Old Mercy was actually pretty niche

July 7th is reporting on June data though.

From June 7th to July 7th.

Likewise, stats from Overbuff (the place Omnicmeta posts their data, which was probably taken from Overbuff in the first place) are taken from the month leading up to that date as well; July 22nd to August 22nd.

Either way though, that’s plenty of time for 1% of the playerbase to swap out Ana for Mercy.

Tactics can change without gameplay changes.

Especially considering how GM tends to mimic Pro Play.

Except, even according to the statistics you have presented so far, Ana was not swapped out with Mercy. She was swapped out with Lucio/Zenyatta. Mercy is still third.

But why would they, if there’s nothing to adjust to?

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Doesn’t that even further the point.
Swapping out Ana for Dive healers is kind of a nobrainer in that meta.

Dive was already in full swing by the first set of data. If there was a transition, it would have happened before then.

Again, raising questions as to just how accurate the data can be.


I don’t want to sound mean but at some point you gotta accept the truth :man_shrugging:

This sounds really good! Having Valkyrie on E (I’m assuming without the chain beams/permaregen) could also potentially fix concern of Mercies playing too conservatively, since they’d now have a way to move around the battlefield on their own and have a method to GTFO after rezzing.

The only thing I’d change is maybe swap out the damage reduction with having Mercy send out an AoE burst heal to living allies (including herself) once she successfully casts rez. It would address the old “suicide rez” issue, on top of the concern that rez somehow “incentivizes Mercy to let teammates die”.

Mercy 1.0’s problem was that she didn’t have an E abity to contribute with during the midfight. This railroaded her into relying way too heavily on rez to pick up the slack.

Mass rez could have been nerfed, but it wouldn’t have made Mercy UP if the lost power from the ult had been diverted into Mercy’s base kit (by adding an E ability).

Using the fact that it has “potential” is a poor argument. She could bring back 5 people. 5. And weak against dive? Did you even play this game during dive? She can literally GA to another team mate. And force mercy to switch to what? An even worse healer like Ana?

Sombra being a troll pick isn’t stoping people from picking her, people play what they want. Being a troll pick is never ok, the person playing them feels like they can’t compete, and their team feels like they are a man down. I didn’t play Mercy in competitive in season 3 as I felt like I would be throwing.

If being able to affect up to 5 people is so op, then why aren’t the forums flooded with demands to remove DPS ults?

Mmmm-hmmmm. Seeing a Winston leaping at me still fills me with existential dread, and hearing a Genji/Tracer in the area still makes my heart pound in fear.

How convenient for the dive heroes, that they have the mobility to easily keep up with a Mercy using GA… asssuming that she has anyone that’s both far enough from the fight to count as an “escape,” and in LoS. Remember what I said in the op about Mercy being bad on a deathball comp?

Moira can duel the flankers on her own and has excellent self-peel.
Brigitte was literally made to counter flankers.
Lucio can self-peel with boop and consistently stay out of their reach with wallride/speedboost.


To be fair, GA is on a two second cool-down with a decent range. She can fly to snipers, tanks, basically anyone to escape, while for example Genji Dash on a longer cool-down and doesn’t go as far as GA. Tracer can’t blink upwards, and Winston leap is on a 6 second CD and when he lands the rest of his mobility is gone and he’s vulnerable even with shield up. D.Va can’t do literally anything half the time because not only does she have to manage her aim on rockets and guns, her boosters only last two seconds on a five second CD.
EDIT: Mercy can toggle GA prefers beam target so for a short time she can actually GA even out of LoS so long as she connected the beam to, say, Winston, and he leaped away. You could just GA to him, and then float till GA is back up and go to someone else.

Unless Mercy flies to a ledge, Tracer can easily close the gap with a fleeing Mercy using her blinks. If she sneaks up on Mercy from behind, Tracer usually can shave off a significant portion of Mercy’s health before she can even use GA to run away.

Genji’s projectiles have no falloff, and his “Time To Kill” period is even shorter than Tracer’s when he uses his combos. Even high ground won’t save Mercy from a pursuing Genji, since he has wall climb and double jump.

Winston’s cone damage clings to the victim for a few meters after they leave his contact range, which is bad for a fleeing Mercy (especially if the Winston used his jump pack combo by landing right on her and using a Melee).

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Using arguments that have already been debunked doesn’t make those arguments valid again.

It will be let go when Mercy is in a state that makes letting it go worth it. In other words, not with the current state.

What “truth” are we accepting here?


Yes, yes and yes again to this! Blizzard went full overboard with the rework and should take a step back and start thinking about their balance changes.

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We need to remove Rocket Barrage because it has the potential to kill 6 players at once.

And Rocket Barrage can kill 6 people. 6.

Do you see where I’m going with this?

Yes. We did. Before the rework, Ana had a higher GM pickrate than Mercy. During Dive.

What does that say about Mercy?

Actually, Ana was a better pick in high ranks than Mercy, so yes. You can force her to switch to Ana.

Alternatively, they could switch to one of the meta healers at the time: Lucio or Zenyatta.


Watch seagulls video on why he doesn’t like the mercy rez ult.

After watching that i am so glad they got rid of it…

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Back in the day, Mercy players would hide with rez. Your team would fight a 5 v 6 to qualify for a potential 6v6 later. It basically trickled your team and delayed your next fight. Perhaps Mercy was fine but this strategy was lame

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That guy is heavily biased about Mercy in general. I wouldnt advice to watch a video just from him and forming an opinion after it. You should inform yourself better before taking everything some “pro” says for granted.


It reminds me of how she was played before, and why it was bad.

It’s a long time ago, that is why watching the video is a good way of remembering.

Mercy would hide every game. Every fight. And then you would have a 6 vs 11 fight…