OK I'm sorry, there are too many mistakes in this patch

If you can, keep this thread bumped. They need to see this sooner than later.

  • Reinhardt earth-shatter animation change pushed to live despite being told it was part of a bigger rework happening
  • Outside of cosmetics nothing new to the current event despite being told that would not be the case going forward
  • Still no word on the new social features we’re allegedly getting
  • Symmetra teleport bug, where she can glitch herself into buses on certain maps and not take damage while still attacking, apparently went unnoticed and is now on live servers
  • Bastion sentry bug, if it is one or not, where he isn’t affected by CC(specifically Orisa’s halt) still not addressed
  • Major mic issues introduced on Ps4 due to recent patch
  • Communication is at an all time low
  • Mercy, don’t kid yourselves, anyone paying attention knows there will likely be another nerf in 2 months
  • (this one makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever) lore descriptions/character bios REMOVED from the game.
  • DVa’s self-destruct booster combo now throws her forward like shes getting booped herself instead of dropping her in place like it used to
  • Group finder is not accessible through the regular menu, note: it can still be accessed through group sub-menu

What is even happening over there guys? A developer needs to respond. Someone is very clearly not doing their job.

Edit: I’ll add to the list as things come up. If its in the bug forum more places for them to look…if they look.
Edit: 3 days on and the only response we’ve received is them changing my title…because that’s the important part…


Too much mistakes in just one update…still no answers…
Im worried


As well you should be, we all should be.


Who cares about lore when I can buy all of the cosmetics with a simple press of a button!?


Rein was my favorite tank before brig happened and now i’m just sad.

Given that the anniversary event was changed so that you can now earn/buy any event items, I thought we’d get all new events like they said! But of course not.


(I’m not sure what bug that is so no comment)

And wait, lore descriptions were REMOVED? What is the point of that??


Its probably just broken like voicelines were for the longest time

There’s a bug with sym’s teleporter where she can glitch herself into buses on maps and still deal damage while not being able to take any. Think Mei’s snowball wall glitch.


That’s…pretty serious and annoying. Thanks for letting me know!

Why improve the game when they can waste put resources into improving OWL? :’) Screw the people who paid for and supported this game since day 1. Let’s start putting things behind an OWL paywall, and bribe people to watch for tokens and trailers so we can claim people watch and care about OWL.



As for the lore thing, I don’t even know what to say to that… Like I’m genuinely stumped.

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Reinhardt gets worse with every patch. And you know what makes it worse? In a recent interview, the developers claimed he was getting better with every patch. They actually think they’re gaining ground with him. It’s disgusting.


Something has got to change, the disconnect with devs, their game and their players is too massive to ignore at this point. Right now the biggest threat to Overwatch’s survival IS the devs themselves.


Nobody of note besides Tom Powers and Michael Chu has replied to anything for the past month. And even then, Tom’s just been going around to “I experienced toxcity in my game :(” threads. And Chu replied to some totally pointless thread about how Torbjorn sleeps comfortably at night. I think the people who actually design the game are completely ignoring the forums and feedback in general.


That is a MAJOR problem.


Ps4 mic settings were all thrown out of wack too. Spent the night explaining to everyone new how to fix it.


I’ll add it to the list.

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That’s some bug if it can remove assets from the menus.

Dont forget the Lucio emote cannot be purchased even with coins

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It seems like blizzard have given up. No communication, game becomes buggier and buggier, the game is in dier need of social feature, especially for competitive which is still a mess. This is by far the weakest event ever. The skins are cheesy and just look abit like a joke.


I noticed a problem. What’s the fix?