of the community” or that they’re “bad people” but uh… go ahead and keep repeating yourself that I was :laughing:

So you’re saying character choice in Apex/Valorant/League doesn’t play a crucial role in the outcome of matches? Seems like you’re trying to find any way to dodge the fact that the most successful games on the market are using the same monetization that OW2 is using and that if OW2 wants to be as successful it should do the same

Characters, which they do lock behind battlepasses, are entirely crucial to your capabilities as a player in those games.

Sure, when you’re across the map and you’re getting sniped characters don’t come as much into play, but in the nitty gritty of the game they are absolutely game changing, and they are locked behind battlepasses, and they are massively successful & will have content for years to come. For OW2 to be as successful as those games, they need to use the proven monetization standard or wither into obscurity like OW1 did.

I can only repeat so many times that the characters are absolutely crucial in players capabilities during a match, which are locked behind battlepasses.

True, Overwatch is fortunately not sharing weapon pools between characters, that’s why I enjoy it over those other games.

I’m really over having to repeat myself :laughing: I’ll let you figure it out.

The core audience will appreciate that doing what they were already going to do anyways (play the game a lot) will unlock content quickly. Most of the people pissed off seem to be those who don’t play the game a lot.

We’ll agree to disagree as to what the best course is for the most money & best outcome for the longevity of the game.

Not a good recipe for the longevity of the game.

But it is. Do you think content would have stopped if Overwatch was raking in dough in 2019-2022 as it was in 2016-2018? Maybe you do, but I don’t. I had no reason to spend a dime on Overwatch once I bought it. I played it so much that I got pretty much every cosmetic rather quickly. That’s not a recipe for a game with longevity.

The game was never meant to be a live service game because it was a one time purchase with finite content… now we’re moving to a live service game with possibly “infinite” content. I’ll take the latter. I want OW content forever, not just 3 years and then another hiatus.

What do you considered “funded”?

I thought I addressed your question by saying that the most successful character based F2P games use the same monetization that OW2 is seemingly going to use… what we all want is for OW2 to be the most successful it can be right? I don’t want partially funded, I want fully funded so we don’t get another Overwatch hiatus for 3 years…

Most games were mirrored Junkerqueen matches. The reason her unmirrored winrate was so high was because Top tier players recognized her strength and abused her while the rest of the playerbase were playing the rest of the tank roster, that’s a good recipe for a high unmirrored winrate.

Yea, she was OP & high tier players abused her. However, most players were not that good with her. Her high unmirrored winrate is a result of her being OP & high tier players recognizing her strength abusing her against the rest of the tank roster. Fortunately for the playerbase they will not be going against high tier players… they’ll be versing against other players of their skill level.

Like I said I’m pretty tired of repeating myself, it wouldn’t be such lengthy responses if you’d just talk about what’s in this thread… but you’re adding several replies talking about other threads…

We both see it. I can only repeat myself so many times & ask that they not make off topic replies, that’s what making our replies so lengthy. It would be much shorter if we would actually just talk about what is in this thread…

Those sales figures are from a marketing company using estimates. Would take with a very large pinch of salt.

Also, purchasers of Watch Point Pack will be added to by a large number of people who will just buy the premium pass on day 1 for $10.

Like I said, you are angry about a scenario you’ve made up. If it happens and you’re angry, fair enough. But this is silly.

Anecdotal. Blizzard’s stats were on the entire beta player base. Masters and higher make up 4% of the player base per this post:

They cannot have this widespread of an effect on her win rate.

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New characters are every other season perhaps… maps in between.

You understand what this is right?

You understand the intent on this kind of logic right?

It’s psychological manipulation, you create habits by doing them ever day for 60 days… Did you not watch the video “lets go whaling”? I directly mentions giving people things called “free” to create your game as a habit so that over time, they spend money and feel obligated to stay…

Your logic is literally the logic of someone without a clue, that buy right into being used. It’s why you get dailies for extra exp… so you log in ever day…

Sitting down and just grinding is less harmful to a person… bloody Melvins man.

Edit: i think my Y key is broken :frowning:


I got three hours of sleep last night because I had to stay up finishing assignments. I did nothing but homework and make food all weekend.

I don’t have time to put several hours a week into this game


I hear they have a Premium Battle Pass for $10 ever three months…

given that the material in said other thread(s) is entirely relevant to the discussion in this thread, its not sad at all…its entirely appropriate to bring said material up

I fail to see any indication of desperation being referred to here, but to be clear, the material from the other thread(s) is entirely relevant to this one


MegaDodo is a real G.

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You may want to consider spending $10 every 4 1/2 months to get instant access to the newest hero then if you have to have the newest hero asap

Isn’t it technically 4 1/2 months? 9 week seasons, new hero every 2 seasons… :thinking: Maybe I heard wrong.

It’s actually not relevant… one thread is talking about 12-15 hour unlocks & the other one isn’t.

You guys are making severe mental hurdles claiming that two threads with two different topics are relevant to eachother. One is talking about 12-15 hour unlocks, the other one isn’t. But keep reaching…

Megadodo also fails to realize that a topic talking about 12-15 hour unlocks and a topic that isn’t are not the same topic.

