Okay, what the heck is going on here

Yeah for sure, theyre excellent. I quit for 3 months (Couldn’t handle the year of double shield, and then while I was gone it was hog zar?) But now the games are incredible.

Just hope the Orisa buff doesn’t go through. Idc so much about the gun buff, but she does NOT need buffs to her health. She needs shield cd and shield health buff to fill her bunker niche. Buffs like these will only push her further towards brawl, and we saw what happened in double shield.

She’s fine, if you can actually hit your shots. (which you should, if you’re playing Ashe.)

Considering his one hit kill couldn’t even kill a sombra anymore, yeah he needed compensation. And he’s still less of a barrier shredder than he was prior, so they got it right.


Roadhog is a tank. You can call him whatever you want but he Is not a dps. Also, his one shot is all he’s good for and it wasnt even functioning right.

And mccree, you serious? He sucked bad before this. Plus baptiste and orisa got buffed. “Dps bias”

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they do this when they panic, tons of people have left the game recently so they’ve actually started to do stuff that needs doing, who knew listening to your audience is good for buisness? they’ll slip into their old ways again shortly, just wait.

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You forgot the /S tag

No. I didn’t. These are good.

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You sound like an abuse victim.

Lol okay. No point of engagement with people like you


Because PvP aint your style hommie

Yes I’m sure with my diamond rank I’m every role pvp “isnt my style homie”.

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Diamond is where people “start” getting good. Bragging about it tells me everything I need to know lol.

Poor Ashe getting another tickle nerf. :pensive:


Thanks for explaining in detail why these changes are bad. It totally changed my mind after reading it.


I’m not bragging lol. You’re calling me bad at pvp and saying idk what I’m talking about when my ranking is higher than yours, and I’m still in the top 10% of the playerbase.

I don’t really think you have any grounds to stand on here, especially seeing as to how you have done absolutely nothing to explain why you disagree with me and instead have made troll like remarks the entire time you’ve been here.

Game hasn’t been good enough to take seriously for a long time. I defiantly peaked higher than you at low masters. Top 10% of what? Game has gotten way easier since most of the good players moved on.

One, of course you’d try to use my Bastion usage as an insult. You defend Hog’s broken hook & broken McCree(the guy has been shooting fast since his fire rate buff, his shots cant be stafed), yet you’re one of those people that still complain about Bastion, the only DPS that got nerfed to death & is situational af because of it.

And SR, I’ve long since had enough of Comp, but you ignored Plat. I’ll at least give you some slack there, the site these forums lead to for stats dont track all the Comp seasons.

Lastly, there’s no way I’d use Rein or Winston, some of the nerfed to death Tanks, now.

It could. Sombra’s a squishy. Why would it not?

Barriers are still crap, there’s no need for a particular shield destroyer.

He doesnt have a barrier. He never focused on Defense like Rein & others. The Tank nerfs never affected him because his job is to deal damage & he gets tons of solo survivability thanks to his op healing. He’s just a DPS, and one with way more health.

His flashbang still hands free kills. His fire rate is too fast His ult is still broken & had several buffs.

Bap, you call that ult cost decrease a buff? His healing is still nerfed. And Orisa? Just one revert, which wont really do much against DPS anyway. No damage increase, or a barrier buff.

The bias you’re showing here is pretty extreme. McCree hasn’t been good for a long time, and his current stats are some of the worst in the game.
Bastion being bad does not make McCree good.
And McCree’s ult being broken? Are you actually high? That is genuinely one of the dumbest claims I’ve seen, aside from that one bronze player who claimed Hanzo’s ult was OP because it could go through walls.

Hog was terrible before the damage buff, and now he’s worse. Any one-shot DPS can do his job without the risk of single-handedly feeding the enemy team half an ult’s worth of ult charge in one attempt. His only redeeming quality right now is that barriers are terrible.


Keep telling yourself that. DPS are the ones that always get stronger.

You say that, yet his arsenal is unbalanced.

How is an AIMBOT ult not broken to you? Said aimbot shoots down barriers, then the target when fully charged. Players always go up top & behind the enemy team then use it because they know the ult cant be avoided. You have a 25% chance of running in the right direction to cover, because you dont know where McCree is ulting from until its too late.

That’s exactly why Hanzo’s ult is op. It goes through walls & you wont know where the ult is going, unless Hanzo wasnt aiming at you. And if Hanzo was aiming at you, he knows if you’re behind cover, thanks to his Sonic Arrow.

Voice lines arent enough of an indicator for McCree & Hanzo’s ults.

No he wasnt. DPS players wouldnt use him if he was actually bad. And Hog only got stronger when Blizzard started killing barriers.

His one-hit kill hook lowers the feeding risk big time. And with barriers dying, Hog isnt the only feeder anymore.

You are clearly basing this on your own opinions rather than facts. Go look at some actual stats before you say something else.

He can barely move, glows like a lamp and has a huge hitbox. He’s an easy target to shut down when he ults. Even if he manages to kill one with it, he’s most likely going to die during the animation because it’s impossible to miss him unless your aim is absolute trash, making the ult useless in the first place. It’s objectively one of, if not the worst ults in the entire game.

You serious? Hanzo’s ult is only good for zoning or combining with other ults. You can hear it coming and easily get away from it no matter where you are outside of a grav because it’s slow as hell, unless you have no awareness whatsoever. It’s easy to avoid even with low-mobility heroes. There’s a reason why only very low-ranked players believe it’s OP.

That’s not the only indicator of McCree, he becomes a slow-moving target with a large hitbox who glows. You can easily figure out where he is from the sound alone if you wear headphones. You are either a bad troll or completely lack any form of awareness in the game.

On the contrary, he was used by a lot of people to cut down on queue times because he was the closest thing to a DPS in the other roles or could be made to counter a handful heroes in niche scenarios when the DPS players couldn’t deal with specific heroes like Doom. His winrate was terrible at all ranks, and that is a fact. His pickrate wasn’t high either.

He can feed as much as 4.5 squishy targets combined in one death. It’s literally 35-50% of most ults from a single target.

The only thing you’ve made clear here is that you are completely clueless as to the stats regarding these heroes and the state of the game.