Okay guys, stop whining, The D.va short was good

The biggest argument I’ve seen that you keep using is that D.va’s character wasn’t developed and that we already know most of the stuff about her in the short. That’s bull.

We had things confirmed and events that gave us more questions about her which makes her more interesting. She had a flashback when looking at the deep scratch in her MEKA arm. This could mean Hana has PTSD or is deeply affected by past events.
A lot of people actually just thought she was some annoying 19 year old gamer girl who operated a mech to defend S. Korea.
In this short, we were given her possible PTSD problem, a new, super adorable male character , we find out Hana has a very hard time asking for help and that she rushes in on her own a lot, We found out how her ultimate comes in to play, we find out she’s extremely determined to protect her city and country and that she’s deathly afraid of losing one day and failing.

We learned so much about Hana Song in this short and you’re all complaining like children, like blizzard only let you watch one episode of a cartoon right before your bed time. Chill. Out.
They are extremely busy with other things. They have fixed Rein’s ult, made 3 entirely new maps for King of the Hill, and they’re dealing with many upset hero mains who feel like their hero is in decline.

Give them some breathing room and stop acting like just because you don’t believe there was enough info in the new short for you that no one is gonna like it and that it’s trash. It was Beautiful and the MEKA fight sequence over the ocean was gorgeous.

Grow up.


The current generation of gamers personified.


How about we stop with the blanket statements of THE SHORT WAS AMAZING or THE SHORT SUCKED!? People can have different opinions.


Which isn’t confirmed. That’s not lore. Simply remembering an event happening in the past is hardly PTSD.


Didn’t say it was flawless, but the people who keep saying it was a failure and that blizz is lazy for it are just down right childish


You could build them the Taj Mahal in two weeks, and they’d still be complaining. It’s not so much the short itself; it’s the principle of the thing.


It wasn’t just her seeing a past event, her facial expression, and tone of voice, and attitude about it feed into the possibility.

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Its like harry potter we all know the story and books… but its cool seeing it live playing out.

We all know dvas backstory and here we have it live and playing out. Considering shes one of the most popular heros i thought people woukd be happy. Other heros will never get a cinematix

They should make that as a payload map tbh, that’d be so amazing <3

But we already knew that from playing with bronze d.va players :wink:


Taj Mahal as a payload map?

Symmetra mains would be happy. Especially since the Taj Mahal is virtually the embodiment of what Symmetra is.


L O L I just spit out my coffee

Meh you can feel one way, I can feel differently. That’s what makes us human.

And I’m not saying you can’t, it’s just the blatant exaggerations like “Blizz doesn’t care about D.va a hero!” etc

This forum is great at over exaggerations. According to the forums rein and sombra are totally buggy unplayable messes of heroes.

I imagine 95% of people found the short just fine.


This whole POST was childish. Check yourself before you try and check others. In essentiality, what this post is saying that is “Your opinion clashes with mine, and i’m going to treat my opinion as a fact, so… just stop expressing your opinion because i don’t like it!”. When you strip away all the fancy words and sugar coating, THAT is what this post would look like. Your opinions are NOT facts; stop treating them as such.

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Didn’t treat them as facts actually. I suggest not assuming my intentions. I made valid points as to why the short wasn’t as bad as people are making it out to be

You ABSOLUTELY did treat your opinions as facts. “Okay guys, stop whining, The D.va short was good.” You were evidently trying to force your opinion onto others. I’m assuming nothing, your intentions with this were crystal clear. You have only further proved my point here by stating you made “valid points” alluding to the fact that the points you made (YOUR OPINIONS) were facts.


I liked the short. Was it amazeballs best short ever? No, it wasn’t. But it was good, and I think the tone of it was perfect for what we now know Hana’s personality and the media are. Internalized, pretending to be all good, brave face, don’t ask for help, etc.

It wasn’t super emotional like Rein’s by design, imo. It’s her personality, and the culture. (media representing everything as rosey, not wanting to scare the public by showing MEKA as weak, etc)


Everyone has an opinion and this is yours.

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