It takes only a few heroes before they’ll need a hundred hours to just to play comp.


MegaDodo, for all our differences, is nothing if not a straight shooter. I respect it.

If playing the game it’s bothersome for you,
Then you don’t care about the game or the new hero anyway.
So why should blizzard be bothered? You have 2 months for a battlepass and if you can’t play it nobody cares.

The world doesn’t spin around you. You can’t because you have a job? That’s life. I am sure y’all are not egyptian slaves that works 24 hours a day, so you probably would be able to play it a hour or so

actually, it doesnt matter whether one is a fan or not…x (12, 12 million, whatever) hours of any activity takes x hours no matter what inclination one has towards OW


In theory RQ helped folks to specialize on stuff, what led the game? Increased number of one tricks, main heroes improving the overall “hero skill” not player awareness.

Folks will play comp on the moment they unlock the new hero, which would lead to worst experience than currently have. Due the fact of playing something they are not familiar with.

While a minimal portion of the playerbase has “conscience” that comp should have integrity and show be taken seriously, you also need to know that most folks just don’t care.

Barriers are important, never stated otherwise. The hero block, tho. Would do the complete inverse effect, by putting even less aware players on comp than before.

That is not a improvement, is a worsening. Due the increase of number of players not being ready to play comp with that hero or against that hero. Their playerbase are lazy, that’s why alts/smurfs exist to begin with.

It does? I mean, they could simply sell the bp system. They can easily monetize on skins which Watchpoint already showed. Heroes on the other hand would hurt their playerbase more than actually helps. Would increase queue times even more on Comp and would make matches in there at least for 1-2 months even worst. Folks pay for stuff to either save time or have advantage, not to have worst experience than previously.

Time to grind would reflect on folks more willing to pay, even more if the player would like the skin or comp. Locking the hero on the other hand would not affect “comestically” only, but will affect overally knowledge of the playerbase to become even less than right now. While comp already needed more higher entry point, hero lock just makes things even worst.

They could get more money from bp by simple selling bp levels and each season increase the requirement “retroactivelly”. At same time they could sell the “legendary skin” from that said hero instead of lock the hero access until it.

Several ways to monetize without hurting the player’s ability to actually know how to play the game. Yet, focusing on the one who actually hurts most due the nature of the game. Is non-sensical.

Unless they plan to not enable swapping and hero picks could be determined prior to the match, locking heroes behind bp is shoot on their own foot. If they done a skin but also comp, would have similar effect than locking the hero financially, while on playerbase knowledge would have a huge positive impact than currently is.

Think this way: roughly 1-10% of the playerbase of any freemium game are whales. The other 99-90% are not. Considering more than half of their playerbase are casuals, that would mean 45-50% of their playerbase taking 1-2 weeks to unlock the new hero and unlock comp. About half of those casuals will play comp which would reflect on 22,5-25% of the playerbase on comp. That percentile will not have a clue about the new hero. Messing with at least 3 ranks (their own, one below and one above).

Their game are rentable by simple selling skins and currently OWL tokens already. They selling seasonal points also will increase their revenue. They don’t need to sell “hero unlocks”, while they could monetize on heroes skins and bp leveling.

Their move, could decrease drastically their playerbase on competitive modes and several folks make it a joke again. Folks would take hours to find a match, would play with heroes they’re not familiar and will have a bad experience, eventually quitting the mode or the game. During that time they also would mess with other folks games, creating a domino effect.

Like I said, higher entry point for comp are desireable. Higher entry barrier for heroes isn’t, not in a game about swapping, countering and adaptation. You can try to defend about “more money”, but if they really wanted more money they would simple put more bp requirements on comp, on skins and stuff like that, heroes will not always please folks, like a main tank wouldn’t care about sup, same goes to main damage. Some folks would avoid to play season if they are required to unlock a hero for it, while others would do so.

lvl 20 bp will have similar effect, but at least they could have more odds to play against the new hero, than by locking the new hero behind 20bp or paywall.

The overall experience becomes compromised, the same way that Diablo Immortal became compromised and they’re trying to “fix” some stuff, but is expected to drop their playerbase on the next quarter. So, you get huge boost revenue, then gets severely dropped. If they do the same on OW the game itself wouldn’t be alive in about 1-2 years. OW2 isn’t innovative or will be polished like in the past, can buy time for PvE release but if they don’t address several problems they already have will become another HotS on their plate. If folks considered 2019-2022 as OW dead, they would know what a dead game would be if goes like HotS.

We are on the same page on this.

That is, most likely, a no. If they plan to lock behind BP, most likely will not be accessible on practice range or any other mode. Like a skin, if you don’t own you don’t have the access to it, doesn’t matter where you play. If they’re willing to lock comp behind a bp and hero behind a bp. You should expect no access to the hero on practice or vs AI.

I don’t think so, also OW isn’t like those other games. While skins and trinkets can have the appeal like always had on OW1, folks would still be willing to pay for skins. Heroes on the other hand can be “cool” at first glance, but after 1-3 seasons folks would not enjoy it. Folks are lazy and want imediate reward, having access to the new thing will make them play more and eventually unlock comp more “organically”, forcing them to unlock the hero to play comp would make it a “chore” and will hurt their playerbase.

