Ok Boomer. Really?

I don’t say “okay boomer” often, but watching you declare boomers intellectually smarter while basically saying that the mocking term is just a trend is just an example of why people do it. People like you are so self-important. Younger generations are more caring about the whole of society. Not all boomers are bad people, but politically, they got our country into this dumpster it’s in right now.
“Okay Boomer” is a quick rebuttal that ignores an argument. It isn’t ageist, it’s because most boomers are hypocrites. If young people were ageist, they would be harassing the Silent Generation, which doesn’t happen. The terminology is more about “why should I listen to or believe what you have to say? You’re a boomer.”
Watch George Carlin talk about baby boomers and stop being a bigot pointing to the intelligence of a group of people as an explanation for why this happens.

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the silent generation was the last best generation. boomers didnt build this country, the silent generation and the gens before them did

why in the world would anyone need to use such archaic methods? I’ll just speak “alpha wolfram” into my phone.

Won’t happen, because when I’m an adult. I will be adulting. Not playing video games with children.

I always viewed the term boomer as an “insult,” simply because you shouldn’t still be playing video games when you are that old.

What kind of nonsense is that

im pretty sure that current boomers used to insult older generations in the 70s and 80s too, thats just how young people are.

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People really need to learn that memes and humor are used as a vent, not as a label.

When a black person makes a joke about white people, it’s usually more about them blowing off steam at being stuck in a system that is inherently unfair and cruel to them, and less about them actually wanting to ‘attack white people’ or anything like that.

When Millennials say ‘OK Boomer’ they’re trying to vent the steam build up that has happened due to them being slandered by Boomers and given a world, economy and society that barely functions and isn’t built the way they were told. It’s their way of rolling their eyes and getting on with life because there’s literally nothing else that can be done with systemic problems.

Systemic problems are never about just one person, or even one group of people, but about this insane tetris block of the world in which we live.

So when someone says OK Boomer, or makes a joke at your group that rubs you the wrong way, rather than getting mad about it maybe ask yourself WHY they are making that joke.

Hell kids made jokes ‘at’ me all the time when I was teaching, it’s a part of their right as free thinking individuals to say their piece and express themselves; it’s my job as the adult in the room to have enough emotional maturity to realize that they’re just frustrated and needed to vent for a sec rather than coming down on them with punishment for having opinions.

That’s why these kinds of conflicts will always happen, generation to generation; they’re not attacks or labels, they’re just bursts of steam. It’s gonna happen.

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This is really not on-topic for Overwatch at all.

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