Ok, double shield is meta again

I’m seeing double shield in like 75% of games at this point. It’s just too easy and powerful of a strategy to use. Pretty much whenever a team is losing they go to double shield, usually also with bastion and sym/torb. Double shield made me quit this game back when it was meta after sigma’s release and it is killing the fun of the game once again. Blizz, there’s a really easy fix.

Just make it so you can only select one shield tank. It’s so simple. Once a shield tank is selected, the others become greyed out. Now you can make Orisa and Sigma viable on their own again without worrying about the fun-ruining double shield meta. There you go blizz, ez fix.


Tbf I dont think it went away


And most of the time its not even Orisa, its mostly Rein Sigma as far as I know.


It doesn’t really matter which shields it is, two shields is unquestionably awful to play against.


I prefer Rein Sigma over Orisa Sigma, since at least Rein can’t have a near infinite shield rotation, and he also can’t do anything with his shield up. Orisa still could shoot, use ult, use halt, all while safely behind her shield.

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Well it is questionable since that’s a subjective thing. Though my guess is a lot of people agree that it’s not fun.

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Wow it’s almost like buffing DPS and nerfing Healing/ Tanking is going to force people to play more Barrier tanks to try to even out on what was lost



I really don’t think its that. How has healing been nerfed? If anything it’s been buffed outside of the tiny ana nerf. People just want easy braindead wins. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to use cover.


After 222:
-Moira healing was nerfed, self healing nerfed.
-Brig self healing was nerfed, burst healing nerfed, extra armor nerfed. Rally nerfed.
-Baptiste healing was nerfed. Immortality Field nerfed. Amplification Matrix nerfed.
-Zen healing is low and was not changed.
-Lucio healing is low and was not changed.
-Ana healing nerfed a tiny little.
-Mercy healing had a half revert of what it used to be, a tiny little “buff”.

Yeah, I don’t see how healing was nerfed too.


That’s not fair, they’re angry because it stops all their pew-pew to make people be die-dead.

Geez, use some empathy once and a while /s.


people who say double shield’s main strength comes from just the double shields doesn’t understand what makes the comp good

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i don’t play dps to do this enough, but what if you went bastion/phara/mercy? it’s a good counter to their cheese.
I am silver so these cheese strats work MUCH better down here than anywhere else, because of a lack of skill and COORDINATION

Because Orisa and Sigma weren’t Diveable, and Mei also shut down a lot of comps that would get into close range on them.

So all you gotta do is make Orisa and Sigma diveable, and block the usage of Mei.


Yeah, you only didn’t see it because of Hero Pools. Now that the pools are gone, things are going back to where they were before.

Sure he can. Drop the shield and let it charge while Sigma’s front shielding, or using kinetic grasp. Easy and effective.

Just make it so you have to queue as shield tank and off tank.*

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You pick double shield with Bastion?

I pick Junkrat. You lose.

Yeah, no thanks.

Not enough Tanks to cut that already small roster in half for no real reason. And splitting the Q even further will sky rocket those Q Times even harder than 2-2-2 has.

With how bad barriers are right now, bursting barriers down shouldn’t be an issue.

BTW I still see way more Rein Zarya then double shield but that might just be me.

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Double shields aren’t hard to deal with. If you/your team don’t have a comp to deal with it, you’re gonna have a bad time. It’s all about adapting.

You can walk through shields. I’ve won so many games by having the team bully its way through double shield. That’s why tele to point works great. Screw your choke and your shields, here we are.

This is why countless times you experience that last second cap/push success by your team/the enemy team. Because at that moment, you don’t have time to dilly dally. You HAVE to bombard your way to the objective. Does it work all of the time? No, but I’m tellin you, get your team to bully your way through. Sometimes the enemy gets a false sense of security being behind double shields. “Well, they have to shoot through/break these shields to get to us.” No, I can walk right through that crap.

People who struggle against double Barrier are hard carried. Facts.

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