Okay guys, stop whining, The D.va short was good

I view Dva’ mentality as simple depression and mourning for her comrades.

Also third reason. The writing sucks. Was this short even a story or a showcase for potential skins?

Telling everyone that they are childish because they have strongly worded opinions about not liking the short comes across as though you’re trying to act as though yours is the only valid opinion. Adults should be able to disagree, even strongly, without the name calling.

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Yes of course! That’s what I’m saying. The thing is, it definitely goes both ways. I will respect people’s opinions, as long as your opinion isn’t that I myself should/shouldn’t like X. No one should tell me how I should feel, that’s just silly. If you don’t like it though, that’s fine! It’s totally okay!

Again, let me make my stance clear. You’re more than free to voice your opinion. You’re free to say why you don’t like X. Heck, it’s really helpful to Blizzard. I’m not an advocate for blind praise. They’ll never learn from their mistakes otherwise. And we can definitely agree to disagree on certain topics.

Where I draw the line, however, is when people say “No, you shouldn’t like X.” After all, why should someone else care about my opinion?

That’s it, really.

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They were all probably expecting Gremlin!D.VA and instead got DoIt4ThePeople!D.VA.

Eh, I do not really care what other people believe, it was garbage though. Okay, perhaps that is a bit harsh. It would have been okay if I was not waiting for a year. That being said, I did know virtually everything going into it and could infer most of the rest in hindsight. Glad you enjoyed it and got something new. You probably should have just read her bio though and you would be less impressed.

The short itself was incredible but I feel like it wasn’t enough to off put the major lore drought we have right now, had this short released a few years ago or if this lore drought didn’t happen in the first place we probably would’ve gotten a far better reception from the community.

I enjoyed it. It made D.va a person instead of an annoying voice in a robot. Actually made me want to start playing her.

Oh excellent a heart to heart.

I agree no one should dictate your own opinions and likes.

Meanwhile OP is considering everyone who hates the new short to be whining and inconsiderate players.

Maybe the short just sucked? He stubbornly won’t admit to forcing players to praise Blizzard on shoddy workmanship.

You can like it for the visual for Dva, but the execution and the story? Then the side character abuse? All the questions and cliffhangers…just so much wrong here.

Not to mention thia does nothing to fix the current problems with our game. It was a sideproject that took priority over development because well that what the bosses wanted.


Man, what’s up with all these people upset about interpreting certain things like ptsd? Did you want them to spoon feed you? D.va has to say “I HAVE PTSD! LOL WINKY FROWNY FACE ;(”

She is in mourning.

The battle just happened so she is depressed. Which is a natural factor to a high amount of stress over a short period of time.

The disgnostic for PTSD is that the brain is on a constant stress mode. Where an individual is always feeling like they are in a fight or rushed for an order. That tense feeling and sharp kick in the head telling them to move and move quickly as possible.

From what I’ve seen as a PTSD victim myself. Dva wasn’t feeling stressed during her downtime. She was albe to relax and mope around which is more evident in a depression case which can be considered a stepping stone towards many mental conditons.

Yet nothing is seen as a progressing issue. No jitters no muttering of the past fight. No instantenous sign of emotional triggers.

She is just fine.

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I thought this was a fun watch.

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She’s also a cartoon character. She can suffer from post traumatic stress disorder if her writers deign that she suffers from it, whether she demonstrates textbook symptoms or not. Symmetra was not on the spectrum at first, but was later retconned to be such.

On it’s own, the short was great.

It’s just that since it was about D.Va, it was disappointing to find out that little miss perfect’s only problem is that she has one 5 second flashback. Past that, it’s right back to “Alright, she can handle everything herself, so long as she basically exists, everything is going to be fine.” Like, even her mech was the only one that didn’t have to be temporarily taken out of commission for full on repairs, it just got scratched up some.

I honestly really wanted her to fail to some extent, at least on her own. Have the last omnic get through and start wreaking havoc in town, adapting to D.Va on the fly so she can’t just handle everything by herself.

I just felt let down to have the thought of D.Va being “Well everything always works out for her” since release, finally get a short on her, and… everything just works out for her.

Yeah the DVA cinematic was good because it did add some story to the universe; usually they only add little tidbits during the cinematics. The animation was also top notch.

However, just because the animation quality was great and it was a vehicle to convey more lore doesn’t mean I’m going to pretend the actual content wasn’t subpar. Mainly referring to the writing, and more specifically the dialogue, but the plot was also kind of weak. If you don’t think so that’s your business. I read fantasy and science fiction novels pretty much every day, so maybe that’s why I have those standards.

I’ll stop complaining when they reveal Dva’s MEKA flight simulator for arcade mode.

People on these forums are gonna complain about anything and everything.

Many of them can’t think for themselves, so if they see a post that’s popular that complains about the D.Va short, they’ll hate it too. It’s just how some people are unfortunately.

It seems weird to me that a lot of those who are criticizing Shooting Star for allegedly only showing the details of her bio are glossing over the fact that that is exactly what happens in The Last Bastion and Rise and Shine.

I have a feeling many responders are ignoring the part of the sentence that follows “or”.

R0seThorne didn’t state for a fact that D.Va has PTSD, just that it’s a potential explanation for her behavior when not in the spotlight, the other possibility being that she is just shaken and depressed by the destruction and losses caused by the Omnics, but is too blinded by her own pride and the expectations of her fans to think rationally about it.

None of the cinematics so far were ever longer than ten minutes maximum. None of them. You are comparing the short to something that does not exist, therefore this particular argument is invalid.
The cinematics from shortest to longest:

  1. Infiltration (6:20)

  2. Alive (6:26)

  3. Hero (6:43)

  4. The Last Bastion (7:23)

  5. Honor and Glory (7:26)

  6. Shooting Star (7:48)

  7. Recall (8:02)

  8. Dragons (8:04)

  9. Rise and Shine (10:00)

I was corrwcted on this already.

I diamiss any further claims until you read all previous posts.

Asof right now you are blindly replying onto posts and nitpicking at each one. If you want to be a part of the conversation, please read a bit more before engaging.

Just to keep eveyone on track with the dicussion. Thank you for your cooperation.

Reply glitch. This seriously needs to get fixed.

I don’t think that it is anyone’s business to adjudicate who can or cannot be part of the conversation. I think that refraining from that sort of exclusionary practice would also go a long way toward making the forums a more friendly place.