Ok, what's the drama with 2-2-2 after all?

Not gonna happen. As long there is a choice there will ALWAYS be a better option. Competitive TF2 (at least 6v6) leaned HARD into the meta because it was a community driven competitive league and the community liked the 2 soldier, 2 scout, 1 demo, 1 medic meta and pretty much banned every unlock under the sun.

It’s also a pretty $$$$ty think to do to complete shut down a class. Just like I argue that Hard CC and other Mobatrash elements have no place in a shooter.

But the Matchmaker doesn’t know which will do so.

No this is something that works if there are a lot of counterplay options. It’s how mobas work they have so many hero’s they have tons of strategies.

Games like smash ultimate currently have this type of thing.

Tf2 doesn’t because it doesn’t have an abundance of different unique characters

Sadly at the rate the devs are releasing new hero’s you are right it won’t happen. At least not in any reasonable amount of time

That wouldn’t shut down a class. That just another way to deal with a class. It could be 50% reduction for all I care. It’s sort of like arguing that one shot kills are unfair as it shuts down any opertunity to heal the target. And the single target anit heal is even less effective than one hit kills

Yeah and that’s not the matchmakers problem that’s for the team to have to work around and overcome

No system can be ideal we just want it to be good enough where teams can do the rest themselves

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If you used lfg, you wouldn’t have this problem either.


You’re in the wrong game if you think CC and so forth has no place, just saying.

TF2 is not OW (thankfully). Most analysts and so forth believe the move to 2-2-2 will make for a set of per-map metas, not one to rule them all.

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That is EXACTLY the matchmakers problem, it’s job is literally to make even matches, which is why roleQ is the solution to it.

It can’t generate even matches without that data.

Which is why blizzard is going to do this.

It isn’t about the 2/2/2. It is about the Matchmaker.

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You will never get even matches no matter how good the system is. That shouldn’t be the end goal.

And if the passive system is in use any time the team is willing to flex that’s better than if a roleq restricted them from it in the first place.

A lot of the fun in games is overcoming obstacles. Inequality is what makes games so interesting. Sure it’s not always gonna play in your favor but the games where you work twice as hard and just manage to clutch it out are amazing.

I don’t know what you keep talking about the data about. Pickrate s are already out there this is stuff that can be done


But you can get better matches than you have now.

Not perfect is not a reason to not do it.

Yeah but there if a better solution than forced roleq

A passive system would be even better you just match teams based one preferred roles and the most flexible teams will be rewarded

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A passive system doesn’t know what you are going to pick.

So it can’t do better than the one which does.

But it has a great idea on what people tend to pick you don’t need to know the exact picks for it to work

And roleq adds in new problems especially for tanks and supports that have a lack of characters

People’s Sr between roles can be massive, and it doesn’t know what you are going to pick.

It’s guesses are likely to be pretty bad.

Yeah it’s a cool idea but it sucks that the match quality will go down as swapping mid match becomes heavily restricted

Hell statistics is one powerful force my friend it can make a hell of a guess. Besides it doesn’t have to be perfect. An inflexible team should be punished. While flexibility would be rewarded

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But the match quality in general will improve. It is only in the cases where a mid game role switch was going to happen, and improve the match that it is worse.

Which is a pretty edge case.


Opinion discarded.

TF2 has NINE classes. OW launched with 21. TF2 classes have a slew of unlocks that range from “broken as all hell” to “Garbage used only when meming”

And it can improve with a passive system too without limiting flexibility. We just want a system that rewards the better team

Not a system that restricts teams and rewards people who are better in their role

At the cost of increased complexity.

That’s what makes the game so interesting


Exactly. If I wanted simplicity, I’d go back to instagib.