Oh no OW2 is Delayed (Dramatic Surprise)

Don’t spread misinformation, we don’t know if that is the case.

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How is something delayed that never even had a release date?

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There’s literally no new information in this stretched-to-10-minutes-for-monetization video.


did you see how far the old call of duty engine went?

it was an offshoot from a quake engine thats been used since 2005.

i watch most of his videos, but i havent seen anyone else talk about leaks unless hes using metros clip from like a week ago.

Honestly I posted it before watching it…

But I don’t think we need a video anyway to know it’s true.

It’s the Metro leak from a week ago.

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Where would he even get his info from tho.

Just the middleman here

God that game deserves another chance. It only failed becuase the management was full of idiots. Doom Eternal did really well. It would be so cool to see Doom and Duke Nukem side by side again.

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Some games are just doomed to fail and only made because of high demand.

ET is the easiest example of this


This if off topic by me, but I have to say, this is nice and all that they’re doing this but this should be expected normally, whether or not the game was well received, as decent business practice. And sadly, the percentage of customers who will actually bother to file for a refund is only a very small portion of the consumer base that purchased it, even if they were upset. That company hid information and mislead the public, allowing for preorders and purchase without letting real reviews hit the market. It was very deceitful marketing and I hope that Blizzard will give clearer access and look at the game by reputable sources.

As for on topic, I half expected some delay based on the nature of the game they claim to be working on. I don’t really expect a game, if their intent was to shift focus to a PVE/story driven game that hopes for longevity and a “game as a service” model support, to be developed in such a relatively short amount of time (I perceive the scale to be something like an early Warframe, maybe I’m wrong).

It seems long to a consumers to wait for content but for the style of content that is coming out based on the little they’ve shown us, it could be perhaps be filled with intersecting stories, factions, npc, advanced AI and scripting, complicated level maps/character, designs, upgrades, effects etc. I have no idea if they would be able to deliver something of a grand scope when the only example we have to base development on is a release of 1.5 maps, 3 character’s, and modified events per year.

I hate to sound pessimistic or rude to them, I know it’s a difficult industry and process, but I hope they’re going ham and they take the time they need, or I think it’s going to have a very underwhelming reception. And I hope that they at least throw us a bone or something lol (1 more hero please).

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A lot of things have changed since the Duke Nukem era…culturally, sadly. We don’t need to see those devs fake apologizing over Twitter for a month.

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Sadly in reality, your post will not even gain the interest from that underpaid mod whose watching Among Us on a separate computer.

In Short: Game Industries died like around 15 years ago.

Was basically set up like Rome, so it fell like Rome.

For the 100000000000th near infinite time. This game never had a release date so we can’t sit here and say it has been delayed at all. They never once said or implied even a window of time where OW2 would be here. It isn’t delayed, some people tried to predict things, were ultimately wrong and have now added to doomsday posts and fearmongering nonsense alike. Just stop it. The game IS NOT BEING DELAYED. It has not been delayed, it is on schedule with what ever internal time they have that we will never know about. We have 26 days, just wait it out and then see if you “need” to be mad about nothing.

Edit: sourcing Metro the one who went on a rant when he realized his predictions were wrong and he had no credible sources back in Oct when he claimed we’d get a beta or a release by Feb, is not a credible source, period. The dude has gotten half of his guesses wrong and only got 2 things right by complete luck and chance at this point that anyone tipped him off. No one tipped him off this time so he tried to save credibility. No one knows at this point what is happening with OW2 but it still hasn’t been magically delayed cause 1 streamer who got it wrong says so.


Dont worry the delay is long because they need to work on OW3


Again I find myself asking this of the playerbase - why do you care about OW2?

I told this story before, I’ll tell it again. Back in the mid - 2000’s, a friend and I went to a TGIFridays restaurant. His dinner came with a large chuck of cardboard in it. Cardboard. In his chicken dinner.

We didn’t stick around for dessert.

Why would anyone care what the second Overwatch game would be like? The development of this game ground to a halt just like two years after release, which is about one fifth the expected lifespan of an online shooter. They, by and large, abandoned this game to start on the next installment, so why would we trust them to properly develop that game and cultivate it instead of just abandoning it for the next project?

And that’s even before we get into the bizarre, contradictory, and frustrating balancing decisions the team makes. They release a new barrier tank, then turn around and decide shields are bad so nerf all shields. We complain that damage is too high and they nerf a single support like he’s the cause of it. They say they want all characters to have impact and engage in battle, but any tanks or support that do so are mobbed on the forums and nerfed.

Nothing they do for development and balance direction seems to have any singular cohesive vision or goal. Aside from a delicate balance point from what feels like about a month or two ago, nothing seems to make sense or go right.

I don’t see anything here worth supporting into the next installment. If Blizz wanted me to spend dollars on OW2, maybe they should have made sure OW1 was done right, first. A certain movie critic once opined that one of the big reasons that “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” was so bad was because too much focus was spent trying to do things for future movies instead of focusing on the current movie being satisfying to the audience. It feels like an apt comparison at this point.


Y’all complain that it’s just dlc… They told us it’s a real game. A real sequel. And real games take time to make.


I repeat what I always say to the impatient:

Time from Overwatch announcement at Blizzcon to actual release was 18 months.

That was without an actual pandemic.

Old Blizzard used to have a motto that they lived by when it came to release dates:

“When it’s done”.

Which meant not a completely buggy mess like every Bethesda release or like Cyberpunk. Like “Played smoothly out of the box, with very few problems.”



It’s just leaks and YourOverwatch channel is as usual looking for cheap views.


I’m sure Overwatch 2 will come out before Half Life 3.

Even though it doesn’t have a release date as of yet, while Half Life 3’s release date is a week after the heat death of the universe.