Okay, what the heck is going on here

These patch notes are… amazing. Superb. Not only are they buffs and nerfs for the right heroes, but they are all well designed, impactful changes. I wasn’t disappointed in a single change.

Please guys, more like this. Fantastic job. What a pleasant surprise before work.


poor ashe :pensive:


Ummm…I mean I guess? She’s literally the best dps in the game right now, and this nerf really isnt even that big for her. She still has massive power.


yeah “poor” Ashe she only dominated the game for this long…


Yeah they nerfed the right thing, I don’t play Ashe because I just can’t aim with her unlike Ana or Widow. But when I get Bob before my Team has 50% by only shooting dynamites somethings wrong.


Seems familiar to me.


they make complete sense…so i dont believe they are real :stuck_out_tongue:


RIP Silver age of FFA. Back into the trifecta age we go.

Well designed? Hog’s broken hook gets worse. Really, who in their right thinks its good for his hook to pull targets in closer? Making his 1-hit kill even more efficient? Oh right, DPS players & DPS-biased Blizzard themselves.

And McCree, really? As if he hasnt had enough buffs, he gets to roll while airborne & get a distance buff too? Might as well replace that roll with a sprint button at this point.

Blizzard’s DPS bias, which is a huge reason why the non-Comp modes are plagued with tryhards is why I haven’t played the game for a few weeks now. I’m thinking if I even should play this again until DPS fully rules the game. 9th Gen consoles are 2 months away, maybe news of an OW2 Beta can drop then, and OW fully going the FPS route that even Jeff wants can start at that point.

Because playing OW right now is nothing but torture.

my point is she was nerfed harder than she was buffed back in march… wish they just reverted everything


Yes but tbf compared to “old” overwatch(where the devs are trying to go) ashe is an insanely broken dps. She was released during powercreep.

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They’re pretty good aside from Hog. I’d say he needs a bit more if he wants to be viable again


We’ll have to see, but I think he might be fine with these experimental changes. Not sure, but he’ll be super close to viable if he isn’t. Maybe a partial fire rate revert?

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I think it’s overall a good patch, I am just surprised to see nothing about Zarya on there. I feel like, at the very least, they need to increase her energy decay rate at some point.


Bab seems a bit underwelming but il take it.
I think blizzard is verry warry off bab.

I wouldnt say they were perfect but the last 2 patches were actually decent

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Widow still needs hard nerfs, but we’re definitely going in the right direction for once in terms of changes.

I’m still disappointed in the Roadhog changes, i don’t see it really helping him, i want them to atleast revert one of those previous nerfs when damage got buffed or make his spread abit tighter atleast.

Hog is in his weakest state in history, McCree will still be awful because he doesn’t shoot fast enough and gets rolled by dive.

Are you okay? Seriously, like, do you play the game?

My prediction. 1600 sr, plays 10 ranked games a season, mains winston or rein.

EDIT: Damn I was wrong, he’s a bastion main LMAO, I was close to the sr though, gold and 1600 are basically the same. Yeah this is 100% bait. I fell for it, you got me, wp.

A ton of T500 streamers are saying the game is in a better state than it has been for years. Just saying.