(Official) New experimental patch notes! (Massive changes!)

And they still wont give us a CC passive for tanks

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They forgot the Symmetra buff.


Seriously, she needs one more than half of the heroes in this set.


Im gonna be 100% honest. Im not ok with snap kicks current iteration. The fact that the boop isnt on cooldown. Does more damage than lucio boop AND boops almost as far. Is wayy to much.


My guess they will be porting over a lot of stuff to OW1, if anything purely for the novelty, but it also gives them somewhat decent testing data.

It also allows them to get past the shock and outrage of big changes ahead of time, so that it’s neutral when the beta comes around.

I.e. oMg WhY dId they buff Junkrat?11!

oh my…without her javelin or spear spin…i need to check out training room right quick

Well what do you think about this buff?

Please, NO. Why they buffing him, AGAIN

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Eh OW1 never had OWL balancing. Now it is more “yes bunkered down Bastion games are boring for the majority of players but meh who cares OW2 can have the fast paced fun”. Then there is also that Halt is going away so you might as well turn it up to 11 for the last hurrah.

Basically these are balance changes that do not care about balance or game quality but have a purpose in either giving some bad heroes a chance to be exist (or remind us why they dont) while the rest are likely getting people ready for OW2.

Everyone has to suffer the Zen kick and million meter Pharah boop…


did they just make orisa a dps at cost of barrier (since it lasts 4sec tops)?

I love the reeee this patch will cause. Ow1 is free from OWL balance. Let’s just have some fun.


Meh, after such a drought and the OW2 beta, this seems awfully boring to me.

Only a few heroes were changed, nothing really that wild. And with the event being over, zero motive to play.

aaaaand the card is gone. LOL

It’s nice to see they took the feedback requesting an experimental in OW1 seriously. Should help tide people until the next beta.

Hopefully this is a preview of a few of the changes coming in beta 2. Except Orisa changes. Those are crazy fun changes since she’s getting a full rework.


I think the theory behind that is get people ready to not deal with barrier (also killing double barrier by having it not last).

KE23B if you wanna just try out the changes


Why did they make the support that is supposed to be easily divable impossible to dive?

-weapon spread +halt radius is going to be ridiculously powerful i can already tell lol

That was fast.

and Moira is forgotten again