Ok, this Community Flag system is flawed

Three times now a harmless post of mine has been hidden, because I replied to an old forum post, but the topics of said post arent dated. Such as one post where soneone is talking about not trying in QP, using that always wrong “Its QP” response.

In fact, I was asked twice why I “necro” a post. Whats the point of a forum post if no one can reply to ut? They’re up, I can search these posts & see them.

It seems like whoever flagged my posts cant handle the truth about QP being play to win, and those that dont try are throwers.

Forum Moderator Note: The posts were flagged for breaking the rules. Necro’ing posts is against the Code of Conduct. If there’s a topic you’d like to discuss or give feedback to, it’s best to find a current thread or create a new one.

This thread was flagged due to discussing moderation being against the rules, which is the case. It will now be locked.


The idea is that a necroed thread leads to misinformation. A post regarding Genji 3 years ago has no place on the front page today, for example. Completely different times and information. People often get excited to see that Blizzard commented on Mercy- only to see that it was a post made back in 2018.

The flag system is busted, but not because of necroed threads.


Genji is still a pain 3 years later. If the topic isnt dated, then it certainly has a place on the front page.

All posts are dated.


if you arent willing to make a new topic on it, it deserves to stay dead


Then make a new post :joy:


Why make it if someone else already posted it? The same topic would be up. Talk about a waste of space.

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…if you cant understand this simple fact, you should not be online


It’s not a big deal really. But the issue is when we have very old threads come up, someone doesn’t notice or look at the date, and now I’m talking to someone’s year old opinion that very well could have changed. Making a new thread makes the opinion relevant. But bringing up a year old thread in a game that changes monthly isn’t helpful really.


Opinions and balance change. Berating someone for an opinion they held a year ago is ridiculous. Just make a new thread or post on a current one.


People flag what they don’t like, because there’s no downvote, and flags matter more than any downvote in any other system.

200 upvotes and 5 flags later your post is gone.

If there were just downvotes that didn’t impact post popularity or post visibility people would use them. The entire forum is an echochamber of people who think they’re making solid points, but in reality they’re just sitting there babbling about nonsense all day. That’s why I stopped coming here regularly. These people just ignore all feedback and continue to spout nonsense all day long, no matter which solid counter points you make. They continue to babble insanity.

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Maybe but that’s not the point. I flagged your other post for necro, because that’s against the rules and I’d rather not see old and outdated coming up everyday; even thought I did’nt disagree with you.

Despite what you say, the post was outdated. If you want to complain about the “it’s QP” mentality, just make a post or answer in a recent one. Don’t bring up the problem of someone who complained 2 years ago.


some of my posts received flags just because i m latino lol.

okay, dumb response…but why even bring that up?

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You’ll get used to it.

Replying to a post is against the rules? Old or not, its still up & searchable. If they’re not meant to be replied to after a certain amount of time, then the posts should be gone by now, or hidden from the search results.

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Posts don’t get removed or hidden because it can be important to be able to find answers to questions posted previously, or to more easily find developer reasoning behind an old change.

These posts being available doesn’t mean you should dig up old posts complaining about something and argue with people who may not have even played in the last 2 years over opinions they may no longer hold.

The threads should probably be locked by default after a certain time with no posts but a large number of forums rely on people just not posting in old topics.

If you have something to talk/complain about, check for recently active threads and use them if you can find them, or make your own if you can’t. Posting a thread that has been seen many times before but hasn’t been active in a few days is better than digging up old posts.

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Posting a reply to a 2 year old thread about “It’s just quickplay” is completely non-constructive and serves no purpose. Necroing old threads is highly frowned upon on almost every forum. Many forums auto-lock threads older than just a couple weeks. The idea is that over time most topics become outdated with old or misleading information, and if you continue to have a concern, you should create a new topic if another new thread does not exist about it.


I keep seeing that thread about buffing DVa with the dev response and then I realize it was back when they were thinking about giving her 3 sec boosters. It’s pretty annoying.