Oh look. Another Counter to Mass res

It really wouldn’t hurt to bring it back with a LOS nerf and no invulnerability now that there are so many counters to it. Torb’s new Molten Core would destroy mass res. Mrcy just resurrected her whole team? Glob some molten lava at their feet and watch them burn


How about on mass rez, Mercy instantly dies?


The invincibility would give them time to walk out.


It’s going to destroy Rein who is made up of half armor. It’s just another Rein counter to throw on a giant pile.

Every now and then I hear a reasonable revert Mercy argument. But still, the devs are satisfied with her now, they aren’t going to scrap all of their work on her up till now.


Yes. So satisfied that they completely ignored her in the new dev update even though she’s the hugest topic in and out of the forums. Like honey oh lord. Give us something


She’s the hugest topic because there are so many Mercy players on the forums, not because she needs changes or a dev comment (right now).

They also nerfed Junkrat’s nades six months ago and they’ve been buggy ever since, phasing through enemies and punishing aim. No dev comment yet, no revert, nothing.


A small group of people being the loudest over a topic doesn’t mean that topic is the most important to them at the moment.

There are 27 other heroes, 27 other groups of players who also want their heroes addressed. Mercy not being addressed for once doesn’t mean they don’t care, it’s just other heroes need to be focused on too, which is hard to do if they’re putting their resources into Mercy 24/7.


You get .5 of a second to move out of a giant AoE floor of lava… you’re not getting out without taking 130 damage first…


To be fair, Mercy is the single most main’d/OTP’s hero in OW history. They’re actually a majority. Most other heroes are the minority, but Mercy is not one of those.

Regardless, they’ve been working on Mercy for a full year. I’m pretty sure that is the ONE hero they DON’T want to touch anymore (for a while).

When giving feedback though, it appears to be the opposite. On these forums in particular though it’s the same group of people making threads constantly when the devs go one breath without mentioning Mercy.


One breath? Funny joke. That’s horrid even for an exaggeration.


Considering how long it would take Torbjörn to set it up and how quickly Mercy can move and Rez, the enemy would already be moving around by the time he puts the lava down.

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Between this and Minefield there are some pretty good counters to mass rez now.

also it’s going to be fun getting solo ulted with no counter play as Bastion


Give mercy no invlunability and she’ll die as soon as she casts and her players will complain like they did in the past when she had no invulnerability. Repeating history.

Depending on how large the AoE is and where she needs to be for max value I don’t think the invincibility would matter much. She’d take huge damage going in and or getting out.

You can’t move whilst invulnerable though? (As a teammate)

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There’s a small window.

Of invulnerability. Where you can’t move.

Rez needs to be removed from this game completely, not brought back to its previous form.