Old Mercy was actually pretty niche

Except that’s not always tactically sound. The point is Mercy was pushing the strategy to recklessly dying on the point, then relying on Mass Rez as a means to just bring back everyone (even as ineffective as it was). It circumvented good strategy and just brute-forced it, and attempts to do otherwise were met with quite a lot of anger

Anger that could be avoided if you killed her first if she’s on the other team, or if she’s on yours actually coordinate a proper push so rez was the last resort and not the point of the play. Poor teamwork and lack of cooperation were large reasons for a lot of the issues people thought they had.

I’m repeating myself here, but this was the problem. Attempts to do this were shot down by Mercy players yelling at you to die on point so they could mass rez. It didn’t matter whether you were trying a legit strat or not. “Poor teamwork” and “lack of cooperation” rest squarely at the feet of those Mercy players who engaged in this behavior, not those who played alongside them.

Old mercy, as in before they messed with her at all. But I remember a LOT of people spitting in faces of mercy players with the “she’s fine” meme, funny how that completely 180-ed for convenience now…


From my experience its always been 1 support, usually mercy, and 1 tank doing anything on point by themselves against most of the other team while the other 4 players, all DPS, run around chasing 1v1s. If mercy had to tell the team that its likely because teammates are actively throwing without even realizing it.

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Well the trick is she was always a must-pick. But people didn’t perceive her as a mustpick. Which kept her pickrate low in January.

But slowly, at a very steady rate, Mercy pickrate climbed back up to beyond where it was last December.

And here we are now, where Mercy has more pickrate than Moira and Ana combined:

My experience states otherwise :man_shrugging: Only, Blizzard identified the “die on point” strat as an issue and was part of the original reasoning for her rework into Moth, alongside hide-and-rez.


I miss the old Mercy. The new Mercy is really boring.

I never even minded playing against Mercy. When she had a huge rez that swung the fight and meant my team lost…well, that was part of the fun of playing against her!

Mercy’s skill floor was also so low that it seemed appropriate that Ana was more powerful in the right hands. It is incredible that Mercy is the best healer when she’s the easiest to play. That makes no sense.


Which kinda confirms that some of those opinions came from a very toxic place and should have never been acknowledged by blizzard in the first place. If I were a developer I wouldn’t take kindly to people rubbing salt in the wound the way a lot of people did with any part of the mercy fiasco.


I have no idea what that reply means.

LoS was the easiest fix they could have employed and none of what happened would have happened. Instead the wrong people were listened to…and here we are…


Now, this I agree with to a degree. It would have addressed hide-and-rez, not die on point. That said, Blizzard did make a poor decision and go for the full rework at the behest of people who found mass rez unfun when the enemy team suddenly popped back up from the dead (I personally had no issue with this aspect of mass rez, as frustrating as it was, because you could counter it), which created the problem we now face

It means the people that want her nerfed just want it out of spite at this point. The problem might not even be related at all to her but still people will go “its time to nerf mercy”


I want Mercy nerfed because she has more pickrate than Moira and Ana combined:

What she needs is a revert or another rework, one that they actually consult ACTUAL Mercy players on. There’s nothing left they can nerf that wouldn’t punish the whole support class and potentially break her.


You’re right. Valkyrie removes her weakness in single target healing.


I mean, yes and no.

A lot of Mercy commenters on the forum don’t care about making Moira or Ana be viable relative to Mercy.

Acting like literally any nerf to Mercy that isn’t a revert would doom Mercy to get picked a lot less than Moira and Ana.

You know the type?

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After all these months it seems like a fair deal - your life for theirs.

Note to Dev: Listening to an ocean bird for balance is not a good thing to do.


That was because they nerfed hard Ana and lucio, Mercy was the only main Healer viable.
Now there are more Healers (Moira and Brigitte, but monstly Moira) and Ana is almost viable again (or maybe She is already viable, but current Mercy Shadows that)