Oh look at that? just like i said, top level players are predicting hanzo to become a throw pick

At 1:09 Arrge says “I think hanzo is going to become a niche/throw pick after these nerfs”

just like I said the day the changes were dropped

Between accounts ive played over 600 hrs of hanzo from release to rework, and I knew I wasn’t crazy you all claimed I was stupid, but now other top level players are saying the same thing I did.


He needed this nerf. Arrows speed was the only weakness he had and it was made irrelevant, leading to a hero with no weaknesses.


I’m better with PTR Hanzo than with live
(Which makes sense as I’m use to much slower projectiles since I have 1k hours on Rat)
Time to overtake these suckers


They have been right about some things and wrong about others. Let’s wait until data comes out.


ah yes, wait, for data with the company blizzard, who never reverts a change they have made.

what? hanzo was a throw pick pre rework, and the easiest to dive hero in the game.

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Also I want to say that people also tend to downplay synergy in this game too much, and how it drastically it can elevate heroes. This is how we get a pro player saying that Reaper will counter Brigitte during her launch video. He wasn’t an idiot, he was just thinking about his personal experience trying to 1v1 her. BTC made the same mistake.

This is how meh heroes can become GM meta heroes overnight (Moira, Reinhardt, Sombra) and then plummet really hard. This is how obscenely strong heroes can be barely picked (launch Brigitte, who had a meh pickrate until support patch), and this is why assuming that because a hero is good or bad on an individual level is gonna leave or enter meta is premature until everyone gets to play with them and figure out their synergies and counter synergies.


This nerf is a revert. It’s rare but they do it.


Ok, I guess I’m not counting the other weaknesses they removed at the rework.


Nerfs should be based on removing or tuning down crit damage or storm arrow. They made him more inconsistent and that is awful balance.

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Its just another clickbait OW video, what’s there to get worked up about?

Hanzo still has Lunge and Storm Arrows.
He still has 250 damage headshots.


weve had hanzo with this projectile speed before.

we don’t need to wait, we know he was trash because of his inconsistency before.

“I have been oneshotting enemies practically instantly my whole career, but now that my arrow is only going 110 instead of 125, how will it ever hit anyone anymore…it’s basically a sym orb uwu Ima go live in the woods and quit the internet” :sweat_smile:


I’ll grant you this, inconsistent projectiles can be a pain. I would have nerfed something else, anything else.

It’s actually really common for burst to be made inconsistent as a tradeoff for it being burst. This is the way it’s supposed to be to balance sustain vs burst. Otherwise there is no reason to pick the sustain because sustain is affected by healing and burst largely is not.

You’d have to make healing completely irrelevant and sustain to have nearly the same ttk if you don’t have that be true.

The consistency of burst in this game actively imbalances the dps class within itself.


Hanzo didn’t have a better sonic arrow, lunge, and storm arrows before.


I hate these threads.
Let me explain why.
Top players come out and say 'wahh wahh wahh don’t play this hero, or this hero is OP, or … ’ then it suddenly becomes gospel for those that don’t play anywhere near that level but expect that their (less skilled) playstyle should follow what the top players do. Then those of us that like the heroes that have been blacklisted by top players get called out for playing them (remember I’m a D’Va one trick)


They could have tweaked him way better. This won’t solve any issue cause he’ll still be able to one shot people and people are going to still complaining. If he is still meta, he’ll be nerfed next time and they won’t revert his projectile speed nerf.

whenever i see people say hanzo will become a throw pick like before his rework it always confuses me because they tend to ignore that his rework added more than just the bow speed.

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Hahaha. This Youtuber must be out of his mind…

What indirect buff does Widowmaker or Ashe receive? Dive is coming back with the Dva mobility buff, and with a Dva engaging periodically and running away before matrix is used up, snipers will be going through hell.

Hanzo needed nerfs. And I don’t even think these nerfs are enough. Storm arrows are not what makes a good Hanzo good. They are what makes a bad Hanzo decent. Instead, we should look at changes to his mobility and primary fire to truly bring down his power level.


he had scatter, which could one shot tanks, and kill dives for 0 aim, and he still had wall climb.