Omg! Do the devs not play widowmaker?!

A little over a 100 hours play time with 11% scoped accuracy isnt all that good dude. DEFINITLEY not good enough to hold your own against a top 500 widow player. My scoped accuracy on widow (on pc) is right around 14-15%, and when i actually played her, it was around 16%. I havent played on console in 3 months, but my scoped accuracy from then with 20 hours is 13%. Widow is fine, she takes a lot of skill. I dont doubt that you wont have those crazy perfect games, where you pop off and do super well. But theyre not every game, and their obviously a small portion of them, or else you wouldnt be plat.

I see through your trick, you’re not getting Widow’s Noire skin no matter how hard you try >:]


I’m not making this up.
We setup a 1v1 custom game with spectators lol

As far as accuracy in matches I’m usually between 50% to 70% consistently but I also mess around with my settings alot.

Nah shes fine, you just have to know how to play her well.

Ahahaha I already have it. I got game in beta

I think Widow is actually pretty good in the current meta. Dive isnt really viable so you have less Winstons, D.Vas or Genjis jumping on you. She has the burst damage to burn through armor (if you have the aim to land headshots that is) and Brigitte can keep her alive with armor. The only hero she really has to fear currently is Hanzo which is a skill match up.

What are you talking about? dive is gone for the most part and she is dominant on most maps (not all)
 without flankers or dive tanks what is there to contest her?

You can say how good you are, but really, if your that good, you wouldnt be where you are in competitive. I did check out your channel, i cant deny that your gameplay is good. It is very good. But thats probably because you choose to upload the good games and not the bad ones. The system is not the best, But if your diamond, you will be diamond, if your bronze, you will be bronze, if you GM you will be GM. Its simple. I know it sucks to have your favorite hero be in a bad spot, but thats what i dealt with my entire time playing overwatch as a hanzo main. Now hes finally changed and i have no clue how to play him right.

Old Widow probably was better when she had the 170 body shots (but tracer/zen players were complaining). I honestly would feel fine if they increased body for less critical damage. The game needs more than just sub-10% head shot picks, we need anti-armor, anti-bodies, anti-shields etc.

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The point is not to make her easier to play. She should req high skill.

I’m saying with her current kit even the 1% that can use her with even pro level wont get much use out of her.

Especially compared to new hanzo.

I mean they didnt just play widow they created her.

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That has not been my experience playing brig against widow. She still murders my team and the good ones will capitalize on whenever I get my attention diverted. New hanzo is finally a viable sniper, I wouldn’t begrudge him that since he used to have to have almost phara level prefires. Widow is still undodgeable by skill and only by luck or ADcrouch spamming. She still is the best bet for popping phara and mercy out of the sky and the odd junkrat that skeetshoots himself up.

I’ve had to contend with and against a number of hardcore widow mains in plat and even in upper gold. Maybe you need to be at a higher MMR.

Yes but why not have her adapt to new meats like they do with others??

What I want the devs to see in this thread and understand is the passion behind it.

I dont think it’s right they ignore for the past years all widow threads.

So I hate widows period. But I do agree with Apex. In addition, the game is changing so much that every hero player has to make adjustments and find the best one.

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Ahahahaha well thank you for hating my main but also for agreeing.

Widow is one of the hardest heroes in the game to use effectively i have a 48% (top 11%) scoped weapon accuracy on her and I still dont feel i can use her effectively enough in a match.

She is also very mood and mind set based. If your not in the swing of things you just cant carry period. You have to have a chill and relaxed state no tilt or anything or your head shots will be off.

I suggest taking a minute or two before playing her to take deep breaths and get in the most relaxed state you can before playing her. I also highly suggest warm ups to get you focused. I also find oddly enough jumping side to side in the spawn room to sorta of get my rythem synced in for her as well.

Good luck!

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Only 5? That’s just so few.

I just feel her kit should be a bit changed to be able to be utilized be her team too.

Yeah and what do we have now with Hanzo? LOL. I call it double standards for people. Hanzo is the 1-shot killer in this game, nobody bats an eye.

Widow has 1-shot kills. Shes OP and doesn’t deserve it.
