Official OW2 key art released!

Still no new Brig look for OW2?


Idk why but it almost looks like it’s not done? Like there is some finish missing to the art.


What is this can you explain?

Brigitte entered recently in Overwatch (lore), I don’t see a reason for her to have a new outfit (even if it would be cool).


Thank you!


Possible. Brig doesn’t have her redesign so.

They did say “every” would be getting a redesign though. And I recall them mentioning she didn’t have hers on in Zero Hour because it wasn’t ready (Same with Mercy etc.)

Edit: Does make one question what the plan is with Echo though… It’d be weird for her to get a redesign considering she technically should be getting one.


remove this and put .jpg

lol broken format i hate twitter nvm it works on my google chrome but not firefox

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I love this art style!


For some reason i think she will make her armor more Crusader-alike while traveling with Rein. There was a reason she had her armor inspired by Ironclad before but now shes fighting on Reinhardts side.

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I’n going to say the newer heroes like Sigma and Baptise will keep their current designs as the Overwatch art style has evolved.

But the reason why the older heroes like Mercy and Rein get re-designs is because of a thing called design creep.

Where the older characters look noticably different or blander when compared to newer ones, mostly because the Art Style has had time to develop and change.

It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that heroes from say… Doomfist onwards wouldn’t be changed much, if at all.

There's a second opinion for you. -Doc
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I guess brig gona suffer from “i have no idea how to change her base look, lets leave it as it is i guess” what echo gona get also probably. :man_shrugging:


This art style will be used for promotions.

thanks it seems unfinished to me though it looks like some guy made it on mspaint


Seeing as Brig is one of the more recent heroes, I doubt they’ll change her design much, same with Echo, because why model and texture stuff that will invariably get replaced very soon.

Or even have replacement models and textures started work on as soon as they were completed.

There's a second opinion for you. -Doc
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As an artist its a style but i get how you can see it that way, the missing one layer of shading/shadow made it look unfinished.


Since the OW1 skins will be transferred to OW2 as well they have to make the new skins for both OW1 and 2. Or at least port it to the upgraded engine.

IIRC players of Overwatch Classic won’t get OW2 skins.

And as I am not a game designer, I am unsure od how accurate the comment of Making new skins/porting skins for the new engine is, for all I know, it being an upgraded engine, it could probably use the older skins and models just fine.

There's a second opinion for you. -Doc
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It depends on if the models will be more detailed or not. (What would be good for maps so Moira orbs dont bounce randomly into the sky)

It should be noted from a Lore Standpoint that Brigitte came in later on so she wouldn’t really need a redesign as she is post recall, though given Reinhardt’s beard, it’s possible some time has passed.

Genji, Mercy, Tracer, Winston, Mei and Reinhardt would need a new redesign as they were recalled.

Reaper, Soldier 76, Ana would likely not get a redesign unless they need a make over.

Some of them look the way they are now because that is how they look currently in the present time.

Jeff (or someone else on Blizzcon?) said every hero gets a redesign. And in one interview it was stated that Echo may not get one.