Ok, what's the drama with 2-2-2 after all?

it doesnt please the 2-2-2 crowd. goats isnt the reason most people want 2-2-2. people wanted it well before that. all that is going to do is piss off the 2-2-2 crowd because they will still have to solo tank. they will still have to solo heal 1 tank. they will have to fill to avoid this instead of playing dps. balance will still have to be garbage because of it. its a bad idea that fixes almost nothing.

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The other side want to play selfishly and except their teammates to pull the slack. It’s Good for the 4 dps that get to play “creatively” except for the rein and mercy who have to fill and suffer

Yeah but we need ability stacking that can counter each other. I see what your saying though you don’t have faith in the devs neither do I. A creative team could solve these problems.

Hell brig wouldn’t have been nearly as big of an issue if they left pierce in this game. It’s just the devs don’t have enough forethought when they make changes

I understand that solo tanking and solo healing isn’t fun. I have experienced that.

I’m just advocating this flex thing because when I play with my friend we play different roles and sometimes we switch our roles (between us) and it works out cause I play some heroes that he doesn’t and vice-versa. I guess flex people wanna keep that possibility.

I wouldn’t bother to be locked in my first role of choice. But I like to play in my second preferred role too, so switching roles with a friend to keep roles balanced also could be nice for many people.

Wasn’t all this about Flexing after all?

OW is and always has been about flex

rolequeue and 2-2-2 is anti-flex


What did Pierce do exactly?

So why are you worrying about someone who one-tricks and gets mad for their hero getting banned? That shouldn’t be a issue holding an update because someone who doesn’t play a team game as a team gets mad.

That’s the lower issue here. And shouldn’t matter at all.

Yes. Exactly this.

Everyone understands there’s flaws with the current system because it’s the system (post 1 hero limit) we’ve lived with for almost 3 years.

Forced 2/2/2 (as in NO other compositions, period) has its own set of flaws. You go from one end of the spectrum to the complete opposite. DPS will have insane queue times. Having the “ideal” composition won’t suddenly win you games. It won’t suddenly make people work as a team or be less toxic.

People are heralding 2/2/2 as some unicorn that will make the game better, but it ends up being a net zero because for all the things it “fixes”, it removes flexibility and strategy, you’ll still get stale metas, and you’ll still get non-comms and flamers.

I’d much rather see a balanced approach instead of the all-or-nothing forced 2/2/2. I’d like to see a minimum of 1 of each role per team, and max 3 DPS, 3 tanks, and 2 heals. It would eliminate the ‘supports as DPS’ comps aka GOATS, you’d still get a “balanced” composition, but if you need to flex for certain situations, you still can. Best of both worlds.

That’s wonderful on paper.
But we all know our community doesn’t work like this, and never will.

That’d be a 3 DPS guarantee from now on.

Because a onetrick has every right to play the character they wish to play even if there are 11 other votes to the contrary

freedom over forced

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Why is that bad? I’ll solo tank for 3 DPS and win games.

I’m not seeing the problem here other than “people aren’t playing the heroes I want”.

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So let me get your point: Flex, Tanks and Healers don’t like this change, because one-tricks will get mad and 5 dps stacks have the right to have freedom? Because you’ve told me this morning, mostly were flex, healers and tanks being frustrated with the change. Now is the one-tricks? What’s the point really?

Let me tell you a really common quote we use here on Portugal: "Your liberty ends when it messes with others liberty."

Someone who one-tricks, or picks the 4th and 5th DPS doesn’t deserve to have weight on the balance when everytime, due to their so called “freedom” ruin the freedom of everyone else trying to actually play the game as it’s meant.

You can counter my point saying “but they bought the game too”, yes, the same way the people who try to have a better experience and can’t due to these players wanting to play OW like COD or CS. If they get frustrated, they can always change games. We all know that will not happen.

We all know both sides lack specific things, but 2-2-2 is better for everyone. And if the cost of it is frustrating those who frustrated to many people for playing the “game like they want and f- their team”, so be it. And if the problem is the end of GOATs, who cares too… GOATs been dominant for 4 seasons now. Time for a change.

It just put brig in a really bad spot. The piercing orb was slow yes but at the same time brigs movement speed is slow when shield is up.

So it put brig in a position where she either had to drop shield or take 120 damage. Either way it was a great matchup for sym

I was very excited for the short time before the rework cause it was so good

If you want to know a more general matchups that same trick worked on rien at certain ranges. And it offered constant distractions vs anyone behind a shield. It’s sort of like how tracer could get tons of value from being a distraction. Sym use to be able to do the exact same thing but from safety

this is stated as if it were fact, but it is an opinion

I disagree with this opinion

Forced 2-2-2 is not better for everyone…several players (myself included) have already stated that it will not be better for us

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It is, you’re just nit-picking.
I’ve seen you change your arguments like twice or 3 times already.

The only thing consistent in what you say is: You don’t like it and you like the freedom. But so far, you never gave a consistent reason except not liking it and justifying depending on how to conversation is going on that thread.

Except it’s just NOT WORKING except for utterly casual players who treat even QP as nothing more than death match with objectives…

You have right to one trick - and wait if that’s what it means in a team game. Freedom has a price.

Short long story: it doesn’t.
These players doesn’t represent this game or what this game is trying to acomplish.
Also, this is also a change because of those players.

I’d love to have freedom, but 3 years are enough to understand that’s wonderful on paper and simply doesn’t work. Like Quîsp said: Freedom have a price.

And I’m just tired of being the one paying for that freedom over and over when everyone else doesn’t give a damn about anyone else.

clarification: I am not nitpicking

Forced rolequeue/2-2-2 would not be good for me, and it would not be good (as they have stated) for many, many other players

Keyword is “forced”

It doesnt have to be forced

Let’s put it out as an example:
- A kid have a bag of candy and can eat candy when he wants.

Now, you have two options:

  1. The kid is responsible and eat candy times at times, so he have the right to keep the bag of candies.
  2. The kid eats all the candies non-stop, doesn’t leave any candy for his brothers and his parents have to hide the bag. They tried, but it didn’t work.

That’s exactly the case. DPS who pick 4-5th slot are these kids who eat all the candies, and the healers, tanks and flex players who eat responsibly will end up not having candy at all. Because of ONE KID FREEDOM.

Blizzard is the kids parents. They need to hide the bag.