Mccree needs buffs

Increase the minimum dmg from range
From 35 to 45 or semi revert recovery time to .46

Decrease recovery time from .3 to .2

-Mccree now has the ability to roll midair

  • distance traveled from roll has increased by 30%
  • roll now is 10% slower

Footsteps are now more silent

How about this:


Deadeye (Passive)

  • For every headshot McCree gets with his Peacekeeper, his Combat Roll cooldown is reduced by -1 second.

Combat Roll

  • Invulnerable during the first half of the roll animation.

Might make him busted in owl who knows them fellas will be hitting headshots left n right

Might bring Pine out of retirement :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh man, a headshot related mechanic would be amazing. Like, for every headshot mccree reloads 1 bullet. How long can you keep up the dink chain?

Sure it would be bs but I mean the game already has genji can’t be more bs than that.

Lol how’s genji bs just curious

Oh nothing much, just dash resets from clip damage, deflect in the middle of ultimate, increased movement speed while in ultimate, million passives, ridiculous 1 shot combos, better long range damage than some long range heroes, you know, just something little like that…

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Ummm yea that might sound op on paper yea but he’s balanced out by only doing 28 per shuriken and then traveling at 60 mps: And a dash does 50 damage so who cares if it gets reset balls and winstons still do way more cleave damage. And deflect has small hitbox compared to sigma suck and dva dm.

Genjis got a high pick rate for a reason and it’s not because he’s strong… it’s because he’s one of the best designed characters not just in OW but in general. he had high pickrates even after they hammered him after ledge dash nerf way back

Half the stuff you’re complaining about doesn’t even make sense it’s not like he’s always gonna have reflect for ultimate and he needs the speed.

The only valid argument against blade is that it can get dmg boosted and that’s the reason they nerfed to from 8 to 6 way back

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I meself just thinks he needs his machine gun back. He felt…good.


True but I doubt it’ll happen

Funny how they nerfed his rof but buffed his hp to 250 a while back but thought it was a bad idea but are now just nerfing him with no compensation

Do you even listen to yourself? C’mon man.

The problem with McCree is that he feels awful to play. Even if they increased his damage to dumb levels , he still would feel bad to play.

HIs damage, movement, or survivability/health are NOT fixes that will help him feel better to play.
He is already a slow , loud hero, and making him fire slow as well feels bad.

His fire rate needs to be at least 0.46 (still less that he had previously, but more than live) to “FEEL” decent to play. And to be able to have a chance against the heroes hes suppose to counter, which are speedy flankers. Which he cannot do close to consistent now.

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Guess what.

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Haha Rolls pretty bad sooo it seems bout right