Old Mercy was actually pretty niche

It was a long time ago, but I’m pretty sure there was a post on the old forums where somebody used an achievement tracking site (like Overbuff, but for achievements instead of stats) and found that the “Huge Rez!” achievement wasn’t actually any more common than any of the “Kill 4 people with Ult” achievements despite Mercy being played far more.

Gonna be honest the only thing I noticed was mercy mains just wanting their hero fun again not really caring about pickrate, they just wanted to enjoy playing her, the rework made her a must pick thus taking away the fun of playing her for a lot of people. The only ones that brought up pickrate were those trying to justify nerf after nerf, and even after every nerf mercy mains said the “fun” stuff blizz designed the rework for was being taken away. Those same “nerf mercy” people just responded with “nah mercy is fine”…of course till we need the angry mob again.

Listening to the mob only makes things worse and they should have known that. every top level mercy said from the get go the rework was a bad idea, they went ignored. Worst part is if they tried to sell us THIS mercy as the rework we all would have laughed and told them to shove it.

I will never know why blizzard listened to a Genji main about Mercy changes…


I wouldn’t mind if it was, only if it is still single target, gains it much quickly and her Valkyrie is her new E.

I would argue that she became a lot less niche after they added invulnerability to her Mass Res, no?

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its the same with the upcoming sombra changes

blizz is not listening ,not really, to what people are saying

They will change the hero’s flow,the gameplay that attracted people to her in the first place drasticly

with mercy this was too drastic and OP, Mercy has no real weakness now unless you can find her alone.

Before she had more weaknesses but was also more interesting to play
The massrez was a hard ult to time.

currently rez is just ; use it when you can and its safe and get the counter going

before as old mercy you had to EARN it and then keep it for what you THOUGHT was the right time.
But it could be too early or it could be too late.
But getting a good one of felt amazing.

Right now valkyrie justr doesnt have that wowfactor

She is strong,she is solid, but she also doesnt stand out, for months now i have seen no mercy POTG’s that were interesting (aside from battle mercies)


still niche,but aparantly massrez was abused for SR gain

They should have done something about that.

And invinvibility was too much making it uncounterable

With hidsight i think it should have been, damage reduction like roadhog’s take a breather.

SLIGHT cast time
Damage reduction

you can still kill the mercy (she died so often during ult) but its a bit harder
but its not impossible

And an e -ability

Purely because of the SR exploit with her, its was the easiest way to climb in the games history.

Idk what to tell you man, I played during mass rez, was the same gold-plat scrub I am now, and consistently got at least two 3-4 mans a game, with the rest being at least two if not more. Yeah the elusive 5 man was extremely rare, but the reality is even me as a ‘meh’ Mercy player was pulling most of my team up at once frequently.

Mercy on average rezzed 6 people per game.

So those people claiming she had rez every team fight and always rezzed 4-5 people have some math to explain.

Myself I did a fair number of x4, although they certainly were not a majority, and only managed three x5 rezzes ever despite playing almost since launch.

I should add about those x5 rezzes that one of them won us the game, one turned a teamfight more in our favor, and one made no difference because we were wiped again.


I think her problem may have been similar to Hanzo

she needed a buff and there was a part of her kit that frustrated people.

I think it capped her power, because if you buffed her whilst she could rez 6 people that would have caused issues, like bugging Hanzo when he really needed them but still had scatter.

I don’t think she was niche though, I think she was missing an ability. Like I don’t think Ana’s niche now, I think shes just really hard to play if you’re not from SK

Wait! I could Res myself too? Most of the time it was a 2-3 rez followed by death.


“Heroes never… uuuugh”


yeah its why we had invincibility introduced…

but as i said damage reduction might have been better

However, wont that still mean her Ult will be Useless?
From what I remember her Ult was either buff it then become OP. Nerf it become UP.
That didnt change even when Valkrie used res instead. It was a stability buff that made it OP.
Res itself is too hard to balance. So lets say we made it a Ult and mostly useless. Is she even better than Moira now?

That I think we cannot be sure until we test.

I just want to pull off satisfying game changing plays again


yea mercy 1.0 wasn’t op at all. it was only an low skill ppl used as to why they lose games. now shes op at every rank.

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And I kinda actually start to think revert mercy isnt that bad idea. However, buffing her from that will be another messy job. I can bet anything for that. It is just fixing now isnt that easy either

It’s been said a million times, but my opinion would be make mass rez her ult and keep the cast and los, remove valk completely and replace it with a defensive ability with he gun on E.

I can see Mercy being too niche in her old state. She was basically just a Pharah pocket in pro games. But she now has Lucio in a state where he just speed boosts at the start of KoTH maps. Even Ana has a specific niche that you play her for.

this rework was honestly such a massive failure in every way. i don’t know why they’re so set on not reverting it.