(Official) New experimental patch notes! (Massive changes!)

Because he isn’t op like the forums think.

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If only that beta didn’t pop up for 3 weeks and then disappear with no sign of when it would return.

Anyone else crashing after this update?

Honestly, this mid-point between OW1 and OW2 Orisa is something I could get behind.

It’s not the Orisa I wanted, but it’s an Orisa I think I’d be happy to settle with. Keeps her utility, keeps her ranged team-defenses, and keeps her supportive ultimate.

Well… the 12s cooldown looks painful, but I guess that’s why they call it an Experimental. I look forwards to trying it.


Nothing wrong with smoothing out the transition.

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i mean we’ll find out on the 16th. im guessing beta will be back early/mid july. not like that was going to be the only chance to try it

I mean the Halt is kind of broken with the version (very very broken) but I suspect that is the point.

A lot of people get the misconception that a lot of DPS heroes are “overpowered”, but I can put money on the fact that they are only complaining about those heroes while they are being damaged boosted through a medium such as Mercy or Ana. Heroes such as Cassidy and Echo aren’t actually overpowered at all, Echo is arguably overtuned slightly, but a Mercy pocket makes any DPS better by a large margin.

we havent needed it. i would prefer to keep the balancing as it is in OW1, so that OW2 can be its own unique thing

With how bad the last beta was for supports they definitely saving her changes for the next one. Unfortunately

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Nice for you guys. But I don’t play OW 1 anymore, just waiting for ow 2

Don’t give the devs anymore reason to abandon the live game (more than they already have lol)

I don’t know. Orisa released with that range on Halt, and she was far from a dominant pick. She was seeing consistent buffs until Sigma rolled along and synergized her into the ground.

But… I don’t see mention of them reverting Halt’s travel speed. THAT could definitely be a problem.

This allows him to start that combo from farther away.

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ilios well intensifies…


The patch notes mentioned Orisa and Sombra seeing the most experimental of the changes. They’re most likely to receive changes before live, if any…

you cant call it a live game at this point. any further changes or updates are just attempting to reanimate it’s corpse.

It was broken with that pull range then but she had so much else terrible about her that one amazing thing was not enough to make her viable though sometimes you did Orisa/Hog.

Bapt still broken and unchanged, Brig still broken, Mercy still semi-broken, Nano-boost on a main tank still semi-broken.

Support is weak :clown_face:

Cassidy is good whenever they have 2x flanker DPS comp, or Ball comp, or a greedy flanking Hog (vs the latter, he isn’t great, just acceptable), and basically a throw pick vs any other hero. He is a counterpick-only hero these days.

I have to be honest, I will even go as far as saying Cassidy after the big hitscan falloff nerf patch is 1 of the worst heroes in the game to 1 trick.

The game has so much spam and poke and so oppressive tanks that Cassidy is basically a counterpick-only hero, he is good any time they run 2x flanker or some form of Ball comp, and acceptably good vs a greedy, flanking Hog. He is garbage vs basically anything else.

Hitscan in general is starting to become an incredibly bad role, and very boring to play too, you do no damage and require perma pocket to survive the poke since you have to play far closer to the fray compared to projectiles who have no dmg falloff. I guess the devs listen to all the clowns in here typing "hitscan OP :clown_face: " after they roll into a Cassidy as Ana and get right clicked to death.

I would even be fine with hitscan being bad (as a hitscan main) IF at least the projectile heroes that are meta took any form of skill. But no, you have heroes like Phara or Symmetra running rampant on the ladder, what a joke of a game this has become, not rewarding to aim players in the slightest.

Sounds like a terrible patch. Just makes a lot of really annoying heroes more annoying.

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