Once more ow forums are ignored in favor of reddit

Reddit isn’t a single community that can be put under such a label.


You can only speak for your own experiences. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I can also speak about facts that don’t care anyone’s particular experiences.

[Insert Ben Shapiro meme]


Reddit is the worst. :confounded:

I dislike the karma farming, too.

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Haha Reddit’s a lot worse than these forums and you can downvote opinions you disagree with into oblivion.


The way the forums work aren’t as conducive to AMAs as Reddit. Say what you will about Reddit, it’s designed well so that you can see what people actually care about, one way or another. It’s also possibly a better look and better for numbers to do that kind of thing in a more neutral venue like Reddit. Reddit is fairly massive at this point, especially when compared to these forums. There’s a lot more chance for exposure.

Meh, I find Reddit to be fairly useless. All you can see there generally is the most popular group think.


Okay, but that’s what corporations care about. There’s some value in being novel, but for the most part they just want to nail down what the largest portions of their audience care about and address that. It’s basically free focus grouping.

You mention rep from bipoc and LGBTQ+ but your next actually playable black female hero is a Hollywood trope and you only gave us a rainbow for pride with no mention to LGBTQ+ at all so you know my hopes aren’t exactly high when you use buzzwords.

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This is just laughably false on its face. You can’t seriously believe this, can you?

Oh, you are right there. I just think it is a very poor place for any useful exchange of ideas. I am rather surprised people use it at all.

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Which trope is that?

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Kinda insane that the game doesnt have a playable black woman, yet.

But Sojourn will be what I am looking for. :slightly_smiling_face:

And I wish they were as diverse as Apex with gender/sexuality/race representation.

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I argue with people all the time there if that’s what you mean. There can be a lot of diverse opinions depending on where you go. If you believe one thing or dislike something then you can find someone to have a disagreement with very easily. Virtually everywhere online is going to turn into an echo chamber, so I think you’re expecting too much if you think that problem can ever be fully solved.

Other than that, it’s good at giving a feed of decent user curated content. It’s not perfect, but it’s infinitely better in my experience than something like Twitter or Facebook and about the only place you can occasionally find a good conversation now that the chans are even more squirming cesspits than they were before. Possibly Discord servers are better, but I never got into that really other than occasionally for communicating while playing games.

How dare you bring facts into the official forums!?

Here we only react with emotions.



Thats ironic. :laughing:

Eww Ben Shapiro. The guy who only argues with the uneducated and teens.

That reddit is full of people reacting with emotions?

It’s internet in general.

Uh huh, in case it wasn’t clear I was mocking myself for sounding like him :+1: (The whole “facts don’t care about your feelings” thing lol)

How hard is it for you guys to setup announcements to be posted on all your channels at the same time though? Literally almost every company does this…