Okay guys, stop whining, The D.va short was good

Meh. Seems like you’re not willing to have a nice, civilized discussion. My title was because a lot of people are over exaggerating it’s flaws and telling blizz they suck and that they’re lazy and that they don’t care about D.va as a hero when that’s not all correct. Lazy means doing nothing, Blizz is overwhelmed and busy, they obviously care about D.va, and the short had high points to. Sorry you can’t see my point or that my intention wasn’t to force my opinions on others. Have a nice day.

I don’t think so. The Taj Mahal was built by the Mulahs which were of Muslim tradition. Symmetra has two skins depicting Hindu deities which makes me think of her more of an Hindu and that type of temple such as (and please look this up) Meenakshi Amman, Jagannath or Ranganathaswamy.

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It’s fine if you loved the short. But I wouldn’t say someone’s whining for not liking it. Not everyone has to like the same things you like.

Me personally, it was lackluster. But I’m not going to sit here and call anyone who liked it a “whiner” and their opinions “bull”. That’s entirely subjective.

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It was good. Not the great level like people were expecting, but it was still good.

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I think the short was ok. it didn’t think it was anything special and I was sitting there wanting more. I think it was nice that we got to see the MEKA team, and we got introduced to a new character but you know.

I liked the short and I actually feel I know the character way more now. The best thing, in my opinion, is how the D.Va persona doesn’t show how Hana really is and what she likes. I liked the sense of responsibility she feels being the best pilot in the MEKA team and how that has pushed her to not rely in anyone else.

I think the biggest problem this short has is that it follows up to some of the best and most emotional shorts produced by Blizzard (across all their games, IMO) which were: “Last Bastion”, “Rise and Shine” and “Honor and Glory”. Compared to those, this one really doesn’t shine that much.

Again, I really liked it. Just wanted to share my point of view as I understand how many people could’ve been disappointed.



I learned that her core was always exposed for her mech.

That she only keeps on meka in a huge hanger. That a gamer diet which is doritos and soda keeps people thin for some reason.

That 8 evil flying omnics are enough for a large invasive attack on a city. That one omnic is enough to kill 1000s in a city widely known for housing a plethora of defense technology and a squad of legendary meka pilots.

That in 5 minutes no one ccould react to an airstrike and that Korea’s self defense sucks. That falling from that many stories somehow isn’t death inducing especially when landing on your SPINE. More specifically on her neck and shoulders.

I learned that electronics in a sodadon’t somehow shock you.

And most of all that 7 minutes of a cinematic short is enough to excuse it and put it on par with other 30 minutes overwatch cinematics.

Horrendous case there bub. It was pretty. End of story. Friendzoned no happy ending we know she lives and Korea gets destroyed. Geee. No wonder why! It took only several omnics getting pass one meka.

-Busan’s MEKA team was all on leave except Hana who stayed behind to strengthen herself
-High impact explosive missiles aimed at several office buildings tend to kill a lot of people, and x8 would be even worse

Honestly, if you liked it, great! I respect that.

If you don’t like it, that’s also fine! I can also respect that.

But don’t think that everyone needs to like it/hate it just because you do. Everyone has their own reasons, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them.

I did a lot of things in this post, and yes that includes the title claiming that people need to quit whining about it because face it, quite a few people have been indeed whining about it and over exaggerating it. However, I did not try to shove my opinion down people’s throats.

Oh! Yeah I’m not talking to you specifically lol. You’re fine.

I’m talking about the people who go on threads like this and say stuff like “here’s why you SHOULDN’T like this short” and stuff like that :angry:

Oh phew! Nevermind! lol

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After a large scale attack?!

And Dva just so happen to diss the party because of her obsession with improving her meka suit?!

Is that luck on the city’s part or ignorance?

And why are we acting like defense matrix is exclusive to Dva only?! Why was she the only one who responded? Hell even the guy at the command console didn’t even bother to call for help!

Where was the police?! Where was the military?! Where is the guard?! Where is the high tech automated defenses?!

