(Official) Mccree's new name is Cole Cassidy

No her “full name” is Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe.

As in:
First name = Elizabeth
Middle name = Caledonia
Surname = Ashe

When someone sticks “Example” in here that’s literally quoting what nickname is applied to them but… Ashe isn’t shown to go by that nickname.

I don’t know where that “Calamity” came from but it’s not from the game and it’s not in the only video she’s seen in where she’s introduced.

I for one appreciate the nod to a wild west icon. No matter what name they choose if it’s a good cowboy name there was probably a real person in the wild west with that name because we rate how good a cowboy name is based on real cowboy names. Were you upset when his name was Jesse before the real McCree was outted as a sex abuser? Cause Jesse James was a real cowboy who killed real people too.

His name is literally CC. They just can’t help themselves. :rofl:

Seriously though, it’s a fine name. I’m sure we’ll all adjust quickly enough.

I hope in time we get back any art/voice assets that have currently been removed for rework.

But I thought the idea was to take his name away from ties to people in the real world who did bad things?.. I don’t see why they didn’t just go with Joel and give him some other last name. It was already set up.

Either way, it’s just a name. Can’t say that I care at all for his new name but at the same time, it’s been hinted that McCree wasn’t his name anyway, so it’s whatever.

mCCree loved his CC.

I guess Cole Cassidy can too.

McCree… Now Cole Cassidy
He is now CiCi.

:cowboy_hat_face: :nail_care: :rainbow: :star2:

This whole thing is so funny, rofl.

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Honest truth, I kind of like the new name. Not quite as cowboy-esque as Jesse McCree, but close enough it’s in the same vein. I can roll with it.

Granted he was an outlaw, a killer and a thief IRL so a bit odd to associate with that considering why they changed his name to begin with. But then again history doesn’t exist these days unless it happened on Twitter or TikTok.

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Damn I need something new to call McCheap mains

Could have named it after someone who wasn’t so notorious?

Like the gun youtuber Hickok45 named himself after Wild Bill Hickok, not after Jack McCall, the man who shot Wil Bill Hickok in the back of the head.

Because they specifically said it’s named after this specific person who had the specific name Jesse McCree.

When Ian Fleming says “I named James Bond after this bird-watcher who had literally the exact same name. James Bond.”

You don’t then conclude how “oh James Bond is after James Cagney”

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Sounds more like a girls name… not a bad girls name but still… why not something like John Holliday, they already reference Doc on him.

I actually like Cole more than Joel personally but McCloud more than Cassidy. Interestingly both McCloud and Cassidy are cowboy homages. Cassidy being the old west outlaw and McCloud being the fictional TV big city cowboy. For those who never heard of him, here’s McCloud, it was pure cheese I assure you but that’s nothing against Dennis Weaver.

Personally though, in regards to “Cole Cassidy” I feel like it’s an alright name. Totally fitting that his initials are “C.C.” lol. But maybe I’m biased. Best New Vegas companion.

I think it was gonna be impossible to find a name that pleased everybody.

Hey look, I know I can tell you why your opinion is wrong but at the end of the day you can’t help the way that you feel. But what I can say is that if somebody has a name you think is girly and is a badass more power to them I say.

Here’s a wacky idea. Why not call out… “Cole”?

You know the stupid thing is the whole reason McCree was probably named “Jesse McCree” in the first place was somebody thought the employee’s name sounded like a cowboy because of this old FMV game:

And McCree’s the bad guy in it. He kidnaps the Mayor’s daughter to have his way with her. I mean… I don’t know if that counts more as irony or foreshadowing, lol.

Wild Bill still killed people, you know that right?

So you believe murder that happened over 100 years ago in the Old West is worse than sexual harassment now. Strange hill to die on.

The current investigation?

Then why change it? Keep in mind, I think I know the answer to this, and it has something to do with your attitude and what you think of blizzard.

You think its a good change, right? That Blizzard did a good thing? It makes you like the company more?


I still think they could have went with DeadEye as a nickname. But i like it.

I really think the name was completely unnecessary. Still going to be MrCree for me.

Wait… i actually like this name change… Cole? That’s not bad

Cassidy is ok, but Cole… why???
Anyways, i will always call him jesse McCree

I’ll keep calling Cree in my games :man_shrugging:

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It will always be Mccree for me!

Should had kept the “Mc” or “Mcree” part of the name at least.
McCole Cassidy
Cole Mccree
Mccree Cassidy

all sound better than Cole Cassidy…