(Official) Overwatch 2 Beta Patch notes - MAY 5, 2022

To all my fellow support mains zen can hit two at once with the kick.


Zen has sparta kick XD

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I think support ones are good (except for Brig, depending on the situation it feels like a nerf)

And everything else feels just

It’s just not overwatch in the bad way, I feel like every DPS is just pew pew with perks instead of actual meaningful abilities

I dunno it grants her better peeling/supplement to tank

open que is going to be an absolute crap show though


Orisa isn’t really that powerful once you get her cds timing right.

Bap buff? This is how we win!

I like that ana nade nerf but shave 1 more second off that!

Soujourn doesn’t not need that rifle buff. In the hands of the strong that will be powerful.

nice 76 nerf! Needed!

Now buff winston ult

Look into doomfist’s synergy being off lol

Pretty nice changes hope to see more tbh.

Its not a bad patch. GREAT show of compensation for some too.


New headshot icon btw


Thank the mighty spaghetti lord for the soldier changes. Peeking or trying to rotate anywhere against a soldier was as bad as doing it against a widow or hanzo.


Just speculation but I dont think she is over performing. She has insane SELF defense potential but lacks any type of team defense.
Her ult is not really good either because most of the time they just dash with mobility out of the radius before the damage is deadly.
Her damage is not that strong outside of 10m.
The Javilin target has to hit a wall to get 100% effectiveness and is a skill shot.

Also she really struggles vs tanks like Zarya.

Maybe I am wrong tho.

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No Orisa nerfs is extremely questionable but I like the rest of this

fearing this is a “just learn to play around her lol” belief of the Dev team situation like the Moth meta.

Lore wise his melee combat is stronger that Genjis probably, no?

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I for one am glad for the Sojourn buff, I’m just an average hitscan player who doesn’t have total consistency on bodyshots, so it feels bad playing the character when I miss with the railgun. Missing doesn’t bother me as much with Soldier/Cass/etc because you don’t have so much riding on one shot that has to hit.

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Does Zen lure the Sombra that’s been farming him into melee range with cookies or something?

I don’t see how that change is going to help.

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Wasn’t soujourn supposed to be skill reliant ? So why buff her width ?

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Landing primary isn’t the problem, the pathetic amount of Railgun charge you get for landing it is the problem…

He floats cause his feet are too powerful :relieved:


What is a typical hitscan width?

I know the new Zen passive is interesting andall but, why is non one talking about Ball? We got his boop back.


What do you mean?
All they did was revert stealth to how it is in OW1

And Tracer already got a 17% damage nerf


I would be honestly surprised if we see much Orisa today. She is great with CDs but still has the classic Orisa problem of being very vulnerable when they are down which is a large window of time.

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