Old Mercy was actually pretty niche

in triple tank she was bad, season 4-5 she was decent, her pickrate was always been high because she a fan favourite

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I would be fine with the baseline being Rez back as ult, then making Valkyrie her E ability, with a 12 seconds cooldown, and 4 seconds duration.

Maybe because of the reduced duration, give her back the original flight speed during those 4 seconds, so it can be used as an emergency escape when you can’t use Guardian Angel.

Maybe removing the invincibility during Rez and swapping it to flat% damage reduction while her allies are glowing and immobile. Maybe forcing it to require Line of Sight to bodies to prevent Rez from behind walls. Maybe adding a casting time, around the same time of Lúcio’s Sound Barrier.


I think it was more the fact that Lucio’s huge heal/speed radius just made him the better healer at the time. If current Lucio was around during the Mercy 1.0 times, she would’ve been used much more frequently. That said, rez on CD is what makes her nearly a must-pick now.

She should’ve gotten a defensive CD as her E, not too powerful, but added the chance for more “safe” rezzes without the risk of dying right before you pressed Q.
Like a mini shield, DMG reduction, a DPS ability that you could use with your pistol, etc.

Inb4 the post get locked and merged.

It’s been posted countless times guys, I know you love the character if you’re willing to spend your time writing an essai on why mazz res is not a problem but it’s also been explained countless times that it was an issue.
It’s time to let go…

Add my commentary to this list that Symmetra as the same was well. They removed everything that made the hero unique to make her more streamlined to do flashy plays for OWL, even if that means sacrificing her old playerbase.

I expect Torb to be in this list soon as well.

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They did. It was fixed before the rework even hit PTR. A bit later they also removed PBSR from diamond and above, which made the exploit null anyway, since it relied in making the PBSR math think you did better than you actually did.

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Old Mercy was a troll pick, then she got invuln on res, which meant that 5 man res we’re much easier to get and usually the best strat because you could let the enemy blow their load and then res everyone up. So with mass res you had the option of her being a troll pick, or having an ult that encouraged her to let her team die. I have yet to see anyone suggest a change that eliminates either of those issues with mass res.

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She could only rez 3 people instead of five if that could help, and the range could be shorter, and players come back with 3/4 of their HP with 1 extra second of invulnerability.
Edit, spelling.

If you want to go off purely balance and not overall hero popularity (for example, Mercy had a higher overall pickrate than Ana in season 3 while she was a troll-pick in comparison), you want to look at those GM pickrates.

And looking at those GM pickrates, we get this order of most-picked to least-picked, according to that chart:

What’s more? Even those numbers have been confirmed to be skewed by Jeff Kaplan during that same season:

"But looking at Competitive only… here are the top 6 picked heroes: Mercy (by a long shot), 76, D.Va, Lucio, Ana and Genji. Interestingly, number 7 is Reinhardt. Next tank after that is… Wi… no Roadhog. So in the past month in Comp, that’s what you’ve been actually playing.

But let’s talk about the elite players… maybe the top 3rd of all MMR. Their top picked hero over the past month was…. Ana. Yes, Ana."

Overwatch Forums

If a hero has a high overall pickrate, but a low pickrate in higher ranks, that suggests that the hero’s popularity is derived purely from just that; their popularity. If they were actually oppressively powerful in regards to balance, then their high-tier pickrates would show that… but they didn’t.

As I’ve said multiple times, general statistics don’t mean anything. They require context and precision to become meaningful.


It’s worthy remembering as well that sites like Overbuff and Master Overwatch only collect voluntary data, since Overwatch don’t have an API. That skews the results a lot, and you must take this in consideration when analyzing their data pool.

Is it possible that pickrate shifted between June and August?


Because I’m seeing a lot higher Ana pickrate in that first one, and the Jeff post is referencing June.

True. That said, Overbuff is one of the only consistently-available sources of data (Blizzard rarely releases stats), so we need to work with it. That is, unless those stats are directly contradicted by Blizzard.


Yep, a data pool that large is still very valuable. We just need to remember that they don’t represent the overall Overwatch population, only the ones that care about their own stats and want to compare them to other players. Mostly, this means we have a somewhat good representation of high tier players, and a very underrepresented low tier pool. And since 85% of the player base is silver, gold or plat…

It’s possible. But then again, the pickrates at that time still go:

And considering how skewed the first chart was, I wouldn’t be surprised if the second one was just as skewed. I find it unlikely that Ana really went from #1 to #4 in the top 3rd of MMR when no changes to or relative to her occurred. Likewise with the other supports.

You’d be surprised.
When there’s a perceived-but-not-actual weakness, like with January Mercy or Season5 Dva. The pickrate climb is slow.

Furthermore, Dive itself is a strategy that exploits a weakness Ana has, that Mercy doesn’t.

Ana dropping from GM #1 to #4 in a month isn’t exactly “slow”, especially considering that, again, there were no changes to or relative to her in that time.

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Two months. And GM is only the top 1%, they tend to switch comps pretty fast.

Welp, like your name, How about Nuu.

July 7th to August 22nd is one and a half months.

Dive began taking over at the tail end of season 4. By season 5 it had solidified. There was no change in compositions between July 7th and August 22nd.