OH GREAT!, another free weekend

You don’t always start, and he wasn’t throwing. He was using the account to learn DPS and was crushing it. And correct, you don’t lose SR while winning, so why would he get placed gold? It couldn’t possibly be because he was placed closer to the previous owners QP MMR?

any vods or something that i could watch?


if qp affected comp placements on new accounts, how does an owl player start with golds/plats after having gms in qp?

I’m not able to provide links. Just go on YouTube and look up “Lord Harris Learning how to DPS”

so this is heavily edited, you never see the SR he played in QP (the other player he bought the account from actually) and he had plats and golds in his games. and you don’T even know how many games he won or lost

i can’t see anything disproving my statements

on the other hand, the clips i provided are a clear example of QP not affecting comp, and since something is only safe to assume being true as long as you don’t have any proof of the contrary

well all swans are white is true, but when i show you a single black swan it isn’t anymore.

You didn’t watch the video then because it shows he won 8… And regardless of it showing who was played against in QP, someone who is GM going ham on placements and winning 8/10, got placed below where you stated it started from. Nice job not watching the video though

i skimmed through it twice now and unless it pops up for a second or so it doesn’t

it shows a 4-1 win loss in the first third but that’s it.

Good luck, I’m not gonna continue arguing with someone who ignores the evidence right in front of him because he doesn’t wanna see something that goes against his narrative.

ok it shows all games i watched it a third time now.

and what does that actually mean?

you say he popped off but you see ~2mins of gameplay before the placements

you don’t even know if the player he bought the account from has played comp in the past…

i’m not the one ignoring evidence

and btw. i don’t call a quote from someone on the forum evidence, it’s just the same thing repeated over and over… that doesn’t make it true

i suggest you read this

it has sources and such

i even quote the relevant part for you:

New accounts

If a player has never played competitive, his initial competitive SR is around 2350 (38). For new players, MMR and SR are more volatile (35) and SR has been measured to approximately follow the formula: SR change = -3.85 * game + 99.34 (38) until about game 18. So even though everyone starts around 2350, after 18 matches, there is a wide variation in ratings. To fall to the depths of bronze, or climb the highs of top 500, requires significantly more games, however. That is, newer accounts tend to be artificially close to high gold.

there is also this post with a ton of research behind it Initial Competitive Skill Rating, Decrypted

and Jeff Kaplan himself stating that qp and comp have seperate MMR

but fine, ignore all that because a heavily edited video shows a quote from the forums and someone going 8-2 and placing in gold

I’ve taken the time to read the previous posts

I am aware that QP / Comp SR’s are different after you have placed, I was initially under the impression that your ranks-1-25 are essentially in place for the game to be able to assess your playing in that time, and then TRY to place you accordingly for your first ever placement.

I believe there are people who have placed in bronze, and placed in masters without ever being in the other ranks at all.

I’m pretty sure your SR splits, ONLY after comp becomes available after you have hit level 25, then any subsequent QP games affect QP only and your comp SR freezes until you go through the placements?

How do you plan to throw 10 games and still place silver? Bronze exists.

You are right, as low as possible really…

Rookie is an informal noun referring to A new recruit especially in the Army or police