Ok, a "legendary skin coupon"?

this time another legendary skin is given for free to the community (Sombra Azteca), creating a lot of disappointment for those who bought it at full price. It didn’t happen to me among the skins I bought saving coins, but sooner or later it will happen to me too. And I suppose they don’t want to give coins to safeguard the price of the Battle Pass.

At this point I wonder one thing: wouldn’t it be better to simply have a " :tickets:legendary skin coupon" as a prize? Valid for a category of specific skins maybe, but at least letting everyone benefit from a bonus without feeling cheated for having given Blizzard their money in the past.


good idea. +1. I bought sombra, time for a refund.


This is just “getting rid” of skins that didn’t sell. Don’t expect anything nice to be free.


It would also be fine with some rules like “you can choose between these skins” (as long as it’s a decent amount to choose between legacy skins and OW2 skins)


this is easily solved by not buying skins from the shop…cant ever be disappointed you threw money away if you dont spend it in the first place :wink:


Yeah, they need to give a skin credit for this if you have it. This issue hasn’t happened to me yet, but this isn’t right.

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But it is actually a problem that the game and its marketing have. Just because you don’t use it and you are not interested, it still doesn’t mean that there isn’t a problem in its functioning. :person_shrugging:

Overwatch marketing has a serious consistency problem, regardless of whether you support it or not. isn’t fair belittle it with “I don’t use it, why do you?”


Perfect time to remind people they should be more wary and aware of what they agree to when purchasing limited extra pixels, called “cosmetics” at an unreasonable price online.

And no, you’re not entitled to getting anything back. Cosmetics in F2P games lose value overtime real quick. If that reality is definitely not to your liking : don’t ever buy anything in the future from the shop.

Edit : This is a post from someone that regularly criticizes F2P games monetization, the most ridiculous one being the Prism coins concept (or whatever it’s called) for Mythics skins, they came up with recently.


Just because something is now cheaper or free, does not mean you get a refund. This does not work like that unless you bought the skin 2 weeks ago or so.

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partially agree. in Overwatch 1 if you had a “duplicate” from the lootbox you still had half the value of that skin in credits.

if blizzard “gives” something to its community, why not give this opportunity to all its players? for example I found the choice of the anniversary 2023 sensible, in which you still had the possibility to choose (if I remember correctly) about 10 OW2 skins at credits prices. optionality, savings… but you had a multiple choice even if you had wasted money on one skin compared to another.

twitch drops don’t give you a choice. this aztec shadow reward doesn’t give you a choice. prime gaming rewards don’t either. they’re generally all given without a real choice, right?

what would be the problem exactly? im pretty sure with enough diving you will find that at no point do they tell people skins will not return…

its on the people spending if they decided to spend (f2p in general is on people as well)…the possibility of getting stuff later (for free even) has always been there…and in fact we’ve had several examples by now

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So everyone will buy the best skins in the game like Lilith Moira? You are delusional.
You are writing this to the company that just released only the weapon of a mythic skin instead of the whole skin, at the price of a mythic skin.


It would seem ‘fair’ but won’t ever happen because people who buy skins from the shop are the very same people Blizzard knows for a fact they can continue taking advantage of with zero repercussions.

That hurts to hear, I understand. But it’s reality.

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dang, wish it was out when I saw sombra as a respectable hero back when I played her in s6. :face_exhaling:
I’ve got no use for it now

We are getting something for free?

No offense intended, but the more people who feel cheated for having given Blizzard their money… The better. I like things as they are.


My thoughts exactly.
Same goes to Pink Mercy.
I know its harsh or even mean to say this, but to me they dont care about the event behind the skin, else they would have been doing this AT LEAST every year. To me is a sign of desperation to either bring back players to buy more stuff from em or either not donating all the money so they can have some as well.
Im pretty sure they will charge like $20-25 this time unlike in 2018 which they charged $10 instead.

I don’t even want that skin for free.

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I’ve been saying this ever since they started giving out old skins as “rewards”.

Give the people who have it already SOMETHING.

Right now you just get nothing and it’s like a finger right in the face of anyone who had any sort of veteran status in the game.


Reaching 100 mill players is now used as excuse to bring it back which doesn’t make any sense as if they couldn’t bring it back if there were less.

They know that they have a nothing season and just use a popular hero skin to keep players ingame.

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