Omg lol... OWWC crowdfunding their prize pool

You know, I’m not sure how much more bad press Overwatch can take. The PvE $15 bundle only pay to play was bad enough after lying through their teeth and launching with promises of hero mode they cancelled a year and a half before.

“For the first time in Overwatch history, we will be crowdfunding the World Cup prize pool with an exciting slate of skins and other in-game cosmetics over the coming months. 25% of all Overwatch World Cup cosmetics and bundles will contribute to the Overwatch World Cup prize pool.”

Yeah…boycotting this b.s.

But this… they don’t want to pony up the prize money for their World Cup. That’s right boys n’ girls, it’s the Overwatch Greed Cup.

I seriously can’t believe someone over there thought this was a good idea.


Crowdfunding is a corporate jargon for: “We lost all our sponsorships”


At least the Sojourn skin is actually nice and its not just her in the uniform of some random job.


Honestly, Sojourn skin looks like a proper Mythic to me. Im definitely going to get one with my tokens that i earned for free.


This is hilarious-but good thing they protected the rights of the LGBTq+ community in other countries. No way was that to save their own butts & not lose $. It was for the protection of a marginalized group.

Tokens you earned for free eh? So like all of them? :sweat_smile:

I saw a post a few weeks ago saying that if you had done every challenge every week since the game launched, that you now finally have enough tokens to earn one skin (this isn’t overwatch league, so I’m going to assume we’re talking premium currency here)

I’ve been doing Microsoft rewards, and I have more than enough that way but I’m not spending it on skins….especially not when the pve is going to be charged separately in future :sweat_smile:


Does it really matter? They can do whatever they want with the money people spend on the game. Giving 25% of sales on a bunch of stuff to the teams sounds good to me. If they were straight up asking for donations, that would be another story.


Im actually talking about OWL tokens, not OW2 coins.

Assuming that the Sojourn skin would be sold on the League section of the shop.

its overwatch world cup…not overwatch league…so until they say otherwise im going to presume blizz will take the fu route and say premium currency…because blizz

If that’s the case then im not buying it.

Ofc Bobby thinks it’s a good idea. He’s taking 75% of the pie and leaving the scraps as the prize.


This is genuine lol worthy. How embarrassing.

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They took the FU route

each skin for each Hero costs quite a hefty sum. Needing the same amount of in-game currency you’d spend to purchase the Battle Pass, 1000 Overwatch Coins.

didnt they do something similar with a wow tournament like 10 years ago

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not that i doubt that isnt going to be the outcome…where does it say that? i dont see it in linked article

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Wait, what’s wrong with this? League also does this lol.

They’re purchasable in game right now. Home and away skins sold separately.

https:// www

blizz’s “generosity” truly has no equal…

How’d you get coins? I’d love to play her but she have no good skins and I don’t want to give these people my money anymore

DOTA does this as well and their tournament prize pools are truly staggering.