Ok, what's the drama with 2-2-2 after all?

So all is good you are saying :thinking:

With the game? Yes (mostly). With the players? Hell no. Will role que and role based sr improve player quality? Doubtful

Well said - and 90% of those are deep down only concerned with queue times in reality and just spin up discussions against for this reason.

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Nothing says denial like dismissal.

Yep - that must be it :roll_eyes:

I’m exaggerating somewhat, but let’s be honest at least half the discussions start with a comment about queue times. I don’t “deny” the arguments I just think some are contrived.

What, no anecdotal evidence or name calling? Im disappointed.

I contest that most of the 2’s games will consist of Hanzo and Widowmakers dps players. I don’t have the stats on what heroes are played the most.
Maybe Blizz does

Uh… Thats still just as likely to happen with 222.

If you want to avoid that, wed have to go back to no limits.

You sound bitter - don’t play in the deep end of the pool if you can’t swim.

Oh you got me, hehe. I was lumping you in with all the other 2-2-2 proponents to show you how it can be misleading, but here you just decide to go and prove me right.

Not really. If you can’t handle a cogent discussion with logic, deal.

2-2-2 makes perfect sense if you grasp the reasons for it. Again most of the people thus far opposed are picking cases that 90% of the time never occur.

Given that the hero banned may be a players favorite character, or possibly even the only character they have learned to play, I see this as a phenomenally bad idea. Ludicrously bad.

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Give everyone a quick vote. Tiebreaker goes to highest sr’s pick. I think a new tank hero would give you enough characters per role that 2 bans couldn’t break the game

I have to go with a hard will smith no on any hero bans

if they want to do that at the pro level, so be it - those folks are paid to play, so they can as part of their jobs learn to play multiple characters

clumsy solution to a ‘problem’ that really isn’t one and will probably create new actually legit issues of its own

no wonder there’s pushback

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Naw man 2-2-2 doesn’t solve this games problems it introduces more problems that the devs have to fix

What problem are you trying to solve


It’s clear with GOATs and other comps that allowing stacking of 3-stacks on roles has too many issues and balancing going forward is progressively harder with each new character. Something has to change. Compounding that is duplicating roles makes it that much harder for folks to know what’s expected of them and recognize good synergies.

That being said more tanks and supports are critical going forward.

The drama with 2-2-2 is that it’s an idea that people are being…dramatic about. Rumors of it coming to OWL only made it worse. I think discussion about it is great, and the potential of it eventually reaching live servers is there. But, a lot of people try to throw around their personal feelings/opinions as facts and it turns things messy. “It’s GOING to do this, it’s GOING to do that.” No one actually knows what it’s going to do or how it’s going to turn out.

I’d like to see it tested on OWL to see the response from fans and the top players while it’s in action. I personally like the idea of it, but I’d rather have more information to go off of before making any solid choices on the matter. If it’s not something the majority of players want, I don’t think it will happen. Overwatch is already hurt when it comes to revenue and I don’t think they’d want to hurt it more.

We need to look at the root cause of why goats is powerful though and design hero’s with counterplay.

There are two main reasons burst damage and massive healing. If we just restrict the comps now snipers will get significantly better as now you can’t switch off of their prey.

We need hero’s that allow for counterplay against high burst while being weak to sustain damage.

The other thing needed is a counter to healing that isn’t tied to a healer. Imagine if we had something sorta like discord orb but it weakened healing towards a target. Give that to a dps and boom another option for the team

Goats currently is the best counterplay option against snipers. They survive the critical hits and benefit from healing. The community needs other options that don’t just rely on having a crap load of health.

Balancing becomes easier the more hero’s in a game as long as the community has basic was to deal with most elements in a game. You can look at a game like smash ultimate it has more characters that any other fighting game and it’s thriving casually and competitively. And that’s because there are so many different options for the community to choose l. that makes it very difficult for a dominant meta to form.

2-2-2 just takes away potential options for the community and makes the devs do a major rebalancing. While 2-2-2 wouldn’t be an issue if we had more options as a community. Sadly at the current rate of hero releases we won’t get enough options in any reasonable amount of time

One problem - you cannot escape the fundamental problem of stacking abilities that synergies and you cannot effectively balance all stacks. They’ve failed so far, no reason to believe they will going forward with more characters in open 6-stack work any better with just more options. They tried this with Btig and it failed miserably.

There is a big difference in s team game of 6 characters out of potentially 50 or more vs a fighting game. One issue I see with just more options becomes inherent power creep.