Ok, what's the drama with 2-2-2 after all?

You know it’s bad when 3-4 dps compositions are already stale as can be. Especially since the only actually viable compositions need a specific combination of heroes. You basically need a Sombra, McCree/Widow, and Pharah or Hanzo. Any other characters are essentially throw picks in such a composition, since the only adequate solo tank is hamster.

It would be much much wiser to get the hero’s first and then see if we still need roleq

If blizzard were to release 2 great hero’s they could adress the biggest problems we face in this game and roleq might be unnecessary

This is one of the few times that I agree with Megadodo.

Please don’t throw flex players out of the game. Because that is what role lock will do.


So let flex role be possible to please flex player in some way…

That’s exactly why we need counterplay to burst in this game that’s weak to sustain damage that way it enables more hero’s than ever

You may get a more even population of players but no amount of extra heroes will give the extra information the Matchmaker needs for better matchups.

Some variants of roleQ don’t even use strict 2/2/2.

Let it be a Flex role, the 4th role… The matchmaker will know their intentions.

The data is already out there a passive system is possible and it could be based around what characters you prefer to play

Roleq isn’t needed for data purposes

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Sure it is, it doesn’t know who will be forced to tank / support in the team.

That’s the thing no one is forced to do any of that some people feel obligated to have a certain number of tanks/supports but that’s their choice. It would be in their stats that they sometimes play tanks and supports when needed

A passive system that just tried to match one tank and support player to a team at least could be just as good and people will still have the freedom to switch and play as they want

I really don’t care who gets on my team I’ve seen everything work in this game to a no heals rien with sym to 6 supports anything can work if you guys work hard enough

2-2-2 became a thing to stop goats.
Goats became a thing to stop Snipers.
Snipers became a thing, because they became OP.
SO maybe just make a hero to stop goats?
Or wait Mei and Sombra, hell even Doom… but you all want to nerf them.

make a thing that stops burst so the need for goats goes down

Isn’t that hammond?
Ball with no crit box, good against burst and bad against sustained damage?
He just doesn’t enable other players, he annoys the enemy.

PVP games with a healer have always been about burst. It doesn’t matter how awesome your sustained damage is, its “Can you kill this $$$$$$$$$$$$ right here before the healer undoes everything you just did? If not, don’t even waste the ammo.”

Yeah and that’s fine but what if we had a support that buffed the team so a single shot could only do at max half of the total go of a target.

Or have many little zarya shields that only block 20 dps it’s weak to sustain damage but can stop onehit kills.

The best way to combat healing is to release more abilities like bio nade but hopefully on dps characters. Imagine one where it was single target but it dramatically limits the number of heals they can receive

This game has tons of moba elements it would be nice to get some of these counterplay options

Wouldn’t that benefit even more tanks, more 3-3 comps? A helmet distributing hero…

Then you’d end up like old school Team Fortress 2 where the medic sits safely behind the lines and heals players until he builds uber and pushes in with a demo and destroys everything.

Rather see it along the line of Monday Night Combat (regular, not super) where combat was, fast and every character had a way to wipe you out before you could say “Wait, what?”

Most of those changes would hurt tanks. The first one has diminishing returns for tanks as their max health is higher so the buff would be less effective

The zarya shield one helps anyone equally yet it enables sustain damage while weakening high burst.

The anti healing one hurts tanks a lot because tanks like to get big chunks of heals

Not the only viable way, but at this point the best compromise. The others are not freedom fighters… Its a team game with roles… people need to finally accept the idea of actually playing as a team in roles instead just doing wtf they please without regard to others 90% of the time.

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Yeah the thing is these additions don’t ruin the other strats it just gives the player base more counterplay options. And a great sniper will be able to work around stuff like the zarya shields. The buff ability would need weaknesses I was thinking it would be interesting if it was tied to a building that people had to return to in a certain time. That way there are moments of weakness

The main thing I’d like is to make it hard for a dominant meta to form. Sort of like how smash ult is now that game has so many counterplay options that it’s balance is very interesting and good.

It also gives healers new things they have to work around and makes their jobs more dynamic rather than anything can be healed as long as there isn’t anit they just have to watch out for more things