It was 8 omnics! 8 are you telling me in that day age with all that technological wonder day and age that everyone is either ignorant of the war or theres a fault in the writing and the whole story?

Because which is it? The story is bad or legit and trust me there is many more questions to the shortcoming of this short.

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Here’s why you shouldn’t act that way.

This game isn’t perfect and praising it only stunts its evolution for the future.

Really?..It wasn’t forced. Not to be offensive but…you said “whining” and that we need to “quit it” can we not have our own opinions?

There is no group that is trying to go around and sabotage the game. Its just a bunch of random players voicing their opinions and ideas.

So…I have no idea how else to tell you this but. Umm…it bombed if this is the majority of random players’ decisions.

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Sure, the game isn’t perfect. Blizzard isn’t immune from criticism. They don’t do everything right, I’ll admit

But that doesn’t mean you can’t like the things they do pull off. Right?

I mean, if people like it, that’s good on them. I say just let them like it.

If you don’t like it, that’s fine too. It’s a totally valid opinion.

But please, don’t tell players who like it, that they shouldn’t. Because that’s their opinion, and it’s not hurting anyone, really.

You can like what you want but do not ciminalize those who voice their own opinions.

You also have to admit there are many tjings we overlook because of hype and diversion.

We are still suffering from issues since Febuary here and all anyone ever wants to tall about is these new changes that add more bugs and delay reworks and such.

So guess what gets drowned out. Our vooced concerns because of excitement and distraction.

Since FEB MAN!!!

How muh more do we need to hold this concern for it to be fixed and is it even humane making us suffer for months until a fix is implimented?

People sa clmplaints flood the forums? No we have to remale them because wha really floods the forums and smolescreens issues is all this dang forced positivity.

Have you ever thought tha all thia praose is censoring players who have real concerns for this game. That you can benefit from?

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I’ll admit I made a couple of calm discussion threads and did a couple of silly ones but I always try to ake part in the threads that have serious concerns.

Why? Because this is our game. Not the pros or Blizzards. They may be god here bt we paid for their services. And I have a right to placr my own feedback on how my experiencen is going in terms of products and services.

Yet eve as unsatisfied as we are we praise them and pat them on the ahoulder growig gidd with every new piece of contenttha may onl brig up more issues.

Anyone who knew she was in the military would you tell that past losses and lost comrades weighs on all of the non-psycho ones while they are in a battle field. Like for real. It doesn’t necessarily mean she has PTSD. That was not unexpected, especially since D.va has voice lines about things reminding of her sad stuff in game.

We also already knew she wasn’t the only mech fighter already.

The only thing we learned is she’s not a fame monger she just plays one on TV.

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I beieleve that many (read not everyone,
Just many) were disappointed with the short for two reasons:

  1. People are still sour over old Dva design and just plain displikenthe hero

  2. People are so hungry for lore that this didn’t meet their personal expectations.

Either one of those can lead to disliking the short, if a person falls into both categories…

Of course either opinion is valid for a person to have, but it is just as bad to tell someone “it sucked, you’re wrong” as it is for the person who liked the short to say.

As to the possibility of PTSD…

An argument can also be made either way because in all honesty, there is too little to go off of to make a definitive diagnosis.

For PTSD: her flash back, shows events are still very fresh in her mind and seem to drive her current mental state to which she…

May have hyper vigilance
Self imposed isolation - even with someone willing to help she has a hard time accepting it and does not express her personal feelings well keeping how she feels bottled up

Paranoia: which proved to be justified, but the city which has obvious resources letting a sole mecha be its defense against another attack? That makes no sense. The city apparently is keeping her around as their local war hero-turned celebrity (and making a most likely mint on product placement using her), having eebuiltnthe city they added no additional defenses. Again most likely meaning the city believed the threat was over. But not Hana.

She puts on a brave face and light hearted exterior demeanor to downplay the issues she isn’t dealing with.

Against PTSD:
She just had a memory and expresses some sadness.

She most likely is a workaholic throwing herself into something she believes necessary. She is pained by her losses but issuing it to drive her to work harder to be prepared.

She is wary of trusting other people because of her loss.

See? Either view can be right.