She’s been trash for too long, don’t you think? Imo she’s one of the most fun heroes to play and she requires a lot of game sense. So… can we play her without throwing please? Her hacking is not more annoying than many other abilities and heroes. Please… if you buff Genji and Hanzo there aren’t reasons to not buff a 46% winrate, 0.5% pickrate hero…
Honestly THIS, if they can buff heroes that did not need to be “at the moment” then I see why heroes such as Sombra, Symmetra, Bastion etc. should not be buffed with the one step forward, two steps back approach.
return her old stealth and translocator and give her ult % from SELFheal from health pack : )
Her design is trash. Until they find a way to make her good without making tanks wanna throw their PC out of the window she is better in the trash.
All three of them are obnoxious is why. I played against all 3 when they were most powerful and it was the most frustrating experiences as tank i ever had.
She got owl threat like how brig is probably getting another nerf
Imagine nerfing brig in 2020 smh
Only self heal please
Screw support sombra
Old invis is priority for me
(After LoS checks reverts that they won’t do so maybe a fix that they also won’t do…)
You also hate Mei. Maybe overwatch is not the game for you if you hate any kind of CC…
Because she is also obnoxious. I dont hate CC, but i do hate when CC isnt balanced. I no longer hate Mei cause she is balanced now.
0.64% pickrate and a 47.30% winrate is balanced to you?
Oh right,to you,those heroes are only balanced when they’re trash cause they’re “”“unfun”""" to play against.
Sombra will never get a real buff as long as OWL runs on the same balance patch as regular OW.
I’d be careful, they tend to approach Sombra with a 2 nerfs for every buff mentality.
Sombra works pretty well when she’s coordinated with a team. A target that normally takes more than one person to eliminate takes far less. A Dive hero coordinated with her does some serious work harassing Rein or any Support. If she were to get buffed at all it would have to be in a way that allows her to be potent but not without counterplay. Like, being able to remove a hack when she dies is a simple change, but then you could hack more than one person.
She honestly just needs more movement speed and a cloak that dosent break taking trash damage.
Throw in some QoL stuff like a better hack LOS check, marking targets with obvious sugar skulls above target’s heads on hacks and reloading on translocation.
I honestly like her current kit and I use to be an old Sombra guy.
(Ideally I’d like 75 hp replaced with shields and making cloak only break when you take HP damage or CC effects, otherwise Sombra would just shimmer. It would be a two part thing where you’d have a better reset time thanks to a recovering HP pool and you wouldn’t be knocked out of cloak by randomly spamming)
No. You no longer hate mei because she’s in the gutter now.
You can’t buff sombra without addressing the elephant in the room, her hack. If she was buffed to viability changes to her hack guess what, she’ll go right back in the trashcan in a month.
They already nerfed hack. She’s still trying to recover from that.
Hack doesn’t need nerfs. It needs a whole rework.
It also doesn’t need a rework. This game has more potent CC on other heroes and they can solo follow up on it .
Then don’t ask for sombra buffs then because you know full well hack is what’s keeping her down. Ignoring the problem and trying to balance around it is why this games balancing is horrible
“in the gutter” right. I’m sorry you can’t do anything else than hold down LMB the whole match with the freezing beam being broken as it was. Mei is currently my highest winrate hero with 66% in many played matches.
The #1 thing killing her is the 2 second forced cooldown when shot using Hack, she was very viable before that, now you need to be too precise and if teams are too aware and coordinated it;s hard to get the useful hacks and you kinda just take what you can get.
Sombra Wars Trilogy