I feel worse after playing my Favorite hero.
When are we getting anything on Bastion?
Because i Literally can’t even 1v1 squishy heroes, who Run head first into me while set up in sentry.
I’m just… sick and tired of how little counter play there is.
It’s just “What hero am i playing? and where’s their delete Bastion button?”
I’m at my wits end.
I HATE Playing, My All time favorite hero.
And it would be so easy to fix him.
I know.
It would be SO EASY.
I hate when i get hooked and think “Well, i shouldn’t have Surprised them in Sentry mode, from their back”
I hate when a Mccree Can simply Stun and Fan me to death before my Bullets to his face, at point blank range, even have a chance to Kill him.
ALL We need is feedback.
We have the ideas… We have the numbers…
We just need to go somewhere with them.
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I couldn’t agree more. No other hero as it as bad as Bastion, except maybe Torb. We need a dev response about Bastion!
Don’t you see? Its part of his fantasy.
Bastion is a forgotten Omnic warbot. With barely history and story behind him.
Playing him feels just like he’s real.
Good god I wished this sarcasim didn’t hurt so much but yeah Bastion needs some help like ASAP.
I literally end up with a headache after playing Bastion for longer than a few games…
You can only be killed with Zero counter play so many times in a row before something breaks.
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I’m not asking for Bastion to “One shot” But with how HARD Bastion is focused and countered… His damage and Battle field presence should reflect that.
I literally sat in the corner, knowing i was about to die when i heard the tire.
Also… did you See the tire?
I didn’t.
Like… Why isn’t that Soldier dead?
How can i Shoot bullets better Than dead on tracking right in front of me?
Yes, i know i probably should have Tried healing my armor back up, but with helix he probably would have still burst me down the same afterwards before even coming close to death.
(Especially with the cast time on Bastion’s healing)
If i had been playing Soldier 76, i would have stood a better chance in Every scenario in that clip, than a Bastion in sentry mode.
And that Terrifies me.
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That’s pathetic the fact that a SOLDIER out damaged you.
I know… It really is Pathetic.
I feel like a bad player, because of the Hero i’m playing.
If i had fallen in love with a different hero when this game released, i would be having a better overall experience with this game.
And i just Hate the general approach people have towards Bastion… I hear people say things like: “Bastion should be easier to kill in Sentry, not harder… When i jump him he should die, not the other way around”
Is he just not meant to be playable?
Do people realize there’s a player behind that Robot, and not just an Ai?
Like… In What situation should you ever survive running directly into a Sentry Bastion?
He used to punish Poor play JUST Like Mercy.
I see what they are doing… They are just catering to the younger and less “Skill oriented” Players, to get bigger numbers, and more money.
If i know to set up before someone rounds a corner, and i DO Set up, I Shouldn’t be the one getting punished for it.
They should be.
Just like how if a Mercy can survive an attack, and last through the use of multiple ultimates She should be able to have a HUGE Impact against the poor play, and poor approach at attacking her team.
Zen used to be able to do the same.
If he survived the attack, he made sure his team was Locked down. Unable to be easily killed.
mental help, emotional help, or physical help
are we gonna hug the robot, give the robot therapy, or… wait he doesnt have a brain
Ok… you didn’t kill the soldier because he was in his biotic field so, there is that.
Secondly while i belive Bastion needs help, the way to play him is not to panic sentry any time you see someone coming… you have a weapon in recon mode. His spread is less than S76’s and you had a fair chance at winning that duel.
You haf already taken damage from him. Instead of backing out and healinh, or going on the aggressive in Recon mode, you plopped down in sentry.