Give a candy to a kid, then take it away. That’s effectively what they would do on hero locks. While other sides were somewhat manageable, hero lock doesn’t have middle ground. Either you grind for it or pay for it. No hero shouldn’t have that kind behind it, while skins folks played challenges, arcades for boxes and stuff like that, heroes were always granted as should be. Their playerbase a used to pay for skins if they really like it, blizzcon ones, pink mercy, OWL tokens, all stars and so on.

Lock heroes will not only affect negatively the overall playerbase skill, but also make even more folks unpleased due the new “monetization” system, which is fine for them seek more money but they never had money problems to begin with. Their sales on OW kept “steady” through those years and their real money skins, lootboxes and owl tokens also kept the cash flowing. Sure, they’re a company and seek for more revenue, but Diablo immortal showed that they can lose a ton if they go too much hard on it. The backlash was huge and they even done some content to “keep” some fish in the pond, while whales still would dominate.

The problem is that most folks will not pay, which would reflect on folks not using those heroes and also folks not playing comp. While some will pay, if they pay and not have good experience due either lack of players playing comp or just players. Folks even today cry if you mention more requirement than lvl 25 is necessary. Folks complaint about phone verification and folks will complaint about 2 week or bp lvl 20 for comp.

I’m not against the “preparation” for comp, but I’m still against hero lock. Because doesn’t give anything useful to do so, sure skins could be fine. But the moment you exploit too much FOMO and sell “power”, which having “early access” to heroes is somewhat like that.

Take the beta access of JQ. Folks got in there, played had fun but when got “broadly” available the matchmaking was a mess. So you give a “brief” period of good matches with a bad queue times, then you get somewhat worst queue times and even worst quality of matches when turned broadly available.

If you had the bad experience to begin with on other modes, would make the comp have good quality of matches. That way when folks play comp later on would have enough “time” spent to actually avoid dropping too much the quality of comp matches.

Yet, would have a minority of the playerbase. Most of countries the Watchpoint Pack by example, is really high to the point of 1/4-1/6 of the minimum wage of several countries. On those countries they often pay like 1-2 times per year that value on something related to gaming. Even if watchpoint pack gives enough for 3 seasons. Most folks wouldn’t even bother to spend that kind of money in content on a game, even on a game who got abandoned for 2-3 years from the same company, plus the backlash from immortal, not to mention the scandals and controversy behind it.

Their fanbase on WoW are in decline from several years, OW was steady even through pandemic, which is heavily divided with the OW2 PvP and monetization changes. They’re hurting their own crowd with several changes, including this one. Don’t expect faithful customers from blizz, most of their customers are old enough to not care or play freemium games. Sure will make more new folks to play but at same time most of those folks never knew blizzard to begin with to stick too much for them.

I can count the amount of 12-18 year olds that I know who actually knows what OW or WoW or Diablo is. But if I say, LoL, Valorant, Fortnite they will know it.

Blizzard has legacy and history with older crowd, newer ones aren’t that popular due their games being rated to “mature” audiences. OW is targeted to 12+ on most locations and most of their playerbase aren’t exactly kids.

I really get what you saying about monetization and stuff like that, but is a bad move and wrong way to do stuff. If they don’t want to happen the same as happened on Diablo Immortal reviews and backlash. Diablo have multiplataform support on huge markets, OW2 doesn’t. If you combine PC and consoles barely scratch the potential playerbase from one of the 2 mobile plataforms, yet he has both and pc.

Their revenue on diablo immortal was insane, but don’t expect their revenue to stay stable, they already trying to address that with events and content in game to “reward” folks from playing.

If they really wanted money they could simple release OW2 on mobile also. I mean they already made to run on Nintendo Switch which has way worst hardware than most phones and even not exactly optimize would have less problems to run stuff than on switch to begin with. They have experience with Diablo Immortal, HS and the new warcraft based mobile game. If they implement a client for mobile would be way more effective than sell heroes behind locks.

They have choices, which they’re doing poorly. If the leak is truthful, would be even worst than expected. Blizzard releases always were problematic, but each time they say something or publish something without context just gets worst. They said about more transparency and yet they are sketchy and tone deaf as much or more than before.

I don’t see a great future, I sincerely hope I’m wrong. But from my experience I saw that kind of move not ending great. Sure you can fill your pocket in short time period but when you hurt your image, it is hurt for good. Rarely are the cases you can fix something that you messed up.

Not quite, it’s subject to queue times which are determined not only by role but by region, QPMMR and time of day… which makes it even worse lmao


If this isn’t one of the most boneheaded arguments I’ve read this week… “You only have to play 10 minutes a day, with the disadvantage of not having a character, to unlock the character, to maybe get 10 minutes for a few days (if we’re sticking to 10 minutes a day) in that season.” Do you ever read what you type before hitting submit? 15 hours of being at a disadvantage is not an insignificant amount of time for someone who only gets an hour or so a day to play. Literally telling those people they have to play 15 days at a disadvantage to get a key point of the game. Get real.