Ok, what's the drama with 2-2-2 after all?

They could and are pretty likely to make the. 2/2/2 except if a queue starts to blow out, the you will start getting 3/1/2 and 3/2/1 games on both sides.

That is pretty likely.

Because it avoids the dps queue size problems.

While keeping the useful parts of roleQ.

Which is why they are not directly connected since the Matchmaker can alter the mix on the fly depending on actual q lengths.

Strict 2/2/2 is VERY much a subset of what they could go for, but a dynamic system is also pretty likely.

Which is why roleQ isn’t necessarily a strict 2/2/2 system.

Lol with this sentence do you actually mean the LFG system??

I don’t believe that I still have to explain this in 2019, but the LFG system has a lot of fundamental problems which have never been addressed not fixed by the developers. It puts you at a disadvantage due to the way the actual matchmaking through it works and besides also having to wait an eternity even as a Tank/Healer main, it also completely unusable above Diamond.

It’s utterly ridiculous to use this broken system as a reason for 2/2/2 role - lock not getting implemented and this comes from a person who has been using the LFG system since its release 1 year ago…

And yet, if rolequeue comes about (hoping desperately it wont) itll be 222

You have nothing to back that up with, I gave alternatives, and why blizzard may do them.

At this point you are arguing with yourself. Go enjoy that.

Nah, i am in agreement with myself

Eh, the “freedom” people talk about now is just a distraction IMO. We haven’t had true freedom of hero choice since the change from no-limits comp rules.

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No. I simply mean the grouping up feature. Get a team for yourself and play with them. Takes a tiny effort, makes the games 100x more enjoyable cause it’s a team game. Communication is a key importance.

I meant just make this role lock thing be 1Tank-2DPS-1Support-2Flex. You could still end up getting 1-4DPS-1, but is the most optimal way to please everyone: Get rid of 5/6 DPS comps, Get rid of 3-3 comps, slots for people who main a role and slots for those who flex and easier balance the game (because you won’t have more than 2T or 2S per team). Isn’t it all that people want? 4/3 DPS comps will still be there but it’s the price you pay, like a middle ground, in order to please the majority of requests.
They could even give us the possibility to queue for two roles, in order of preference, at the same time, or something like that.

I absolutely hope 2-2-2 comes sooner rather than never.

Will it cause some issues? Sure. Itll hurt some peoples “Fantasy” of what overwatch is supposed to be- And I can see why that would suck.

Having said that though

I strongly feel itll fix a lot more issues than it creates.

Sad reality at the end of the day- Is blizzard is struggling to balance their game because of the possibilities that arise from class-stacking.

We have a number of heroes who need buffs/nerfs/adjustments- But its hard to justify it because of how they can perform in very specific situations created by this class stacking, regardless of how they actually do anywhere else.

2-2-2 ensures that all classes, always matter. I dont for a moment believe itll hurt the “Creativity” of the game. Sure you cant have 3/3 anymore. But now you have to find 2 dps that work with 2 tanks that work with 2 supports. Swapping one can mean a big swap for the entire team- And you absolutely will have to be creative to come up with solutions and changes that work both for you, and against the comp the enemy is running. Countering an opponent, or being countered- May very well require more creativity because of the dynamic this shift causes.

2-2-2 brings the realm of class-based SR being a real thing. I appreciate you being willing to flex. But if youre a diamond level DPS “flexing” onto a tank or support and youve got a silver/gold level capability on that role? You needing to do that actually hurts your teams chances of winning. And its not “your” fault there- you just happened to have to fill a role (whatever role it may be) that youre not good at. now all your diamon/master team mates have to deal with a silver/gold level whatever .

Class based SR. and 2-2-2, ensures that everyone playing their role plays their role properly at the level of the match being played.

That is absolutely a win/win on all regards to me. The game is easier to balance for the devs. Players can play the roles they want at all times. Your matches will be better balanced because everyone on their role is playing it at the level they SHOULD be.

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very rare existence. leavers and toxic in general are WAY more of an issue. it’s like comparing a scratch to your house being on fire but nooo everyone wants the band aid from the bathroom b4 the want to avoid the fire.

no it doesnt. you want 222 use the systems provided. 222 doesnt fix a single thing for me let alone the really big problems. optional roleq would be best. some people get their 222 others get their fast real OW q with swapping.
wont waste too much time either if either team can be locked or not. a better lfg would also help.

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no there are many others who want no role q. reddit, tumblr, etc. many just get hidden by down votes or by 222 So GrEaT zErO bAd ThInGs TrUsT mE sO aM sMaRt

also yah the loudest most obnoxious people tend to be noticed. youre the child screaming in the aisle at the supermarket. doesnt mean everyone not saying something to the kid should be ignored.

no it wouldnt. if the reason 222 is believed then the dps mains will only play dps insta lock and remain the same SR same with the tank and support mains/OT. making the role sr moot. it also wont stop smurfs who are mainly used anyways for same role/different hero players to avoid losing sr on their main making the sr roles even more pointless. why do you think most comp seasons 90% of the players have 90% of their time on one hero esp smurfs? bc thats all they wanna play.

they wont make it more balanced. they barely are trying atm. they release few changes over several months and barely in the ptr. they also let metas stagnate for months on end too. 222 wont change that. if anything they’ll balance less and NOT do a big enough balance patch for every hero (yes every hero needs changing for forced 222 due to comps being eliminated esp outliers). theyll do some small patch change say “we just wanna watch” but watch for so long it remains broken until they make a single digit change and say “welp that should do it for 3 more months”
they literally have set this precedent and wont break it. 222 will NOT change it! dont pretend it will

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Person A: “2’s is so great! Everyone wants it!”
Person A: “We need 2’s forced because everyone wants it but no one is doing it in my games.”
Person B: “Because everyone wants 2’s.”

players already have that with smurfs. many many players have vastly different ranks for the same hero. just shows the role rank is already not at all accurate. if they do role sr they better get rid of hero stat boosts in lower ranks. theyre useless except for propping up bad players with selfish playstyles.

they wont balance 222 any differently or enough just as now. they literally said that.

not everyone wants 2-2-2

not even close

I’m happy fot this feature. Finally I won’t have 4 dps or 5 dps in my games. I’m glad.


You’re wrong.
DPS are the ones mad about the role-lock.
This is a Tanks / Healers dream. There are a minority of flex, healers and tanks not liking the idea - for reasons. But overall, DPS are the ones against it.

I think it’s already a bit too late. 90% of my friends quit due to that same reason. Maybe they get back now :smiley:

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I would be okay with this. Wish they would have done that with No Limits tbh. As a support main, I do not mind not having a tank or extra support. It does make things more challenging sometimes, but not more challenging than dealing with bossy, toxic players or throwers and leavers. Its kind of nice being the only “hero” on the team, even if we lose, from my perspective. I’d still probably try the forced option a few times before it got closed down from lack of players.

I think 2/2/2 complimented by one hero ban per team would be perfect

Who gets to decide which hero is banned?