Old guys like me

I’m 34 and aiming to be in the overwatch league hahaha. Wishful thinking. I play any tank and some healers… Always on competitive, never lost the competitive spirit as my hair greyed and my weight got out of control ;).

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I’m over 50 (don’t want to say exactly how old) and I originally bought it to play with my son online

edit Oh and I am a Torb main with 733 hours on Torb followed by 103 hours on Roadhog and 95 with Mei (I loved Mei when I very first started playing the game but that was around bronze level and I can’t use her in plat to save my life).

I was actually banned for playing Torb when my win rate with him was over 60% two seasons ago.

I’m a disabled man and I play comp and deathmatch.


35 here
enjoying the game a lot even though I bought it couple of monhts ago and even though I can’t seem to get above silver level I still play it every day (been gamer for past 27 years) and I love it.
I never was supreme FPS player so my aim is not very good (primarily rts player).
I main:
DPS - Junkrat
tank - D.va
support - moira

hf :wink:


Older than 35 semi-casual.

No more reflexes or mechanical skill to play heroes that need them.

Reduced to “no-skill” support heroes.


Since when does 35+ qualify as old?


Overwatch isn’t Lego. There’s no age limit.

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37 here, 38 in a month. It’d been a dog’s age since I had regularly played ‘pvp’ style games–Tribes 1 and my time in TF2 are definitely in the rear view mirror–but a friend showed me the initial ‘trailer’ for Overwatch and I had to give it a go (so, hey, kudos cinematics team).

Definitely more someone who plays MMOs or tabletop games, but Overwatch still has it’s charms even for someone like me. Trying tanks on for size so far (Orisa, Rein, Dva, Winston).

Want to try the supports more but then I hear myself back when I did MMO raiding regularly–“But to be a healer I’d need to first be a responsible adult!”


So you are a year older than me, I play tanks and support as my main characters but I’m also a parent and I think it’s the protective side of me that brings that thought process of picking them for me. I’m not saying all parents are like that but that I am, I just have to protect my kiddos… er I mean teammates.


I’m tip toeing to my 30’s… I’m not exactly old but… I can start to feel it in my body… I started to experience bugs with my body you could say. Age is a mere number created to make people feel older than they are. Act my age… never… I’ll act like I’m 22.


I’m only a year younger, with my 42nd coming up in January.

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good to hear not everyone in OW community is 15 years old :wink:


44 here. I’ve been playing games on computers since Commodore 64 days.

While my reflexes have gone down hill sharply post 35, my love of games has not. Certain physical ailments (likely from playing all the games lol) keep me from playing as well as I’d like, but I still enjoy the tactics portion of the gameplay.

Situational awareness and tactical know how have served me pretty well where my reflexes fail me. I have to say though, there are many, many times where I’ve wanted to give it up. You’d think it was because I’m bested by the opposing team, but that’s wrong. It’s because of people on my team!

Why are you running in there solo?! It’s 1v5 idiot! Come back until the rest of the team gets here! You’re feeding!!

Of course, I’m yelling this at empty air, because if I voice my opinions in VC, well… We know what happens :smiley:


In the older group

I play every hero, except Doomfist.
Love playing with 6 stacks, so we can actually use team strategy.

Hate soloQ and comp is anything but competitive. (not playing this without a dedicated team anymore, so done with comp)

On the reflexes note, I don’t know that mine have gone down too much, from my UT days.

Add me in game if you want for QP. Most of the people I play with tend to be older also with a few young uns mixed in.


This reminds me of that troll post asking for a game assist for uncapable conditions like one handed people.
If that happens I certainly need a handicap for being old.

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1v6 is for the epic glory clutch kills man…we all have to try it out WE MUST!FOR THE GLORY! lol

I’m 38 and never played FPS games apart from the first Halo on the original Xbox so my aim is a bit rubbish, however I enjoy playing Lucio on console. His controls feel like Sonic the Hedgehog crossed with a driving game and I played those games a lot as a kid. I also like Symm, Torb, the tanks & supports but don’t enjoy DPS much. I seem to be improving slowly as I went from 700Sr when I began at the beginning of the year to 1850Sr so it is still possible to learn despite being oldish and new to these games.


i couldnt even tell you what my sr is…lol how you check that?Hell im probably not even ranked yet…dunno

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I am so old it’s embarrassing. I’m like 98.

Anyway, I have to admit that first, I’m on console and second, it’s really an eye issue more than anything, where I’ve played sniper types since ever there were FPS games. But truth is, I was awesome at it when I was like 22 and I suck compared to my younger self. So I like timing and strategic characters.

They’re often called ‘low skill’ but that’s a bunch of horseshet. I’M the one with low skill. You watch the pros play these characters and you can see that they do take quite a bit of skill and game knowledge to run.

But I’ve got a much better chance at learning strategy, area control, and timing than I do catching a fly in chopsticks. Besides, truthfully, most of these characters are far more funny and fun, anyway.

Hanzo, zzzz. Widowmaker too, frankly.

Torbjorn, hilarious. And hard too since he sucketh so. Reinhardt, pretty awesome, Wrecking Ball…best, most fun tank add yet.


“That’s just a recommendation…”

That’s really not that old