Once more ow forums are ignored in favor of reddit

Oh, I understood your comment differently.

Oh lol my bad. Bravo my friend!

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Here people just false flag posts they don’t agree with. Much better.


People on any forum like to think they are a large chunk of the game community and they speak for the majority.
That can be the case at times, but I think the forums are often far less important and less representative than they like to make it out.

True, but that’s not too different from many forums, including this one. Instead of downvoting, people will just mass report the post :clown_face:

If this had happened maybe we would still have our hero…

Lmao don’t hold back homie :fire:

This is true. But for me I find it better from a format state. Easier to follow a topic and the evolution of the conversation. Any conversation is limited by the participants, that won’t change.

This is okay, They are only a community manager. They have no control over the game itself.

Now if you could only do something about bronze comp. That is 1,000,000,000,000,000 times worse than these forums will ever be.

Well said, I keep seeing people post things like never say anything negative ever but the truth is thats detrimental to developers in understanding your own product.

You don’t have focus groups to tell you how wonderful your product is, you have focus groups to tell you ways in which your product could be improved or what the general public feels about your product.

So all this negative discussion about OW2 for instance, while its easy for people to write it off, it should speak to developers in an easy way, there are people that prefer current OW direction opposed to the new direction OW2 is attempting. The thing is with a normal sequel you can just not participate in the new game and choose to stay playing the first game, but OW2 will effectively be deleting OW1 so its making a lot of players anxious about what all time favorite playstyle are they removing this time. Hate to say it but this new watering down of heroes is extremely depressing, the joy that is OW is the incredible uniqueness of its cast, but every OW2 update shows me that they gave up and aren’t trying to balance that OW anymore.



I’m upset that you aren’t doing anything about some of the major – yet easily addressed – social issues in Overwatch. For the past two years, the “Look for group” feature has been polluted by bad actors to the point that it’s now almost exclusively a tool that assists the segment of the playerbase that you do not want in your games and legitimate players do not want to ever deal with. Specifically: derankers, account sellers, account boosters, cheat sellers, sexual predators / p3dd0-philes (a word I can’t type on the forum to describe criminal behavior in your game – let’s add that to the list of bad Blizzard rules) seeking victims, people openly promoting drug and alcohol abuse to children.

The canned response from Blizzard is always “We take this seriously, please report everything and we’ll handle it.” If any part of that statement were true, then LFG would not be plagued by awful people. Not only has the problem not been addressed, it’s gotten worse, and there’s no indication that reports are being actioned beyond in-match “abusive chat,” which is judged by standards that no reasonable person could or would consistently abide by.

I reported a pdphile and a boost advertiser in LFG two days ago. I haven’t received notification that they’ve been banned. It does not take much effort to examine these reports and take action. And yet when I call out an obviously aimbotting player in match chat, I get banned at the end of the match. The message you’re sending here is that Blizzard’s hierarchy of values dictates that it’s less harmful to openly seek young girls to victimize than it is to say “that widowmaker is cheating.”

I’m old, so I’m not going to whine about what’s “fair” here, but I am going to say that the way you arrange and conduct this in-game justice system makes me very angry.


This board has a trust level feature.
Maybe the time has come to make a more practical use of it?

Anyone who misbehaves and gets penalized for it can’t have trust level 3 for at least 6 month.

Only allowing trust level 3 members to post in topics like an AMA thread would probably ensure a more civil conversation and a “higher quality” of questions, because those people apparently not only can behave to a certain degree, but also are pretty invested into the game and the forums.

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Hard pill for a lot of people here to swallow but this forum has some members with some pretty big egos. These egos cloud their ability to actually talk about things because they are more worried about their rep then the game.


The problem is that the trust level is more of an activity level. This would exclude many from the discussion, which would be unfair for many.


Well, that’s still better than basically excluding the entire forum by not even letting people here know about the AMA :woman_shrugging:

:rofl: As opposed to Reddit where, to quote someone else:

(And that remaining 26th thread itself has be about 70% also worshipping them at in order to be noticed, with the actual topic at the end basically being an afterthought.)

Where YoloSwag/one of the California Raisins whining about onetricks spamming antifun during their 4th Bronze-to-GM stream is pure rationality, but bringing up the literal objective fact that an unpopular hero was nerfed is “Overreacting” because “It just doesn’t happen often enough guys :cry:, please be rational!” unless you can get another streamer/pro to support you.


Oh by no means does Reddit not have its personalities. It’s just people have this shocked expression when devs don’t post here when they know why


Exactly or they should know why. For instance, on Reddit, this wouldn’t be phrased like this:

It might be phrased as: It would be great if we could find out about all your announcements regardless of the channel. Bungie has good examples of this.

Which sounds far less condescending but makes the same request.

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Because on the forums genji and doomfist are S tier, brig and moira are f tier and only got nerfed because samito tweeted them and that’s the only reason and nothing else and no one should have to pick hitscan for pharah

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They also leave and you’re left with an increasingly higher percentage of trolls =\

Wonder how many left after the “mercy feedback thread” event… :eyes: