Omg! Do the devs not play widowmaker?!

Seriously! Blizz had made her useless on all ranks with all the changes in game!

New hanzo and Brigitte alone stops a widow from doing anything.

With a comp like rein. Brigitte and hanzo she had no point! The rally ult alone now even makes it impossible to 1 shot a tracer in the head even if someone has godlike aim. And if they do make a hit they will be healed enough by the second shot.

Ok let’s talk theirs. The biggest player base is diamond and below. So this hero can barely be used effectively by the biggest player base.

Even in the pro scene, someone like pine would need #1 constant protection on the teams widow
#2 every shot MUST be a headshot at full charge. #3 while trying to shoot around all the dam barriers!

So many threads to help widow and we never even get a response.

The direction this game is headed it feels like they want to reward heroes that dont req aim like junk and symm and Brigitte etc…

Thanks devs.

Devs seems to only reply when aggression is on the forums.


it only takes five fully charged sniper shots to take out brig’s shield tho. maybe some nice QoL changes and bug fixes would help her

So that she is one of the picked dps right now, because of how strong she is, completely escapes you?


I don’t see you giving us any suggestions to improve her without totally breaking her.

** recalls the days of insta kill body shots ** shudder


So… she requires too much … mechanical skill to be effective?

where… where have I heard something like that before.

Honestly though it’s Brigittes ULT you are citing which isn’t a constant and it’s getting nerfed as well.


Is this some kinda of tasteless joke?

A Widowmaker that can aim can be a nightmare for any character


Search widow in the threads. I made myself like 5 threads on ideas and so has so many others.

widow is one of the strongest characters, and if anything, Brigitte makes her better by countering her counter. 2 snipers right now is a very popular comp considering hanzo’s dps and widows potential. widow has the best potential out of any hero being able to one shot any squishy from infinite range. Shes not bad, we just suck


With current state of the game, Widowmaker has to deal with shields, Orisa, Rein, Winston, Brigitte. A good Widowmaker can counter all of this shields with the flawless use of hook.

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If you’re playing Widow and fighting Brigitte in a distance that she can do something to you, you’re not playing her right. As for Hanzo, he’s only good against Widow in mid to close range while Widow excels at mid to long range.


Sure they do… I mean… badly… but they do.

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Ahahahaha omg what was he doing

Care to change the title? I remember Jeff gone mad after someone posted that he doesn’t play his own game. Jeff suspended that guy for 60 days.


Then don’t pick her.

Sad reality- there will always be a “Meta” and not every hero will be appropriate for the current Meta. It will be impossible to balance and make every hero viable in the Meta.

If your hero pick isn’t working- swap. Like it or not, that’s a huge intended mechanic and aspect of this game.

That said.

Widow is fine.

Even in the current Meta- she’s one of the highest picked hero at higher tiers where players have the skill necessary to make the appropriate picks, with a more than respectable win rate.

Your in gold. Best thing to do in gold is NOT play widowmaker. I am also gold, i am not talking down to you, i am talking from my experience. I have played on both PC and PSN and i was high gold/low plat on both, and widow is very unenjoyable on PSN especially. I reccomend pick up mccree if you like hitscan or hanzo if you want to stick to the sniper role. hanzo is a sniper and especially powerful right now too. Playing widow is just a painfully unfun experience on console, more so in competitive.

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So all those double sniper comps are in my head? Widow is doing fine, don’t worry.

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Wut are you talking about? Widow is one of the most annoying dps characters in the game. She eliminates squishes with one shot, and has the potential for team wipes.

I’ve tried so many different titles. They only seem to respond when someone gets aggressive.

When your nice, it’s just another scroll

You may get a blue post, if the thread it’s been highly rated by the community. By far, I’ve been reading mixed reviews. Try to google “jeff suspends player” it was before holidays.

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Trust me. I dont play like gold.

I usually play in high plat with 5 accounts.
This account dropped in one day due to throwers.

I have several widowmaker videos on YouTube under THEE APEX PREDATOR you can clearly see I can play a widow.

I’ve even held my own in a 1v1 top 500 widow main.