The last free weekend was possibly the most toxic, worst time playing Overwatch. People had obviously made smurf accounts (they are free, why not) each game had about 3-4 every time.
You had people who may have some experience with shooters ranking into gold/plat and smurfs throwing to start low and totally wrecking games.
Well, if you can’t beat them join them, this time I am going to start a new account for those 4 days and throw all 10 ranked matches to start as low as possible. Then try and see if I can climb from silver to as high as possible over those 4 days. Then just throw my temp account away.
First time I am actually looking forward to the free weekend, thanks Bliz.
Free accounts can’t play competitive and it takes longer than 4 days to get to level 25 for most people, imagine being silver border and hardstuck low plat so you have to make excuses for your inability to rank up… FeelsBadMan
The reason Free Weekend sucks is because the influx of new purchased accounts. Overwatch tends to go on sale during Free Weekend, and that’s when you get rookies and smurfs flooding into comp.
Indeed. Why did the OP think it appropriate to complain in the Competetive forum? This is both attributing a problem to something that isn’t the cause and is in the wrong section.
second: unless you are a complete newbie yourself you won’t see any of those new accounts
third: if you see them as a lvl 50+ they have played enough games that the matchmaker thinks they are roughly in your skill range (which is pretty big in qp and arcade anyways)
so, beside idiots who troll there is no problem
and you can report those too, and if you really can’t live with a few trolls you it’s just one weekend, go do something else go outside or visit your mum or grandparents or something
no that’s wrong. new accounts start at 2500 and you have separate mmr for qp/arcade and ranked
i don’t know how this rumor is still alive, when countless gm/top500 streamers do unranked to gm challenges and place plat or low diamond after playing with gms in qp
Check out Lord Harris’s placements and then lol. He bought an account that hadn’t touched comp, got placed gold playing his heart out. This is a high masters/gm we are talking about
exactly, if you go 5/5 in your first placements you end up around 2500, maybe 2800 if you are carrying all games thx to performance based SR, and 2200 if you get carried
So when he won 8/10 (from memory, don’t quote it) and places below plat, that makes sense then? A GM isn’t going to place gold on pretty much any hero, watch the vid
If the account has a bronze MMR from qp, 10 placement games are not enough to raise the MMR enough. If he would have played like a GM in qp from lvl 1 it would have placed him a lot higher.